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Wii U Wishlist

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#521 Insanejawa


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Posted 31 March 2014 - 02:13 AM

New to the forums so forgive me if these have been mentioned already.


New Zelda game (Hyrule Warriors looks nice, but its another game with a Zelda skin)

If a Zelda remake: OoT with a nice graphics makeover, I think WW already looked good.

Metroid a: if a Prime type stick with GC controls or b: Other M type, but with open world with items found not told when you can use them with no Motion Contol/FPS hybrid.

Kid Icarus perhaps as some type of Open World with Ancient Greece setting


Punch Out

Since Nintendo appears tight with Sega: Skies of Arcadia

Maybe Rygar? I know it Tecmo but have a soft spot since it was my first NES game I bought.

#522 Scumbag



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Posted 22 April 2014 - 02:47 PM

I will leave out a 3d Mario and new Zelda since they have been all but confirmed.

Basing this on games I loved from Nintendo past that I would like brand new versions for Wii U.


A new:


Wave Race

Metroid Prime (obviously)

1080 Snowboarding

Luigi's Mansion 3

Pikmin 4

Monster Hunter 4 built from the ground up for Wii U

Resi 7 unique Wii U version

Viewtiful Joe

#523 Lafosse64



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Posted 30 June 2014 - 12:21 AM

Ok Ok let's see:

1) StarFox Wii U  (where Fox STAYS INSIDE THE ARWING/LANDMASTER, and maybe just ONE stage on foot)
2) New Metroid game in first person perspective with a Halo CE-like multiplayer mode.
3) New F-Zero with super mega graphics and super mushrooms/acid psychodellic tracks that will get you straight to the hospital
4) Whole brand new Nintendo-made mature/bloody first person shooter with massive multiplayer
5) If Nintendo can't do numer 4: Ask Sega to make The Conduit 3 with good graphics, better story, better AI and massive multiplayer
6) MMORPG Pokémon game exclusive for Wii U. Openworld where you start with one Pokémon and play throughout the game like in the portable versions but online so that you can see other trainers walking around and be able to ask for a duel in real time.
7) Get the annually CoD and PES entries every year to have at least those two basic multiplatforms and flip the bird to EA'S Battlefield and FIFA.
8) Get for Online download the first entries of games that Wii U just got since the sequels like Darksiders 1, Bayonetta 1, Mass Effect 1, 2, etc.
9) Get Gamecube best selling games on e-shop
10) Grand Theft Auto V for Wii U 

''GAMER SINCE 1990''

#524 Akazury


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 02:26 AM

Ok Ok let's see:
1) StarFox Wii U  (where Fox STAYS INSIDE THE ARWING/LANDMASTER, and maybe just ONE stage on foot)
2) New Metroid game in first person perspective with a Halo CE-like multiplayer mode.
3) New F-Zero with super mega graphics and super mushrooms/acid psychodellic tracks that will get you straight to the hospital
4) Whole brand new Nintendo-made mature/bloody first person shooter with massive multiplayer
5) If Nintendo can't do numer 4: Ask Sega to make The Conduit 3 with good graphics, better story, better AI and massive multiplayer
6) MMORPG Pokémon game exclusive for Wii U. Openworld where you start with one Pokémon and play throughout the game like in the portable versions but online so that you can see other trainers walking around and be able to ask for a duel in real time.
7) Get the annually CoD and PES entries every year to have at least those two basic multiplatforms and flip the bird to EA'S Battlefield and FIFA.
8) Get for Online download the first entries of games that Wii U just got since the sequels like Darksiders 1, Bayonetta 1, Mass Effect 1, 2, etc.
9) Get Gamecube best selling games on e-shop
10) Grand Theft Auto V for Wii U

I'd just like to point out that Starfox U is coming 2015, Metriod is always on Nintendo's back mind, an MMORPG Pokémon will never happen as Gamefreak doesn't want it, Bayo 2 comes with Bayo 1 and GC games will be coming to the VC it's only a matter of time.

Everything can change, but I'm never changing who I am

#525 catzhk


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 04:55 AM

sport resort with online play

#526 catzhk


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Posted 30 June 2014 - 04:55 AM

sport resort with online play

#527 Ben1985



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Posted 09 July 2014 - 02:49 AM

Anyone know if Mario Strikers is set to come out for the Wii U?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Games on wiiu, wiiu games, wiiugames, games, wiiu

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