Btw nobody saw my previous thread, but Project Giant Robot and Project Guard are both StarFox gameplay demos for Giant Mecha levels and levels where you control multiple air wings!
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Posted by Penguin101
on 16 June 2014 - 11:21 AM
Btw nobody saw my previous thread, but Project Giant Robot and Project Guard are both StarFox gameplay demos for Giant Mecha levels and levels where you control multiple air wings!
Posted by Penguin101
on 13 June 2014 - 10:44 PM
The part where he talks about piloting a giant Robot from a helicopter, and talks about controlling multiple airwings finally sounds interesting!
Posted by Penguin101
on 10 June 2014 - 09:50 PM
Am I the only one almost more psyched for the Captain Toad game than Smash bros?! He's like a super cute Solid Snake! <3
What do you guys think of Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker?
Posted by Penguin101
on 29 May 2014 - 07:05 AM
Posted by Penguin101
on 10 March 2014 - 08:17 AM
It's a very simple campaign to get Wii U sales up.
If Nintendo wont do it - the loyal 5.8million will. Let's start a campaign amongst ALL Wii U owners to aim and persuade just ONE person they know (or don't!) to buy a Wii U. IF every Wii U owner persuaded just ONE friend we'd have 11.6 million strong, imagine if life time sales DOUBLED in just ONE month by each one of us trying to persuade just ONE friend to buy a WiiU.
Then imagine down the line if those 5.8 new users persuaded one of their friends and so on?
What do you think? Make April the month where Nintendo's Wii U sales jump from 5.8/5.9 million units to 11.6 million in just one month.
A lot of realists would say only 20% of people will succeed at best that's still a boost of 1.16 million sales. Which for Nintendo is a lot right now considering it now has competition. Who's up for trying?
Posted by Penguin101
on 06 March 2014 - 02:52 AM
I've never been into the sport, but I think that there's no reason why there shouldn't be a hockey game on the Wii U
Posted by Penguin101
on 06 March 2014 - 02:45 AM
While I admit there is a lack of effort on third parties providing lackluster efforts to the Wii U, there is evidence creeping in that despite its low install base Nintendo Wii U owners simply don't care for third party games at all or supporting the Wii U if they can afford to buy a Wii U or buy third party games.
I point the finger at all of us for failing the Wii U just as much as the corporations that either provide ports of games several years old at a full price or just don't provide enough effort separating the Wii U version out from the crowd.
My game collection mainly contains third party games such as Tekken Tag 2, Trine 2, ZombiU, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Need for Speed: Most Wanted U, deus Ex: Human Revolution: Directors Cut, Assassin's Creed III, and Batman: Arkham City: Armoured Edition. With only a small fraction such as Wind Waker HD, Nintendoland, and Super Mario 3D World coming from Nintendo itself.
I feel sometimes that I'm part of a small breed of Nintendo fans that truly put their money where their mouth is, despite me only being able to afford £40 most months. Seeing the statistics of third part multiplats on other "next generation" (they're current gen now!) consoles such as COD: Ghosts sales on PS4 and XBO compared to Wii U sales especially when back then PS4 and XBO (XBO still does) had far less sales than the Wii U is horrid. Maybe it's the marketing, but I blame the majority of Wii U owners that say "we don't want a generic FPS on our console" these people are the snobs DESTROYING Nintendo's chances at gaining third party multiplat support.
Again the publishers themselves aren't blameless, far from it. They are lazy, and wont even try risking a PS4/XBO game on the Wii U, but I do also accuse the (seeming) majority of Nintendo fans for doing as much damage, if not more.
Yes Nintendo themselves could moneyhat publishers into providing ports, but to what advantage if the money is better spent in heightening the quality of their own products if the console ends up a first party only machine? Moneyhatting only provides temporary solutions at best for the majority of cases, and really Nintendo have to concentrate their efforts on gaining non-nintendo fans and the fickle general public with better advertising geared at gaining new Nintendo console fans or making their first party games better rather than temporarily gaining a third party game through essentially bribing other companies.
I also accuse a lot of fans who can afford a Wii U but wont invest a measly £180 - £250 (compared to PS4 and XBO) on the console itself, despite plenty of games and a brilliant future lineup!
What do you guys think, are the majority of Nintendo fans (who can afford it) to blame equally if not more than third part publishers? Or am I just being a meany?
Posted by Penguin101
on 20 February 2014 - 03:10 PM
Say I cloned hundreds of thousands of humans, grew them at different ages and sexes, kept them heavily sedated unless absolutely necessary, deliberately infected half of them with every disease and parasite known to mankind, took data samples of the common genes in all the diseases and parasites that weren't common in the human body, created a plasmid that blocked those common gene types including cancerous gene mutations, and basically tested the plasmid out on the other clones until I perfected so it made the human immune system smarter, and then disposed of all the clones as humanely as possible. Hypothetically if I'd created a smart cure for every human disease on earth, would the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of human clones be worth the price of a disease free human race?
If you answered yes, then problems arise when pharmaceutical companies either fold possibly causing another recession OR they start developing new diseases. Now is this excusable in order to maintain global financial stability? AND if they didn't, does a disease free human race mean we overpopulate the earth even more and use up it's resources causing wars as more people try and live alongside each other?
