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Please tell me Wii U still has a chance against the PS4 and 720

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#1 Shadiwulf


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Posted 27 August 2012 - 04:37 PM

Recently a lot of developers are saying the Wii U is going to fail also recently the PS4 and Xbox 720's specs have been reveled to beyond that of the current gen as well as the Wii U please tell me that the Wii U's full specs havent been reveled yet and that theres a chance it can be on par with the 720 and PS4 Nintendo's my all time favorite developers as they doesn't try to ripoff their consumers please disprove my all my doubts i would hate to see them fail >__<

#2 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 04:40 PM


lol if anything wii u will be more powerful than the next xbox because that has to take into account the kinect 2, and ps4 will probably be the most powerful.

i wouldnt worry because wii u has 2010-2011 tech in it which is amazing, im guessing they got some deals on components.

next gen will be on par for the most part . where did u find this info that it will be weaker btw? because i havent seen any confirmed info.


#3 Colinx



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 04:45 PM

I actually hear the complete opposite. I hear most of the developers excited about the Wii U. Some are skeptical but its expected with a new console.


#4 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 04:49 PM

I'm not worried at all. There has always been a subtle power difference in every generation. The PS3 is by far the most powerful console of all time, and no where near the top of the best selling. Content is king my friend - with the Miiverse and robust 3rd party support the Wii U has potential to see Wii like numbers, and become one of the most revered Nintendo consoles since the SNES.
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#5 WisdomPowerCourage



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 04:50 PM

Don't trust everything you read on the internet.

#6 Shadiwulf


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Posted 27 August 2012 - 04:52 PM

I know alot of developers are excited for the wii u but Remendy confirmed that the specs for the PS4 and 790 are quote "A Quantum Leap" which has me extremly worried i mean the day Nintendo becomes a Third-party company is the day the gaming industry dies.

Edited by shadd21, 27 August 2012 - 04:54 PM.

#7 nintendo3DS


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Posted 27 August 2012 - 04:57 PM

Ehh, getting so tired of hearing these types of topics.

Most likely, like last gen, Sony&MS will focus on the power of their consoles. But that doesn't matter this gen because the Wii U has near real life graphics. Pretty sure you can't get better than that. So without a doubt Nintendo will dominate again with sales. Let's just hope that when the PS4&720 are revealed they don't copy Nintendo again! *cough*PSMoveandKinect*cough*

#8 Tricky Sonic

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 04:59 PM

I know alot of developers are excited for the wii u but Remendy confirmed that the specs for the PS4 and 790 are quote "A Quantum Leap" which has me extremly worried i mean the day Nintendo becomes a Third-party company is the day the gaming industry dies.

Trust me, as a die hard Sega child...I saw the apocalypse once and don't wish to see the last real gaming icon go the way of software only..but I doubt it will happen any time soon. Nintendo is just to big a brand and a mainstay in the gaming world. As for Remedy obviously they've seen things no one else has...I wouldn't take their word for it either. The next consoles won't be close to what we have on PC games and right now even that jump isn't a quantum leap.
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#9 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 05:09 PM

A one year head start says otherwise, guys.

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#10 starraters


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Posted 27 August 2012 - 05:13 PM

1. when were the specs released for 720 and ps4
2. power doesn't matter as long as there somewhat near each other
3. reasoning for #2 is that devs want to develop for the easiest console to program for, then they will port to other consoles like how this generation even though the xbox was less powerful than the ps3 it was easier to program for and since the wii u is going to be out already devs will already have some hands on experience and will want to program for wii u, like how xbox proggramed for and ps3 got the ports and the wii rarley got anything
4. I am predicting that the wii u will be the xbox 360 of this gen but with better sales

#11 Shadiwulf


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Posted 27 August 2012 - 05:22 PM

^ to answer question #1 here you go http://www.computera...a-quantum-leap/

#12 ninetailschris



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 05:32 PM

"We are working as usual, first with a relatively small team on a next-generation project. One wonders, yes always is: Can the new consoles really be that much better than the previous Rest assured: it's you, it is a quantum leap."

Where does it say anything about xbox and ps4 only?

Check and mate.

Edited by ninetailschris, 27 August 2012 - 05:33 PM.

