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Member Since 22 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2013 07:45 AM

#236166 Nintendo, cut your loses, give us a WiiU+ !

Posted by djlewe78 on 31 July 2013 - 08:43 AM

Lets cut the crap, lets stop tip toeing around this issue, its the million dollar question for any nintendo or just tech/gadget fan,
"At E3 next year, what if, Nintendo announce a new wiiu+ console, a new upgraded machine that competes with the more powerful new breed of consoles, that no developer can criticize.
Would you forgive nintendo and buy one?
EVEN THOUGH, you bought a wii u?"
Its a tough one guys n gals.
Oh and if you think this post is stupid or hating or whatever, dont reply, its a would you or wouldn't you question .

#236147 According to GameInformer, Batman AO for Wii U will not have Online Multplayer

Posted by djlewe78 on 31 July 2013 - 07:05 AM

I just heard that to, i think its expensive to run the servers needed to offer the multiplayer option and they feel theres not enough people yet who own wii u's and buy the game and play it regularly. I do understand why they've done it and it sucks, but wii u is kind of seen as the more family friendly console so of the 3 million sold or whatever, a large percentage of owners probably only play mini games n mario kart when there friends are over.
Then you have the gamer thats nintendo loyal but wants more action games n big titles like the other consoles have (like me).
But i think we are a minority.

#208459 Why didnt Nintendo just make wii u more powerful?

Posted by djlewe78 on 18 May 2013 - 07:49 AM

i dont care, they must of had a clue at what sony and microsoft were making, and they no to make things easier for developers to produce big cross platform games to make a console on a par with whats coming out, and ive stated this a million times THEY PROMISED THEY WOULD WIN BACK GAMERS BY WORKING WITH DEVELOPERS TO GET BIG TITLES RELEASED ON NINTENDOS NEW PLATFORM!
I spent £350 as i trusted nintendo on there statements, i have been loyal for over 15 years and i feel that they have lied to us.
They are not stupid ! They new what the next gen consoles would need power wise to make developers want to make big cross platform games , and they stuck 2 fingers up at them and i hate to say it, us!
If the next gen sony or microsoft costs the same as what i paid for my wii u, i will not buy another nintendo product until the guys running nintendo have gone.
That hurt me to say it but its how i feel.

#185788 Does having downloaded games make my wii u more valuable?

Posted by djlewe78 on 24 March 2013 - 06:52 AM

GameCollector, on 24 Mar 2013 - 15:31, said:Well, seeing as games are linked to the system and not to the account, then yes, it should make it technically worth more.
Look at the Ambassador 3DS systems on eBay for example. Those things go for a lot more than the 3DS systems without the Ambassador titles.
Added after a few minutes: I will say that the value of said downloaded game is probably dependent on how much the physical copy of the game costs. Yeah, I know the downloadable version costs $60 digitally, but if they can buy a physical copy for $30...well, you see where I'm going with this.

that makes sence, but when people start selling them off in a few years it will be intersting to see what all these new consoles with massive hard drives full of games, actually sell for.

#106112 Do you think the game pad should have been an optional extra?

Posted by djlewe78 on 11 September 2012 - 12:29 PM

Cause theyre not innovating... theyre recycling...
were not microsoft or sony...

I get that, totaly, and it opens up  a whole new way to play, great, but when it comes to playiing fifa, tekken, battlefield, even mario in my opinion, all u need is a great controler (which nintendo are best at) a big tv and ur hands, tell me truthfully that u hink while playing either online or just at home with friends, a fast paced game like the titles named above, looking away from the action is a good idea?

#103881 Big chain store manager told me and others, wii u will be £199

Posted by djlewe78 on 02 September 2012 - 01:30 PM

I went into a big chain GAME store ;) to put down my holding deposit and was chatting to the manager as he took my £20 i thought id ask straight out how much it would be, (even though im aware we gotta wait till september) and to my surprise (expecting him to say "i dont know ") he just said " ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE POUNDS" straight out ! I asked how he new he said they were told!!!! I suppose they mite no as if there takin money from us for deposits they must get asked a hell of a lot, and it only takes one nintendo rep who knows to much and talks alot to  let slip there target price!