In another more simple question. If I created hundreds of thousands of white rhino using a cloning technique I pioneered through slightly unethical means in order to save a species, is it right first of all to save a species, is it right to improve my cloning technique through slightly unethical ways, and where does the species saving stop, woolly mammoths being reintroduced into the wild?
Also the craze of biohacking is becoming ever popular. You can now buy your own do it yourself genetics lab online where you can splice open source gene types into other species. I've seen 8 year olds create glow in the dark plants, will it one day be ethically acceptable to modify our own bodies much like body piercings, will divers give themselves gills?
Posted by Penguin101
on 18 February 2014 - 01:30 PM
Dang that actually makes it even more of a shame
I made a mockup of the ad without people, I might tweak it here and there tonight, but it'd be great to hear some feedback. Yes I do have regrets on the video, but it's too late to go back and correct the mistakes
Posted by Penguin101
on 17 February 2014 - 01:24 AM
I have come to the conclusion that Nintendo need to hit the family theme really hard, but not just one aspect of the family, all aspects of the family including the adults. Here's an example of what kind of advert should be pumping out right now.
(Shot of a parent installing the Wii U)
With Nintendo's Wii U it's the only console where you and your family can play these.
(Montage shot of Super Mario 3D World, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Zelda: Wind Waker HD, Wonderful 101, and Pikmin 3)
And where you can play THESE
(Montage shot of Zombi U, Call of Duty Ghosts, Ninja Gaiden, Bayonetta 2, Watch_Dogs, Assasin's Creed IV, Batman: Arkham Origins, and Splinter Cell: Blacklist alongside watching Nintendo Tvii/Netflix films)
All while your gran plays these
(Montage of granny playing Wii Sports HD and Wii Fit U)
Nintendo: Bring On the FUN!
(Shot of the father at night playing off screen mode and his wife scolding him)
What will U Play Next?
IMO this advertises to Nintendo's core family audience saying it will keep both your kids entertained, help you bond with your children, allow you some adult entertainment too as well as showing off Nintendo's Quality of Life scheme.
What do you guys think? What is your ideal advert to be pumped out on Television, and why?
Posted by Penguin101
on 15 February 2014 - 08:14 AM
Posted by Penguin101
on 14 February 2014 - 02:00 AM
The direct was worse than I expected and I had NO expectations of this being a great direct at all. Nintendo just don't get the market and what people want to see.
They should have breezed over the 3DS titles as quickly as possible with a montage clip and concentrated on Wii U titles such as X, Bayo 2, Hyrule Warriors, Zelda U, Smash Bros (with at least three newcomers not just little Mac), hell even that Sonic Lost World DLC. There should have been more on Fast Racing Neo, Project CARS, and Mario Kart really should have announced a Smash Kart megaton if they were adding extra characters people cared about.Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze should have been introduced by someone from Retro wearing a Samus pin in their outfit hinting that Retro are busy working on their next game, but until then enjoy this new Donkey Kong Trailer. There's basically NOTHING for Wii U this Spring apart from Mario Kart, and I don't see this direct helping sales AT ALL. Hell if Zelda U didn't get any screen time, show off Yarn Yoshi, or announce a Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon HD.
Seriously Nintendo, sort your carp out. No wonder they delayed because they know that 2014 is another drought year with games only coming after E3, and some may even get delayed!
Posted by Penguin101
on 11 February 2014 - 06:06 AM
Do you have any particular Nintendo IPs which would translate well into film?
For me it would be:
Ice Climbers with Pixar. Some strange reason there's something very cute, funny and endearing about a film involving two inuit siblings having an adventure to get to the top of a mountain. A perfect Pixar movie.
The Legend of Zelda with Dreamworks. After watching How to Train your Dragon I got my faith back in Dreamworks to do something great with a Nintendo IP. And I think they could really produce a great PG Legend of Zelda film under guidance of Miyamoto and Aonuma.
Metroid - Legendary Pictures. I'd love to see a live action Metroid film. Something aimed more at the PG-13 audience, a little more adult but still within the confines for younger people, and I think it would be a good videogame adaptation to do in live action
Honorary mention: Super Mario Bros: The TV show. Something aimed at younger children, 20 minute episodes that are educational and entertaining for children and adults to watch. Maybe a Disney Channel experience. I don't think Mario translates well to an hour and a half long adventure for 5 year olds.
Posted by Penguin101
on 03 February 2014 - 01:08 AM
There's a possibility now that Nintendo may buy out some publishing and development studios, what studios would you like Nintendo purchasing?
For me I'd like Nintendo to acquire Sega. Liquidate the publishing house, allow all current multiplatform IPs published by Sega to be published (and adding Wii U to any current Sega Xbox One and PS4 games in development) to the list, then shut it down, liquidate any assets.
Then move 50% of Sega's development staff into Nintendo development studios and bring the other 50% into smaller development studios while salvaging and liquidating the rest. Keeping the Sega name for development.
For me the amount of varied and unique IPs suddenly becoming Nintendo exclusive would be a gigaton bomb that would shake the industry to its core. It would be expensive, but with all those IPs along with profits and character licencing opportunities it's something that would be worth it in the long run
I'd also purchase Mega Man off Capcom along with the publishing rights to Resident Evil 2 and 3 for remake purposes.
Posted by Penguin101
on 24 January 2014 - 05:09 AM
I've tweeted Ubisoft and Ubisoft UK, no reply yet, anyone else up for tweeting Ubisoft?