Lord Pickleton
Member Since 01 Mar 2012Offline Last Active Jan 01 2018 11:50 PM
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Lord Pickleton
Anyone want a French Chespin with 6 perfect IVs? I have two of them so I'm willing to part with one. It can help you with field masuda method.

Lord Pickleton
Sorry I took long to respond, I went to see Robocop at IMAX. Nothing specific just a male pokemon with decent IVs in the flying egg group. I messed up when bringing over my Noiver.
Feb 23 2014 06:44 PM -
Lord Pickleton
How hard would it be to get a Torterra/Turtwig with Shell Armor?
Feb 23 2014 07:09 PM

Lord Pickleton
If you see this ship good luck to you! https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAACAABnUYnlF8e2zA
Feb 21 2014 02:46 PM -

Lord Pickleton
Steel Diver SUBWARS multiplayer is pretty fun. Anyone else playing it?

Played it and liked it a lot and wish there was a friends mode in online multiplayer oh well cant complain and oh btw if you're wondering hgow much preminum version of the game costs well it's $10.
Feb 13 2014 11:35 PM -

Lord Pickleton
Guardians of the Galaxy's first trailer will come out on February 18th.

Lord Pickleton
The second Godzilla trailer is rumored to be released on February 14th.
Feb 13 2014 10:07 AM

Lord Pickleton
Never miss the Olympics you'll never know when something interesting will happen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mKVJeA-wTw

Excuse me. What is this? I mean I know what it is, but what's going on?
Feb 02 2014 05:05 PM -
Lord Pickleton
Grimlock most likely it's from the very short Transformers Age of Extinction Super Bowl trailer.
Feb 02 2014 05:13 PM -

Lord Pickleton
Jesse Eisenberg is going to be Lex Luthor in Man of Steel 2..... I need some time to process this.

Lord Pickleton
Young Lex Luthor from Secret Origin http://i.picpar.com/4g7.jpg Ewww keep Brian of of it.
Jan 31 2014 05:46 PM -

Lord Pickleton
When are the PS+ Instant Game Collection games of the month available for download? The first day of the month or the first time the PS Store updates on that month?

Hank Hill
They come periodically throughout the month, the game being given out for the week is announced on Monday, given out on Tuesday. Personally, all I want from this month is Modnation Racers. :T
Jan 30 2014 04:10 PM -
Lord Pickleton
I really liked Modnations on PS3 the track creator was great. Didn't like what they did with LBP Karting, I would have preferred a Modnation sequel.
Jan 30 2014 04:30 PM

Lord Pickleton
Wipeout 2048 why do you always disconnect me and sign me out of Playstation. Darn online trophies.

Auzzie Wingman
Dem online trophies are uncool yo.
Totally not working on them right now.
Jan 28 2014 01:02 PM -
Lord Pickleton
I think I should do it like my other account and not bother with trophies, or at least not the online ones. The online trophies would be okay in Wipeout 2048 if it wasn't for the fact that I need to do at least 210+ online races/battles.
Jan 28 2014 01:21 PM