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#481 Ashurii



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Posted 26 March 2013 - 07:10 PM


Seem's like it'd work great for Wii U too!

Sadly i don't think we'll ever see that happening,

Maybe for the next storm,If there is one ;w;



Apparently Storm 4 is being made but I have a feeling it won't be out till the series ends in like a year or so :)


I would not mind a DBZ game if we get one on it


I really want Crystal Bearers 2 on it badly! 


#482 Smertrius



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Posted 28 March 2013 - 06:50 AM

super smash bros 4


wii u fit


wii u sports


mario party 10


luigi u

they should make games like available to play on wii u console since they are nintendo games like


Mario Kart Arcade GP DX


Mario Kart Arcade GP 2

so i wont have go to the arcades to play them

#483 Penguin101


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Posted 30 March 2013 - 06:10 AM

Ideally I'd like Crapcom to announce  Pantha Rhei support and in the meantime while we're waiting give us these:


Resident Evil


- 720p 16:9 fullscreen version of Gamecube classic, enhancements include superior Anti Aliasing.

- 5.1 surround sound treatment

- Game and Game+

- Game features include innovative touch screen inventory, map files and investigating items and Off-TV mode

Game+ includes: Off-TV mode, Skippable door animations, Rookie Mode (Chris starts with a Rocket Launcher, Jill a Gatling Gun) unlimited kerosene, Touch Screen Inventory, Item Drop Mode, request items such as herbs, defence items, and ammo, anyone on more seasoned Resident Evil players can drop spare items into your item box, Extra Weapon - proximity mines can be placed on floors and walls adding extra strategy of mine placements.  Battle Mode, Wesker's Report - Play Wesker through certain scenarios throughout the game and help him escape the mansion alive. Extra costumes, unlock extra costumes such as Chris' BSAA costume and Karate Costume cut from the original gamecube game, Jill's BSAA costume and Black STARS outfit.


Resident Evil 0


- 720p 16:9 fullscreen version of Gamecube classic, enhancements include superior Anti Aliasing.

- 5.1 surround sound treatment

- Game and Game+

- Game features include innovative touch screen inventory, map files and investigating items and Off-TV mode 

Game+ includes: Off-TV mode, Skippable door animations, Touch Screen Inventory, Local Co-Op mode, Use the Pro Controller to Control Rebecca while a friend uses the gamepad screen to control Billy, Possible Drop in, drop out Online-Co-Op using Miiverse requests. addition of one tough zombie, invisible enemy mode. Wesker's Report 0 Play Wesker through certain scenarios throughout the game leading to his battle with Ivan. Extra costumes, unlock extra costumes including Billy's U.S Army costume, and Bunny Girl outfit for Rebecca.



For me these two games would sell me a Wii U anyway, but this and a promise of Pantha Rhei support would just be mind explodingly crazy

#484 Alcatraz



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Posted 01 April 2013 - 10:12 AM

What I would like to see more wii pad play . Only time I turn my tv on is to play ac3 I have not used my tv with my wii u since I got black ops 3 so let's turn it around for a sec I would like to see a NASCAR or F1 game that use up to 4 wii pads so me and my friends can race as the other people in the room watch the race overview on the Tv and get all exited waiting for there turn to get there hands on the wii pad !
And bring friends and family together. As others look at a split screen and wish they had a wii u . Nintendo this works both ways Tv can be back up for the pad although I like the tv to play some games it can be used as a tool for others to watch as we play on the wii pad

#485 Penguin101


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Posted 01 April 2013 - 12:23 PM

What I would like to see more wii pad play . Only time I turn my tv on is to play ac3 I have not used my tv with my wii u since I got black ops 3 so let's turn it around for a sec I would like to see a NASCAR or F1 game that use up to 4 wii pads so me and my friends can race as the other people in the room watch the race overview on the Tv and get all exited waiting for there turn to get there hands on the wii pad !
And bring friends and family together. As others look at a split screen and wish they had a wii u . Nintendo this works both ways Tv can be back up for the pad although I like the tv to play some games it can be used as a tool for others to watch as we play on the wii pad


The Wii U can only support 2 gamepads. So you'd have to have 2 gamepads and two pro controllers.