#13 Wonder Blue

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 05:46 PM

"Wii U still has a chance against the PS4 and 720"...done!


#14 The Lonely Koopa

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 05:55 PM

Yes the wiiu Still has a chance. I believe the wiiu will be much better off compared to the wii in games being next gen This is not to say I think we will have a small leap in graphics in fact I feel we will have a large leap in graphics even if it may take 1 to 2 years for it to become noticeable to the non tech savvy gamer.

Texture wise from what we know I say it will be much better on the texturing front than the abysmal texturing on 360/ps3 games.

Polygon count for the most part a almost zero issue considering how low polygon models were this generation which is why normally people prefer low polygon models mapped with the high polygon texture and while we will certainly have higher polygon models next gen (I hope so) I see given what we know that not to be a problem.

Tessellation now this one is a factor that could become a limiting factor to the wiiu as we don't know how well it can do tessellation now don't get me wrong they are some really old graphics cards that can do a form of tessellation so it can do it and we have even seen the 360 use tessellation. Now I feel this will come down to the API Nintendo uses /makes and how modern it feature set will be to next gen .

Physics : We know the wiiu has a better cpu than the ps3 and 360 now be it clocked a bit lower it still more powerful and thus I feel it should be able to handle physics quite well not to mention the deal Nintendo with Havok.

Lighting : Now this we don't know much about its true the Zelda demo 2 years ago had some nice lighting effects but how it holds up to modern lighting used high end with the Cryengine 3 and Unreal 4 I am unsure.

Most other things such as Particles seen in Unreal Engine 4 can be easily scaled as well as other features and pretty much any graphic feature seen in Last gen(360 and ps3) will be possible to do on wiiu (which was not true with the wii).

Really I see no reason why the wiiu will have a hard time next gen .

Edited by The Lonely Koopa, 27 August 2012 - 05:59 PM.

#15 Alianjaro



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 05:59 PM

Recently a lot of developers are saying the Wii U is going to fail also recently the PS4 and Xbox 720's specs have been reveled to beyond that of the current gen as well as the Wii U please tell me that the Wii U's full specs havent been reveled yet and that theres a chance it can be on par with the 720 and PS4 Nintendo's my all time favorite developers as they doesn't try to ripoff their consumers please disprove my all my doubts i would hate to see them fail >__<

Boy, never look at these Nintendoomed hater blogs. These are totally bogus, and fake, and stupid, and dumb. We don't know anything about other next gens. These are fake informations that you have about confirmed specs since they didn't even start thinking about their next console. I know that fealing of fear to see Nintendo being destroyed cuz you read some fake hater shi...lamdi. And the Wii U will have the 360 effect. PS3 was better, but 360 was released before, so more people had it, making people buy the most popular one. Don't worry :)
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#16 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 06:01 PM

it has a very good chance of winning next gen. if you really look at just what has been announced so far... this console has everything "U" could want. yes it is a fitting name. day one purchase and cant wait to see the faces of those who claim nintendo is doomed.

Edited by TRON, 27 August 2012 - 06:01 PM.

#17 Nintendo_Dragon


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Posted 27 August 2012 - 10:38 PM

PS4....Might not even be one. If you dont know Sony's situation I will just say in 2 years time they could be completly erased of the planet. No Sony = No PS4.

As for the 720.....Why would anyone buy it next holiday season? There wont be a main game at launch that gets people to get it. No Halo 5 or Gears game. So Wii U will dominate from Launch till 2-3 years at least.

#18 Keviin



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Posted 27 August 2012 - 11:46 PM

Xbox has to deal with Kinect, Wii U with the pad and Sony said they won't make an overexpensive console, so no need to worry about huge gaps.
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#19 3Dude



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Posted 28 August 2012 - 02:01 AM

^ to answer question #1 here you go http://www.computera...a-quantum-leap/

Lol, a quantum leap is the smallest amount of movement physically possible.

wtf? lol.



#20 AndyG


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Posted 28 August 2012 - 02:22 AM

I don't think all Xbox 8 games will feature 100% support for kinect 2.0, i haven't researched much about the Xbox8 but it seems like the kinect 2.0 isn't going to really change how gamers want to play. Most will probably stick to the traditional controller, but what do i know.
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