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Member Since 14 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 20 2017 12:42 PM

Topics I've Started

What Color is the Dress?

27 February 2015 - 08:39 AM

So this dress has managed to divide the Internet in a matter of hours. Some people think it's Blue and Black, while others see it as Gold and White. I decided to have a little fun with this and see what you guys think.


Here's a link if the picture if it's not working.


Smash Bros Rayman - confirmed FAKE

14 February 2015 - 04:52 PM

Fake Confirmed







There is a new rumor going around for Smash Bros. It appears that Rayman may be DLC for for the game. There are pictures of him on the character select screen, his player portrait, and his unlock screen. What gives this more legitimacy, however, is a video of him on the character select screen. Do you guys think that this is real? Would you be excited to use Rayman in Smash Bros? Rayman does already have a model in the game, and this looks like a new render of him, so this may be legit.



Secret Santa for Wydra

24 December 2014 - 12:22 PM


I anticipate being really busy tomorrow, so I'm just going to post this today. Happy whatever you celebrate Wydra! Hope you like it!


P.S. My NNID is UltimateWaddleD. Add me.

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