For your entertainment:
EDIT from Cerb:
On Tuesday, I'm taping a show dedicated to how GAFfers are (mostly) smart and are (mostly) assholes. It should be fun.
Yes, I always wonder what will set GAF off, and this was truly an innocent comment. To be honest with you, I have no idea how many frames per second the human eye can process, am pretty sure it's more than 60 fps, since we can all see the difference between 30 and 60, but I have no clue if we can see more than 120 fps, or if we can even see that. I was merely explaining to Cliff Edwards that four times the processing power would make the machine capable of rendering at that speed. I have no idea what the games will look like, which features they will incorporate, but my guess is that the specs will be sufficiently powerful that developers won't be particularly constrained from getting the look and feel that they desire. As one commenter pointed out, PC games have once again moved past console games, and each new generation of consoles allows the consoles to partially catch up.
Edited by Dragon, 07 February 2013 - 02:39 PM.