Auzzie Wingman
Member Since 05 Jul 2011Offline Last Active Feb 11 2018 05:32 PM
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Auzzie Wingman
Maybe I should've taken that moderator job all those years back and abused the rainbow out of all of you. Ah well.

is there actually a problem here? i cannot honestly tell what is a joke and what isn't without the context.
I've been too busy with work, school, and a bad reaction to meds to spend much time here.
Mar 18 2016 06:55 PM -
Auzzie Wingman
No not really. I saw Mig upload a video a week ago for the first time in a year and started lurking some old places.
We are all joking, of course.
Mar 18 2016 08:57 PM -

Auzzie Wingman
I've put the ACIV soundtrack into my disc drive, and listened to all the pirate songs, but right now it's showing the AC Revelations soundtrack as well. What?

Auzzie Wingman
So I need my Tecmo Koei warrior game fixes. April couldn't come soon enough.

Auzzie Wingman
So I need my Tecmo Koei warrior game fixes. April couldn't come soon enough.

Auzzie Wingman
OOH OOH OOH Here I was thinking Child of Light would be download only and I see a Deluxe Edition running on EB OOH OOH OOH HYYYYYYYPE!

Hank Hill
We got something kinda like that for Terraria in the US. Was rather expensive for what it actually included though. Base game was $15, the CE was $40, had a 2GB flash drive, 3 stickers and a small poster. Seemed a bit much to me. :S
Mar 13 2014 06:48 AM -
Hank Hill
Actually, nevermind. It came with a physical game disc, so there's that. :O
Mar 13 2014 06:50 AM