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Member Since 17 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 26 2016 11:18 AM

#53267 Are You Getting the PS Vita?

Posted by nintendo3DS on 10 January 2012 - 09:55 PM

Now that we know mostly everything about the PlayStation Vita, will you be buying it?
If so, will you get the 3G one or the Wi-Fi only model?
And to all the people that think the 3G price is outrageous (Gamecollector), it's not, it's around the same amount as other 3G price amounts.

Also, don't be hating on it. I know you Nintendo fans are probably thinking: "If it's not a Nintendo product, it sucks." No. Just no. I mean, you can hate on it, just don't say things like: "It's too expensive, so it's bad." Or, "Sony is makes terrible games, so of course the Vita will be bad, too." Just be civil.

I'll be getting the 3G/Wi-Fi model with the 2GB of data for 3G. Then I'll also be buying the 32 GB memory card, and probably Uncharted: Golden Abyss.
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#52926 Skeptical about the controller...

Posted by nintendo3DS on 09 January 2012 - 05:39 PM



The controller is the most beautiful thing ever, so, no, I'm not skeptical about it.

#48907 Top 20 posters of the day :D

Posted by nintendo3DS on 23 December 2011 - 09:35 AM

I noticed it a long time ago. It used to be useful when I was on this site all the time; but now that I have a life, I don't care about it.

#48837 What color/decoration would you want on your wii u?

Posted by nintendo3DS on 22 December 2011 - 08:10 PM

Either everything white (like it's going to be). Or, everything black. I like black consoles, it makes them look sexy amazing and better IMO.

#48594 More site decoration?

Posted by nintendo3DS on 21 December 2011 - 05:39 PM

We need more franchise related themes. Like a theme for Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon, Kirby, Sonic, Monster Hunter, Star Fox, F-Zero, Yoshi, and other franchises that are popular on here.

And Fire Emblem.

#45448 SKyrim vs Zelda skyward sword

Posted by nintendo3DS on 05 December 2011 - 01:47 PM

Skyrim, duh.
I'm voting for Skyrim because I think it deserves the win.

#44751 battlefront 3 wii u news

Posted by nintendo3DS on 01 December 2011 - 01:57 PM

yes yes this was really hopeful 2 years ago but that project has been cancelled by lucas arts because they lost faith in freeradical for making haze (or something like that). free radical will not be making this game, its spark unlimited and they're using unreal 3 engine :D heres the link to the source i used, its long so you may not want to watch the whole thing:


I saw that during the summer. :P
You know he has another episode to that type of video, gathering all sorts of information?
Here it is:

I want this game so bad!

#43308 -

Posted by nintendo3DS on 23 November 2011 - 06:31 AM

I'd say about 10 - 15 years. Why? Because in this generation, all kids care about is graphics. They'd say - "Wow, that game sucks! Look how bad those graphics are!" It's so revolting, really, I hate the new gamers today. They disgust me.

#40883 School!

Posted by nintendo3DS on 04 November 2011 - 03:18 PM

Well... opinions on schools really :b.

Shall I chat about my weird as hell classmates? I'm guilty as accused of being odd as well, but still...
Anywho, the majority of my class has no appreciation of real games, and spend their lives on CoD swearing when they get killed or playing doodle jump and Angry Birds (which are, admittedly fun for a while). There's also 27 different personalities in the class, one each! Consider the fact a 10 year old heavy metal fan who reads yaoi and a 11 year old girl who reads her mums gossip magazines, listens to pop and dance are best friends in this class :b. See what I mean? We're also all tiny or huge. I'm short and can only grow hair on my head, my friend Jake is tiny, and Balanna even more so. Then there's Declan who's already hair all over the place and is about 4 1/2 feet tall. Somebody called Lewis (who, albeit I'm friends with) has tin cans in his pockets and wears glasses with mirrors in case a gangster tries to kill him (who is also either a pervert or attracted to me as he strokes me, hugs me and go's on about my (sexy) eyes and (amazing) hair all day). Then there's looks themselves. One kid is stunting his growth because he's developing a six pack, has short hair and is growing stubble. And then there's me, who's wiry, has long hair and a ridiculously clean face. Half the girls in my class have dyed their hair as a rainbow and now complain when boys call them lesbians.

Do you see why I complain about my school being odd?

Now, spill the gossip on your school, oh yes, I forgot, one of the guys in my class has kissed 5 different girls on the lips, who IS a pervert.

Ugh. Why do 10 year old's play CoD? When I was 10, all I played was Pokemon, Mario, and Yu-Gi-Oh. What happened to the good old days? :/

#38228 Count until. Pony vs. Non-pony edition.

Posted by nintendo3DS on 23 October 2011 - 09:12 AM

I'll take the cupcakes, but you can keep the death. Death disagrees with my stomach. You wouldn't want to be anywhere near me. 2

Did I mention that those cupcakes were made by Pinkie, and which she filled them with poison, and you ate them!
Mwuahahahah, pony transaction complete. Now accessing terminal base unit of A.P.D.F files. Hacking software.


#38144 Count until. Pony vs. Non-pony edition.

Posted by nintendo3DS on 22 October 2011 - 10:52 PM

Lies. You guys are only probably only around 100.

#33445 Count Until Someone With Over 850 Posts Post!

Posted by nintendo3DS on 27 September 2011 - 08:27 PM

Ponies FTW FYI. ;)

#33249 Mario kart Double dash, best mario kart ever?

Posted by nintendo3DS on 26 September 2011 - 04:00 PM

Sorry guys, but I like MKW the best. REALLY good online experience for me, and I just felt that the GCN controller was kinda weird, since I was born Wiiishly (I didn't have a GCN, just a GBA and a DS Lite). The DS controls also made me wonder what the heck since I played MKW first. Hopefully MK7 uses motion controls, if it doesn't, I'm sadly not buy it.

It's already been confirmed that MK7 will use motion controls...

#32860 Count until. Pony vs. Non-pony edition.

Posted by nintendo3DS on 25 September 2011 - 08:46 AM

How do you like our score of- 348, Andy?!

#32855 Count until. Pony vs. Non-pony edition.

Posted by nintendo3DS on 25 September 2011 - 08:39 AM

Nice try zxride, but you shall know that the bronies have won in their entirely. ;)

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