#486 Julio93


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Posted 04 April 2013 - 04:09 PM

What I would like to see more wii pad play . Only time I turn my tv on is to play ac3 I have not used my tv with my wii u since I got black ops 3 so let's turn it around for a sec I would like to see a NASCAR or F1 game that use up to 4 wii pads so me and my friends can race as the other people in the room watch the race overview on the Tv and get all exited waiting for there turn to get there hands on the wii pad !
And bring friends and family together. As others look at a split screen and wish they had a wii u . Nintendo this works both ways Tv can be back up for the pad although I like the tv to play some games it can be used as a tool for others to watch as we play on the wii pad


Um, i think they already demonstrated its potential with Nintendoland, its in good hands and i wonder what Platinum is doing with Bayonetta.



#487 Kyle1503



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:19 AM

I think that it would be great if Zenimax Online and Bethesda could get The Elder Scrolls Online on the Wii U! It would be a game that lots of Wii U owners would buy. Also the Gamepad would be a great addition to use as a map or inventory or quest managment!

#488 Half



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Posted 05 May 2013 - 03:08 AM

This is a long shot, but I'd love to see the next online Monster Hunter on the Wii U.
Also a port of Monster Hunter 4 would be nice.
(You could never tell I like Monster Hunter, nope)

Apart from that, I guess everything's covered, I'd like to see more RPGs on the horizon though, since I can only think of 1 that's coming to Wii U.


#489 elvisbeck



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Posted 08 May 2013 - 05:07 AM

I would like to see a Pokemon game like Black or White and a Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship game.
Hi, I'm Dave. If you wish to add me to your Wii U Friend List, my NNID is elvisdavebeck. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel: http://www.YouTube.com/user/elvisbeck., where I play Nintendo games and more.

#490 LaserSWE



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Posted 09 May 2013 - 10:47 PM

Tomb Raider: Directors Cut (Possibly developed by Straight Right)

Starfox Adventures U (HD Remake or Sequel, either way)

Metroid Prime 4 (Preferably being more of a FPA then a FPS, like the original)

The Legend of Zelda (Such as it was shown in the Wii U Tech Demo)

Two Worlds III (With Reality Pump developing Sacrilegium on the Wii U im also hoping for this)

Shadows of the Eternals (Funding seems to be failing. Hopefully Nintendo picks it up for a retail-Eternal Darkness 2 release)

Beyond Good and Evil 2 (With Ubi Montpellier taking a special interest in Wii U i would be hoping for this)

ZombiU 2 (Really enjoyed the original)

Super Mario 64-2 (I would like the next 3D-Mario to be set in Mushroom Kingdom)

Paper Mario RPG (A true sequel to The Thousand Year Door)

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles 3 (Preferably in the same style as The Crystal Bearers)

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (With the success of 3 Ultimate this seems likely)

The Evil Within (Shinji Mikamis new Survival Horror-game)

Wolfenstein: The New Order (Not much for Wolfenstein, but with the director of the Darkness this is interesting)

Saints Row 4 (Because it looks out of control)

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow II (Not a huge fan of the preducesor but just the thought of a new Castlevania on a Nintendo-platform makes me shiver)

Final Fantasy: Lightning Returns (Its FF XIII-2 with a touch of Majoras Mask! What can go wrong? Nothing!)

Killer is Dead - Its a Killer 7 / No More Heroes-mash up and belongs on a Nintendo platform

South Park: The Stick of Truth - With Ubisoft postphoning the game from "Spring" to "2013" I am hoping that there will be a Wii U version as well

The Walking Dead - The Telltale seasons

Deadpool - Activision has put all other multiplatform-games on the Wii U so far, why not this one?




Apart from that, I guess everything's covered, I'd like to see more RPGs on the horizon though, since I can only think of 1 that's coming to Wii U.


1) X (Monolith)

2) Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem (Atlus, Intelligent Systems)

3) Dragon Quest X (Square Enix)

4) Romance of the Three Kingdoms XII (Tecmo Koei)


There are also A LOT MORE coming regarding RPGs on the eShop

Edited by LaserSWE, 09 May 2013 - 10:53 PM.

#491 zaine10


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Posted 09 May 2013 - 11:24 PM

Zelda wii u, I'm a big fan of the series and cannot wait until to next installment and I'm looking forward to this one the most.

Jet force Gemini wii u, I really loved this game for 64, it was really good and got me hooked on to other franchises like ratchet and clank and jak and daxter.

Banjo kazooie, really good game and would like to see a return for the wii u.

