Member Since 25 Jun 2011Offline Last Active Apr 21 2021 01:44 AM
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Let's slap metroid's dying name on a dodgeball, this will satisfy our fans.

meh internet. Hey look neglectful parents with child with a form of asp or autism go online with no supervision and hinders his growth with his problems only makes them worse as faceless people offer scrutiny towards him and makes his issues worse. Kids or people with those mental problems can't stay away from the faceless people who despise and mock him like someone at a freak show in the 1800s. I feel bad for him
Jan 31 2015 10:59 PM -
See this is why kids shouldn't make youtube videos XD
I've had youtube since 2010 or so and haven't made a single video, I just subscribe to people and watch their content and comment on videos :P
Feb 01 2015 07:38 AM

The MH4U vs MM3D New 3DS models is the hardest decision i've ever made.

I have already pre-ordered majoras mask so I went for the mh bundle. Will the mh bundle have a download code or a physical copy of the game?
Jan 14 2015 08:56 AM -
Bill Cipher
It's a digital copy. Nintendo's moved to digital copies in bundles as it helps promote the eShop, takes less resources to produce, and other various reasons IIRC.
Jan 14 2015 09:47 AM -

Going to be a little late on my SS, hope it'll be worth the wait though.

Wow one of my Miiverse friends yeahed that. The internet isn't as large as I thought it was.
Dec 14 2014 05:07 AM

Anyone with a PS4, download Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare right now. It's free until tomorrow (Keep it forever, though) and it's a ton of fun.

Yeah really, EA's finally gained back some trust.
Free Need for Speed: Most Wanted and Mirror's Edge as well.
Dec 06 2014 05:09 PM -
EA gainng back trust and Ubisoft losing all theirs... what a year.
Dec 06 2014 08:42 PM