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Auzzie Wingman
Member Since 05 Jul 2011Offline Last Active Feb 11 2018 05:32 PM
About Me
Hey everyone!
My name is Auzzie Wingman.
As with many of you, I like to play video games. I also do enjoy my time spent around various forums. I have access to a Wii U, a PSVita, a PS3 and a PS4, and of course a PC. I wouldn't say I'm a PC Gamer though, minus the odd game of League of Legends or Runescape.
I am a pretty likeable guy, although I shouldn't be saying that for myself. Generally speaking, I'm all about making sure quality and friendliness is maintained here on the Wii U Forum. I literally act like a Wingman, not just in name. I don't fly planes though, not outside of games.
A long time ago, we had a Guide system on this forum, where certain individuals were tasked with making a user's transition into the forum a good one. It was a little premature for it's time, and so they've long since been disbanded. I still wish to carry out this role, so if you feel you are being treated unfairly, come talk to me however you like and I'll help you, I promise.
--- Contact Information ---
Gmail: auzziewingman@gmail.com
C3 Chat: Auzzie Wingman
Mumble: Auzzie
Skype: auzziewingman
NNID: AuzzieWingman
PSN: AuzzieWingman
You'll also find me on some other forums as well:
3DS Forums: http://3dsforums.com...e-wingman-6438/
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--- Review and Discussion Topic List ---
Check these topics out if you want. Pretty old and more or less done to make people post about something else.
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 2: http://thewiiu.com/t...-mercenaries-2/
Final Fantasy: http://thewiiu.com/t...al/#entry190317
Here's the Wii U oriented list.
Nintendo Land: http://thewiiu.com/t...-nintendo-land/
Community Stats
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- Active Posts 4,346
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- Member Title Mournblade
- Age 33 years old
- Birthday October 11, 1991
Not enough space here
#303989 Sony to compensate Vita owners for misleading advertisement
Posted by Auzzie Wingman
on 26 November 2014 - 07:23 PM
#303292 Post what would happen if the person above you was admin
Posted by Auzzie Wingman
on 18 November 2014 - 11:06 AM
#302568 Rare working on a "Uniquely Rare game, as it should be"
Posted by Auzzie Wingman
on 11 November 2014 - 04:30 PM
#302554 Porhorse's Top 20 Games of All Time
Posted by Auzzie Wingman
on 11 November 2014 - 03:47 PM
Because the topic is Potato's Top 20, and the question is what do you think about Potato's Top 20. Otherwise you could've necro'd 500 other threads.
20) Sin and Punishment 2: Star Successor/Successor to the Skies
Nope nope, screw furry railshooters. Jetpacks, Hoverboards, and giant robot chickens trying to kill you with fire is where it is at. People turn into monsters, your dad is a monster, but you turn into a holy knight yeah baby. And the fight scene with Deko just oozes Isa for Smash Bros.
19) Metroid Prime
Nope nope. Screwattack them ammo counts. Wave lasers all dayzers. I seriously don't think any of the Metroid games ever touched the mysterious feel of ancient civilisations than this one did. Heck, probably did it better than any Zelda. Ugh, might as well change that to Metroid Prime Trilogy though.
19) Metroid Prime Trilogy
18) Chrono Trigger
Bestest SNES RPG. No, not DS. Don't fool yourselves.
17) Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Gamecube)
Because 2 Players that gotta go fast is better than one.
16) Mega Man X4
Best Mega Man X undisputed. Best music goes to Maverick Rising though.
15) The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)
Best Zelda because you can animorph. Wii because you can swords.
14) Final Fantasy Tactics
Game is hard to start with, especially if you keep doing the first level with just Ramza and Delita before figuring out that you can add more units to the field (shut up), but becomes really fun with a Ninja rape party.
Ninja Rape Party.
13) Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
From worst MMO to best MMO sans Runescape. Please accept this before I change it.
13) Runescape
I hate you guys.
12) Earthworm Jim
By far my favourite punish on the Megadrive. It was either going to be this or Super Star Wars. SSW can take a pencil up the arse.
11) Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap
And at this point you can't tell if this is a legit list or not, because everyone knows I don't **** around with Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap.
10) Call of Duty 4: Black Ops II
I'm like, the best on Wii U.
9) Natural Doctrine
No seriously, go play this if you like crazy arse mechanics in SRPGs, it's dungeon crawling, shooter SRPG and melee SRPG in one and jesus Christ it makes you self punish so hard so fast. I didn't cry, honest. One mistake can shoot your morale to the bottom of a bottomless pit.
8) Aliens Isolation
I want to play this with a Wii Vitality Sensor and have Iwata tell me to stop playing because I'm going to die in real life.
7) Tomba 2: The Evil Swine Return
Best PSOne platformer. Will also take Croc 2 as an acceptable answer.
6) Kingdom Hearts II
Wait, I can do better than that.
6) Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD Remix
5) Darksiders
4) Super Mario Galaxy
The only Mario that is truly enchanting. Honest opinion.
3) Banjo Kazooie
Because I really don't like Donkey Kong 64. Sorry, I just don't.
2) Super Smash Bros. Brawl
RIP Wolf Main. I pray day and night that you DLC.
1) Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate
Troll list complete.
- Elric likes this
#302403 Miyamoto says they focused too much on two screens
Posted by Auzzie Wingman
on 10 November 2014 - 04:43 AM
It was never a singular reason. A few examples include:
* The Brand: They connected the new console with their previous one, notorious for being littered with casual and hopeless titles and with occasional gems that never get brought to the table, and for the most part the association of good games goes towards Nintendo titles. They carried the reputation that the predecessor received to the next console, a reputation that Nintendo was probably and eventually criticised the most for at the end of the console generation. Had the name been different for the Wii U, it may have not been as initially bad in terms of launch.
