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Member Since 04 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 14 2024 11:56 AM

#308421 Get your hopes up about Zelda Wii U and Xenoblade X, but not too much (imo)

Posted by Big Boss on 07 February 2015 - 01:31 PM


#307796 SMTXFE is listed as...

Posted by Raiden on 28 January 2015 - 09:05 PM








TBD still. So it's still in development it seems. Good news. People like me and others worried it's cancelled can rest easy a few more months lol

#305408 Incoming Devil May Cry Remasters No One Wanted!

Posted by Abcdude on 15 December 2014 - 04:21 PM

Oh come on, I swear to god i'm the only one on the planet who loved DmC.

#303540 Swap WWHD Club Nitendo PIN for another PIN woth 60 points?

Posted by Tsuchinoko on 20 November 2014 - 02:37 PM

Alright sure that's cool, at least you both can benefit from my not caring about Club Nintendo. 


Oh and nice new avatar Mourn. 

#302114 I've been trolling...

Posted by Big Boss on 06 November 2014 - 01:56 PM

Also possible you're just using this as an excuse to cover up your behavior.

#302111 I've been trolling...

Posted by Bill Cipher on 06 November 2014 - 01:33 PM

For someone who claims to be intelligent(IQ160), you'd think you'd have realized that this was a piss poor attempt at trolling that most weren't finding amusing, that maybe you should have something to show on a kick starter before making one, especially when it's coming from a guy who had to ask if his PC was a good build, that you sold off a console only to rebuy it less then a year later, etc. Doesn't exactly make you sound very intelligent, does it?

But hey, that's none of my business.

#302093 I've been trolling...

Posted by Scumbag on 06 November 2014 - 09:25 AM

These stupid threads are pointless and are getting old. Seriously if you don't have something worthwhile to say then don't say it.

#294738 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by Waller on 01 August 2014 - 10:29 AM

#293989 Why are so many people disappointed with Obama's presidency?

Posted by 3Dude on 22 July 2014 - 06:39 PM

The second time he was vsin that 1 rich guy, it was an easy win for Obama.
But the first time, the 2 main people who were advertised to be president over and over was the woman and the black guy. BECAUSE they were a woman and a black guy. He stood out above the rest simply because of that character trait thus he won because people wanted the first black guy as president. All of the equalists voted for him. The people you say who voted against him for that reason were a very minor portion of the country.

Dont go down this road.

Yes, there were some people who voted for Obama because he was black. But to try amd push that the vast majority voted for him only because he was black is an incredible, unprovable stretch.

Plenty of people voted for Kennedy because he was young and handsome.... Which was always put first and center in his fantastic and charismatic Campiagn.... WHich was funded by the mafia... That doesnt mean EVERYBODY voted for him because of his looks.

Obama had an INCREDIBLY Charismatic campaign, particularly compared to his oppositions incredibly underwhelming campaign, Obama was made the far, far more attractive candidate with a just plain better campaign, with catchy slogans and symbolism. Its what every campaign tries to do. His just did it extroadinarily well, while his competition fell flat.

Personally, I think Colin Powell would have made an Amazing president, and a far better lasting impression as the first African Amaerican president.

#293858 Gaza fighting's latest toll: 60 Palestinians, 13 Israeli soldiers dead

Posted by Socalmuscle on 21 July 2014 - 03:29 PM

Arabs need to stop attacking Israel. Especially using schools parks and mosques as staging grounds.

Israel is perhaps the most thoughtful nation ever in defending itself. Even dropping pamphlets to let residents know to evacuate. Who does that? Who let's civilians in ene,y territory know where the next stroke is? Israel does.

And then you have the cowards already living in land Israel GAVE them firing explosive weapons every month. That's a nice thank you. Lol

Wars are fought over land. The Arabs hate the Jews nut are afraid to fight them head on. So their tactics are to constantly terrorize and attack and murder innocent civilians including women and children. On purpose. These are their targets. Not collateral damage. Targets.

And recently, it came out that Hamas leaders were telling civilians to remin in known Israeli strike zones. On purpose. But you won't find the stinking Hamas leader there... These are filthy terrorists. And somehow they get sympathy. They play their own people.

Israel does their best to minimize tragedy but they can't be expected to just sit there and take it. No country would. Yet there's always a double standard with Israel.

If I was a citizen of Israel, I'd be grateful my country was protecting me and my children.

Actually watch some fool on YouTube mad at Israel for overreacting (like you can do that when your land is being besieged and your people murdered). Idiot actually called what Hamas is doing the equivalent of "kicking someone in the balls" while making Israel out to be shooting the person. I'm sorry, but murdering children isn't the equivalent of "kicking someone in the balls" it's the worst mind of terror. And it's been happening for decades. We only hear when Israel does something. The reality is that they deal with this a lot.