Donkey kong wii u, but the one like donkey kong 64.

Gaulents legend, I loved this adventure game and would love to see another installment on the wii u.

Another tales of game for the wii u. I like this rpg game series and there are not that many good rpg games out there anymore.

#492 khakimoose



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Posted 16 May 2013 - 05:32 PM

Soul Blazer!!

#493 BrandedSwordsman



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Posted 25 May 2013 - 11:56 PM

StarTropics, Mach Rider, Ice Climbers, and Custom Robo

if they make F Zero you guys better buy it! GX was in the bargain bin forever

#494 Mewbot


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 12:39 AM

A free channel that lets you watch a certain TV show of Nintendo's choice (like the kirby one they did on the wii). I actually watched EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of that show and I LOVED. IT. TO. PIECES. Can you see how much I LOVED it?


                                 Wii U ID : R00bot

#495 Happy Monk

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Posted 26 May 2013 - 01:17 AM

Star Fox, a true sequel to Lylat Wars.

A new Kirby game, don't care what it's like, Kirby can get away with anything.


A true sequel to Dragonball Z Budokai Tenka'ichi 3 would be stellar.

Everything else is optional.

Bring the noise.

#496 Wolf


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Posted 02 June 2013 - 04:54 AM

A new Star Fox would be pretty cool but the only game I'm waiting for is an HD MarioKart title with decent online play. Tournaments, leagues, the works.

#497 Manny T. Starr

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Posted 02 June 2013 - 06:00 AM

- Star Fox with similar gameplay mechanics to Star Fox 64

- Animal Crossing that's NOT just a port of the previous handheld version. In this case; New Leaf.

#498 deanmo19



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Posted 11 June 2013 - 09:30 AM

What about "Endless Safari" (not to be confused with Endless Ocean) for Wii U? It can feature safari spots in the Northeast U.S. woods, the Northeast U.S. coast, the Northeast Atlantic ocean, the Central U.S. prairie, the Rocky Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Northwest U.S. coast, the Northwest Pacific ocean, the Southwest U.S. desert, the Southwest U.S. coast, the Southwest Pacific ocean, the Southeast U.S. swamp, the Southeast U.S. coast, the Everglades, the Southeast Atlantic oceans, the Canadian polar coast, the Canadian woods, the Arctic ocean, the Alaskan coast, the Mexican tropical forest, the Central American tropical forest, the Amazon rainforest, the South American coast, the Pampas, the Andes Mountains, the Amazon river, the Caribbean islands, the Caribbean coral reef, the Galapagos Islands, the North African desert, the Atlas mountains, the Central African rainforest, the East African savanna, the South African savanna, the South African coast, Madagascar, the Indian Ocean islands, the Middle Eastern desert, the Red Sea coral reef, the Indian Ocean coral reef, the European woodlands, the Alpine mountains, the Siberian forest, the Mongolian steppe, the Chinese bamboo forest, the Mekong River, the Himalayan Mountains, the Japanese forest, the Indian grasslands, the Indian desert, the Ganges River, the Southeast Asian rainforest, the Indo-Pacific coral reef, the Sea of China coral reef, the Sea of Japan coral reef, the New Guinea rainforest, the Australian scrublands, the Australian desert, the Australian estuary, the Tasmanian forest, the Murray river, the Australian Alps, the New Zealand forest, the Great Barrier Reef, the Solomon Islands forest, the Solomon Islands coast, the New Caledonian forest, the Fijian islands, the Hawaiian islands, the Hawaiian coral reef, the Antarctic desert, and the Antarctic ocean. It has over a thousand animals of hundreds of animal species to discover, including prehistoric and extinct animals (including woolly mammoths, saber-toothed cats, quaggas, dodos, ...).

Edited by deanmo19, 11 June 2013 - 01:15 PM.

#499 CrimsonDivine


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Posted 12 June 2013 - 10:34 AM

I hope Retro is secretly working on Metroid (Hides in a corner and crosses fingers).


#500 ccccombo



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Posted 14 June 2013 - 05:19 AM

My Wii U wishes:


- Installments of Dead or Alive and Soulcalibur

- a new Super Monkey Ball

- a good original arcade-style racing game (as opposed to F1, sim, or kart styles)

- Wii U Sports

- ??


I already got some of my wishes, like new Sonic and Donkey Kong games, taken care of. :D Not too many left.. Surprise me!

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