#100927 Im very very happy with the wii u's game graphics

Posted by djlewe78 on 21 August 2012 - 07:18 AM

Nintendo has been very clever :) if you own a wii and have been happy playing a good mix of games, then when u collect your new wii u and start playing big big sexy hd titles the leap in tech is gonna be instantly aparant! But if ur an xbox or ps3 owner, will u get the same feeling as us wii owners will get? ??? I mean take watch dogs the new ip! It looks amazing on this gen, will ps4 or 720 launch game look much better? I doubt it, and will the leap be worth 400-500$? But hey if crytec or unreal demand it then sony n microsoft better do it lol good luck with that :))

#97592 Why is it "pro" to not have a screen?

Posted by djlewe78 on 04 August 2012 - 06:49 AM

The answer is simple, its pro because people who own consoles and play for hours and hours on competative online games will always use an xbox style controler, maybe in time  the game pad will take over but for now these pro players wont wanna lose face while they learn a new control method so cleverly nintendo has offered a way that those new customers cant use the excuse "that nintendo controlers to much, i just wanna chill out and play", and im sure weve all heard that :)

#81125 Another of my Yay or Nay questions

Posted by djlewe78 on 27 May 2012 - 01:32 PM

Madworld was one of those wii games that was hyped up and looked promising because it used a different art style and was of an adult theme. I really looked forward to it and bought it on day one. On day two however i didnt bother as i kinda knew what was coming up, more throws into spikes and other various other deadly objects. The game needs a complete makeover making it more open and more kill methods. Also change the art style so its only black n white when hes
going crazy killing people. Also i think they only made it black and white because the wii wasnt powerful enough to deliver a decent  looking adult looking beat em up so they chose that art style to appeal to more serious gamers and there was a gap in the market for a dark game on the wii. At the end of the day they tried and it  was a good idea but for me it was pretty boring make it bigger n better than who knows...

#78336 Dev Kit V5

Posted by djlewe78 on 14 May 2012 - 10:26 AM

Good news could be blu ray ? Probably wont be but i need a new one so id really need one on day 1 :)

#72018 RUMOR: Wii U renamed "Wii Entertainment System" *Proven Fake*

Posted by djlewe78 on 13 April 2012 - 02:10 PM

It should just be called nintendo! They are a massive brand everybody knows what to expect and if u were with ur friends at home all u have to say is 'wanna play nintendo' . Back to simplicity is all the rage!

#71901 Calling all DJ's! I think the WII U could be the ultimate party machi...

Posted by djlewe78 on 13 April 2012 - 06:30 AM

I can see the wii u as an amazing all in 1 party machine! This is my idea.........
ur at a party playing wiisports hd or whatever, but its time to get the music going. (providing nintendo lets us put mp3's on the harddrive or this wont work)Load up the app (im calling it UMIX) and on the controler screen is full mixer with crossfader, levels, fx, and at the top all the track info i.e track 1 name on the left side of the screen and track 2 name on the right. I hope u get what im saying and sorry if this means nothing to u but to dj's im sure its clear! But the really fun thing could be if u take ur wiiu pad to ur friends place loaded up with ur own tracks and have a back to back DJ battle! I liked this idea so much i typed it up and posted it to myself by recorded delivery! What do u think?

#70546 WiiU Renaming Suggestions (New Names)

Posted by djlewe78 on 08 April 2012 - 10:58 AM

Wii stream! Seriously guys they may aswell call it "urine flow" and unless all the games were streamed like onlive etc it would be a pointless name surely! We dont need to give xbox and ps users anymore ammo !

#27134 Nintendo please dont rush the wii u out!

Posted by djlewe78 on 08 September 2011 - 11:57 PM

What with the news that Nintendo are struggling to get the final hardware together in time for developers to create games on, should WE ( the nintendo fans ) beg nintendo to come out and say, " we need more time "? I would rather wait another 6 months or a year for ninty to go away, and get this right. Tech would get cheeper so the chips inside would be better and that would be much better for all of us surely. Lets all just stick with our wii's and 3ds's until the godfathers of gaming give us and the developers the kick ass console we all want!

#23307 Will the WII U have a brand new sensor bar?

Posted by djlewe78 on 22 August 2011 - 07:57 AM

There aren't any good games on Kinect. So why would Nintendo want them?

I agree but dev's wanna make money so its just a thought. I was more thinking for the control of menus, thats the only thing i like about kinect really, using ur hand to scroll through music, n films is good!

The Wii U controller doesn't rely on a sensor bar to track movement, and for the Wii mote to make use of the new component would probably have the need of a harware upgrade.


I hope so, it would be dissapointing to open up ur new wii u and find the same old sensor we got with the wii, the more i think about it the more i think nintendo have a surprise for us!

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