Any time Israel defends itself, you'll see the same old story played out ad nauseum.

Muslim opposition appearing on tv, internet, radio, and print, crying, acting sad like victims, pictures of dead children in arm, and acting like they did nothing wrong. Somehow mean ol Israel just felt like beating them up. Seriously. I thought tactics would change by now. But it's the same old broken record. And the media eats it up.

There is one way. One way to stop this. Have Palestinian leadership crack down on the terrorist attack against Israel. Instead they condone, support, and LEAD THESE ATTACKS.

It's not Israel who is at fault. If they were, they'd be the instigators. They are fighting, because they have no choice. The attacks don't stop. And they doesn't want to just let the criminals continue to destroy lives.

If someone broke I to my house to hurt my family, they'd die. If some guy slapped by wife or kid, I'd knock his teeth out. I'm not going to let some guy randomly decide to slap my family around on various days of the month whenever he feels like it. My wife and kid coming crying to me every day, bruised and crying. If the guy won't stop, I'll MAKE him stop.

And if some guy actually murdered my wife or child... Well you get the picture.

Here's what the criminals need to understand: you want to keep you teeth, keep yo hands to yourself. Hopefully the land squatters known as Palestinians get the message. But as history has shown, they'll just regroup and go back to cowardly terrorizing innocent women and children and murdering who they can.

Now if Mexico were to start rocketing San Diego every week, we'd all be ok with that right? Mean ol' USA striking rocket stations in Mexico... Riiiight.

#293142 Guys look at this! (Smash-related)

Posted by Kardibask on 13 July 2014 - 11:34 PM

Everybody loves Rayman

#293160 is it bad to not like your own country

Posted by 3Dude on 14 July 2014 - 08:17 AM

I lived in the US the first many years of my life then lived in Denmark for 3.5yrs followed by Austria for 2.5 yrs.  I really appreciate the fact the European countries embrace their culture and quality of life.  Moving back to the US has been a challenge as their are so many negative groups in our society.  The divide between left and right has become so bad.  I will say the biggest reason I may leave this country again, in hand with my European wife, is the violence in this country.  The tolerance for it is beyond stupid.  Yes there is violence every, but countries I lived in were no where near this level.

The United States is a very large country, and contrary to popular erroneous beliefs demonstrated with oft frequency here, is actually divided into a large number of seperate territories called 'States'. Many of which THEMSELVES are larger than several european countries combined.

Referring to the entire US with sweeping generalizations is naive, foolish and erroneous, As things like violence vary incredibly widely on a state by state basis, with many states actually having considerably less crime and violence than european countries.

In fact, Canadas crime rate per 100,000 people is actually twice as high as the United States. Hooray for stabbings.

As much as I enjoy seeing yet another cringeworthy concrete example of the Dunning-Kruger in full force, its time to put the rampant misinformation to bed with a dose of reality.

Unfortunately for narrative pushers, the US missed getting in on this list, coming short with 466 incidents per 100,000 citizens.

Australia is at a peaceful 92. But people die on the side of the road when their car breaks down... desperately trying to drink coolant to last long enough for rescue services... And games prices are robbery!!

#292966 is it bad to not like your own country

Posted by Gruff on 11 July 2014 - 11:23 PM

You could live in North Korea where there is many people starving or Iraq where there is excessive violence. Or how about a country in Africa? Your expectations for a country are to high if you complain this country when really it's not all that bad. I live in the US and I appreciate that I can play whatever I want or say what I want. I like that we have a developed society with plenty of food and decent enough medical. I'm no patriot but I don't disrespect where I live. I look at what life I could have, and it makes me appreciate what I do have. And beside that, what experience do you have? According to your profile you're 14 years old. Why don't you become an adult before you decide where you're going to live and try experiencing being an adult first. And stop listening to what the internet and news say. People really shouldn't be complaining, because no matter what country you go to, there will always be a problem with it in some way, since no country can be perfect.

#287175 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by Raiden on 29 May 2014 - 10:08 PM


#281554 Casual marijuana use causes brain abnormalities in the young

Posted by Hunter on 16 April 2014 - 11:34 AM

which is in contrast to several other studies done with weed over the years.


Every article I have read on this claims that there is insufficient evidence to prove any serious long-term effects. Either that or it says things like "increases the risk" psychosis, alzheimers etc. But by how much? Eating fatty foods increases your risk of heart disease, drinking alcohol increases your risk of liver failure, artificial sweeteners increase your risk of cancer (although if you have sugar instead that can also cause cancer/make you fat and in turn cause heart disease etc.). 


Are we really supposed to stay away from all these things just because they might "increase our risk" of getting a disease by an unknown amount? As long as you don't go overboard and have too much of any of them then you should be fine. 


That's my thoughts on the matter anyway.

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