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Offline Last Active Feb 09 2016 03:19 AM

#288088 The Legend of Zelda: For Wii U Discussion Thread 2015

Posted by storabajskorven on 04 June 2014 - 05:24 AM

It should have a great and interesting story like Majora's Mask. And free exploration like NES Zelda. That's all I ask for, graphicswise, I think the colourful style of MM put a great overall feeling to that game. The graphics of TP were really boring, I think. Could have been any generic adventure game with that style, didn't add any feeling.

#286625 Controllers Issues - Wii U Pro

Posted by storabajskorven on 26 May 2014 - 04:52 AM

Awww man I was afraid of that, I am having a real hard time finding one in the UK at the moment, do we know if they are still making them? 

http://www.amazon.co...sic con,aps,166

#282258 New Fatal Frame WiiU

Posted by storabajskorven on 22 April 2014 - 12:19 PM

awkward controlsawkward controls
 awkward controls
 awkward controls
-6/10 - IGN

Haha! But did you play the game? The controls WERE a bit awkward. Really!

#275476 What I would do to save the wii u

Posted by storabajskorven on 03 March 2014 - 01:58 AM

I would just make good games for it - without compromising to please an audience or increase sales.

#273041 DKC: Tropical Freeze has some TERRIBLE loading times.

Posted by storabajskorven on 17 February 2014 - 04:37 AM

Stupid thread.

#272848 Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze (Wii U): 5/10 from Gamespot

Posted by storabajskorven on 17 February 2014 - 06:41 AM

In the preview he said "Every moment I spent playing Tropical Freeze was incredible fun", and the rest of the preview was spent talking about how much and why he wanted Rare to make another game. So this 5/10 seems wrong.

So it turned out to be 6/10, and the "bads" were: 1) "Dull, derivative level design" (basically the opposite of what every other reviewer is saying) 2) "Employs some cheap and frustrating platforming tricks", which means, if you read the review, that you can't just rush through the levels à la Rayman or other "modern" 2D platformers, but actually have to stop and think/change your strategy. 3) "Harsh checkpoints during boss battles"(!) Well, I shouldn't even comment on that. But... no, I won't.


I haven't played the game, but this review is bad. For another review, on the other end of the negative/positive scale, which I actually felt was informative, see GameXplain, who says it's the best Wii U game so far: 


#270189 Eurogamers most anticipated game of 2014- MonolithSoft's 'X'

Posted by storabajskorven on 03 February 2014 - 12:36 AM

Eurogamer needs to stop flip-flopping. One minute Nintendo is totes doomed lol and nothing can save them, next they're saying X is the most anticipated game of 2014. Make up yer minds guys.

The first statement is about commercial failure, the second statement is about a good game. There's no contradiction there. 

#268160 Satoru Iwata: "I'm not going resign"

Posted by storabajskorven on 23 January 2014 - 04:46 AM



So in your opinion because other companies i.e. Sony and Microsoft are giving gamers what they want, Nintendo should give gamers what they don't want? Nintendo should spend a tonne of money creating hardware and controllers that gamers don't want just to be different? Right...


No. What I said was that Nintendo shouldn't give gamers what they think they want, but what they never imagined they wanted.

#267625 Post Your Wii U Library and Collection

Posted by storabajskorven on 20 January 2014 - 10:40 AM


I'm not sure I will be buying any new games this year since I'm buying a house and that's going to leave me broke (even more so) But if I can I'd love to pick up a copy of Bayo 2 and X along with Mario Kart and Smash Brothers. Let's hope.


Try to haggle the price for the house down by $500, then you can use that money for games with good conscience!

#267052 What is your take on buying and using official game guides? Are they worth it?

Posted by storabajskorven on 17 January 2014 - 06:44 AM

Anyone ever draw up thier own maps as a kid? Used to do tis in the 80's and 90's. (esp for Zelda NES if you didn't have the POWER) Most kids did. I still have my OoT paper I wrote all the songs on before I had the guide. Some games like the SEGA Master System game Miracle Warriors came with a large map. Not as some bonus no. They didn't do that then. The map was needed to play the game. MW might be best described but still a crude comparison,the Skyrim of its day. The map was so massive and came with a figure. It was so as you played the game you move your figure to where you are in the game so you know where you are. No pressing B for map then :P. Game is probably more well know for it's nude green demon woman artwok in Japan. Game was out in the US but had typical SMS art.

I still do this when playing old games that don't automatically map for you. The most recent example is Mother 1.

#265431 I think Wii U did the impossible!

Posted by storabajskorven on 08 January 2014 - 07:49 AM

I am speaking about worldwide numbers for December: http://www.vgchartz....13&console=WiiU


In 2012 Wii U did: 17,775,117

In 2013 Wii U did: 1M+ (vgchartz info lacks the final week of december).


It`s about a 700k fall.


If you look at Xbox 360 1st december and 2nd december, it goes from 824k to 2M.
PS3 numbers are: 857k to 2.5M


In 2012, Wii U was a new system. I agree 1M isn't very good for december sales, but it isn't completely horrible either, and the sales during most of 2013 were completely horrible, mostly around 100k-150k/month worldwide. As for 2014... my guess is better than 2013, but not great. 

#262718 NeoGaf User Creates Pano Street View from Zombi U... quick LOOK

Posted by storabajskorven on 21 December 2013 - 05:00 PM

Nope it did not. It was unprofitable so they scrapped plans for a sequel.


It is the best selling 3rd party title for the Wii U. It has sold more than half a million, about the same as Pikmin 3, WW HD and Lego City undercover. If Ubisoft didn't make profit out of that title, they did something seriously wrong. It wasn't exactly a high-budget game either. Ubisoft is lying about ZombiU.


Edit: Here's an article about this: http://gaminrealm.co...iu-performance/

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#260459 Emily Rogers: Nintendo’s Obsession With Finding One Game That Can Sell Consoles

Posted by storabajskorven on 11 December 2013 - 05:02 AM

well all Wii U games are great but what lacks Wii U 1st party games is variety.

When will there be a Wii U shooter or a 17+ adventure ( infamous  ) ?

Till now most of Wii U first party games are  targeted at family or teens but when will there be a first party  game targeted at Mature audiences



If you by "mature" mean 13-year-olds, then never. But most of their games appeal to me as a 35-year old. I do miss games that really target us adult people however. Complex games wich really deal with issues interesting to us - I mean, compared to the film world, there are tons of games like the most popular stupid action films, but none like more serious films. But this is true for all game companies, not only Nintendo.

#258717 Better graphics on Gamepad screen?

Posted by storabajskorven on 03 December 2013 - 05:59 AM

It's probably due to light, colour and contrast settings on the TV.

#257144 Kotaku Review: Xbox One "has a surprising number of weak spots"

Posted by storabajskorven on 20 November 2013 - 10:36 AM

I thought the UI was one of the strengths of Xbox1.

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