* The Marketing: It's hard to believe the console felt it was geared towards capturing the 'lost' audience when, rather than being shown images of badassery in Zelda, F Zero and Metroid, they give us coloured squares with a really dodgy looking singing app and a Lego game. Now, I can vouch for the Lego game being cool, but your general audience will not. They focused too much on creating a showcase for the Wii U's capabilities instead of it's capacity, and it left many to wonder if it was worth it. Generally speaking, the marketing campaign was too safe and uninviting to make your average gamer want a purchase.
* The Games: The games might be here now, but they weren't to begin with, at least the games to buy a Wii U for. You could say Super Mario Bros. U, you could say Nintendo Land but there is no denying they are lost on the majority of people, people who are currently enjoying the likes of Wind Waker HD, Mario Kart 8 and Bayonetta 2. The lineup is also riddled with delays, like the infamous Ubisoft games Rayman Legends and Watch Dogs, and Pikmin 3, which to be honest, the major consumer doesn't care for in the first place. The Wonderful 101 was really good, but people don't even know it exists. The point is, the games rolled in AFTER people treated the console with terminal illness.
* The Support: Third Parties are both blame and victim for their results with the Wii U. Blame because of half assery in many regards, victim because things didn't pay off. As a result, you have indies and exclusives trying to fulfil the void of relevance, but that seriously won't carry the console. More over, gamers are far too attached to award hunting and DLC that it affects how people perceive what the most fulfilling version of a title quite a fair bit. Then you have things like Nuketown 2025 coming a to a game 2 years later which really does affect opinion.
I don't think Miyamoto is wrong about having too much focus on two screens. While the idea is a nice change, it doesn't create a consistent environment. There was a ridiculously good amount of it creating an even more immersive environment for the gamer, but effectively does quite the opposite after prolonged play. People complained that the Gamepad had to be used for certain games in conjunction with the TV, and that there was no option to change that focus to a single screen. The problem is the constant head switching, an ergonomic issue.
As for NFC, people have already seen the gimmick with Skylanders and Disney Infinity. It's essentially a money grab to most people who would buy them in the first place: parents. Extra focus on this wouldn't have exactly brought greater success to the Wii U.
Honestly, I don't know how powerful Nintendo's course of action will be after the initial burst of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. Games like Yoshi's Woolly World, Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei and Xenoblade Chronicles X will probably do a lot less than I would hope they would. The only thing I can see is Zelda U.
Keep in mind when I say all this, I'm thinking of the general consumer, the kind that doesn't actively research the industry, which I would believe to still be the majority of consumers. We also have to look forward to a juncture in the near future about human responsibility with regards to how in the loop people are becoming. That's gonna impact consumerism.
- BrosBeforeGardenTools likes this
#302362 Why games make me sad...
Posted by Auzzie Wingman
on 09 November 2014 - 11:27 AM
#302125 Skype
Posted by Auzzie Wingman
on 06 November 2014 - 03:39 PM
- Chaotix likes this
#302071 Skype
Posted by Auzzie Wingman
on 05 November 2014 - 11:36 PM
#301994 Porridge Stories
Posted by Auzzie Wingman
on 05 November 2014 - 11:26 AM
#301929 3Dude: The Movie
Posted by Auzzie Wingman
on 05 November 2014 - 01:16 AM
#301928 Looking at the whole Saturn thing again...
Posted by Auzzie Wingman
on 05 November 2014 - 01:00 AM
How you managed that opening post without ever saying CAPU once is beyond me.
- Kardibask, Chaotix, BrosBeforeGardenTools and 1 other like this
#296089 Ubisoft wants you as a 200$ customer
Posted by Auzzie Wingman
on 17 August 2014 - 02:37 AM
- Gimbal likes this
#294072 Your top 3 games needing a Sequel
Posted by Auzzie Wingman
on 23 July 2014 - 10:16 PM
Brigandine A very nice Atlus SRPG which used hexagons as opposed to squares. It wasn't episodic like other games of its type. You chose one of 5 nations (6 if you wanted to play the bad guys and knew the cheat code [bring back cheat codes instead of unlockable toggles<brb making hashtag>]) , and was presented with a world overlay with castles. Each castle represented a battlefield, and you'd move leader units and the monsters they had to the frontline castles to either takeover adjoining castles or defend from attacks. The difficulty also determined how many days you had to takeover all the castles in the continent or a giant snake (hurr) would devour the world. I had it PSOne, but I think it was also on another console (Megadrive I think).
Well, while I'm at it, another PSone game, Tomba. In ways I could compare them to Kirby. The first game I think was much like your typical Kirby game, with level by level progression. The second game however was a massive improvement, almost RPGish in nature for a 2D platformer. It kind of reminds me of Amazing Mirror in progression, but to be honest it was like a better, open world version of Kirby 64 (don't hate, it's an opinion). There was a ridiculous quest list that I don't even remember beating. My only problem with this game, is that it's not only the sad reminder that Sony will never make these kinds of colourful polygonal games that were actually nice to play, but that Tomba was a way better fit than half the cast selected for PSASBR.
- Raiden likes this
#292473 Comcept asking for more funding for Mighty No. 9 (not related to the cartoon)
Posted by Auzzie Wingman
on 06 July 2014 - 05:48 PM
- Portal likes this
#291828 Fatalities are the reason a MK vs SF has never happened
Posted by Auzzie Wingman
on 28 June 2014 - 03:57 PM
- Kardibask likes this
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