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Member Since 06 Dec 2012
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#223967 FF XV is running on DX11

Posted by routerbad on 19 June 2013 - 06:22 AM

"Now, though, we're developing on DirectX 11, not based on the PS4 or the Xbox One. This lets us develop full-spec without worrying about individual platforms, then port it to each console in the most appropriate way. As a result, the original Final Fantasy XV runs on a pretty high-spec PC, and how close a console gets to this original depends on its specs." - Tetsuya Nomura



So they are scaling it down for PS4 and Xbone, and a "full version" may come in the future for hardware capable? Then why no goddamn Wii U version?! Either they're full of rainbow or it's the slow sales of Wii U that does it, but with that logic how can they support PS4 and Xbone which have 0 sales yet since they aren't out yet except for some few preorders maybe if that counts.

This proves more fully that DX11 has nothing to do with it not coming to the Wii U.  They just don't want to do it, or Microsoft's money smelled sweeter.


This means they are developing the engine on PC with DX11, they'll port the engine to each of the platforms based on the environment there.  Nothing technically is holding them back from Wii U, except themselves.

#223797 Section Mod Idea

Posted by routerbad on 18 June 2013 - 07:52 PM

Yeah! Now you can browse the topics for daft punk and random movie spambots too!!!! XD

LMAO!  Thanks everyone!  I look forward to squashing bots (not) lol

#223696 To the Nintendo Fans Complaining About 3D Land and Tropical Freeze (Video)

Posted by routerbad on 18 June 2013 - 03:26 PM

I kinda agree with YoshiWiiUGamer9, I love 3D Mario's and 2D Mario's, and I think 3D world will be a good game. My problem with it is that I was expecting a more open game with stars and huge levels from the new "3D Mario", like Galaxy, Sunshine and 64. Also hate the fact that they took the concept from 3D Land and not doing something new and it makes me worry if they are getting sloppy and rushing Mario games. I'll reserve my judgement until the game is out and I actually play it though.

I though New Super Mario Bros was to bring retro Mario back, and the 3D series to innovate/do something new. 3D Land was awesome because it was a handheld game and I think I would be more positive to 3D World if it was a sequel for the 3DS. 

Nintendo get the short 2.5d linear flagpole levels out of my Console 3d Mario!

​Mario is becoming the 2D COD.


New Super Mario Bros - 2006
New Super Mario Bros Wii - 2009

New Super Mario Bros 2 - 2012

New Super Mario Bros U - 2012

New Super Luigi U - 2013


Super Mario 3D Land - 2011
Super Mario 3D World - 2013

That's seven games in 7 years, and I didn't count the galaxy games either. Which came in 2007 and 2010. Nintendo WTH happened to once per System?

​They are coming more and more frequently, I just hope we don't see 3-4 2d and/or 2.5d Mario Game's/DLC in 2014 :S 

The star burst was the flagpole of the galaxy series.  It served the same purpose, to end the current platforming sequence and carry you to a new one.  Don't get hung up on the art style, this game looks loads better than galaxy, and it seems to be taking cues from EVERY SINGLE MARIO GAME EVER, not just 3D Land.  This isn't a bad thing.


Also, 3D World won't be 2.5D.  DKCTF is 2.5D.  Just 2D platforming with shifting camera angles.  3D World is a fully fleshed out 3D space that can be explored.

#223665 Lack of DirectX 11 support blocking Kingdom Hearts III from Wii U

Posted by routerbad on 18 June 2013 - 02:57 PM


Square is just mad that X looks amazing.


And who is Brando?


Son of Desert Punk?



This is what I love about this site.

#223556 Lack of DirectX 11 support blocking Kingdom Hearts III from Wii U

Posted by routerbad on 18 June 2013 - 12:43 PM

As has been said before, PS4 is not using DX11 either.  However, both PS4 and Wii U's GPUs are capable of DirectX11 equivalents found in OpenGL.  


Aside from that, the whole argument is a red herring.  Even if Wii U was only capable of DX10 equivalents, it wouldn't matter, none of the engines being created for these games require this API or that.  They adapt game engines to the environment they are developing for.  As they are adapting the PS4 version of the engine to be compatible with that platform, and vice versa.  If this was a legitimate excuse, we would have never seen any multiplat on PS3.


This is a tactic being employed to discredit the Wii U as a platform, because everyone now knows that Wii U is more than capable of running all of the same engines that the other platforms will be running, thanks to companies like Crytech and EPIC, they are now trying to confuse people with talk of DX 11 like the PS4 is actually using it.  Shameless.


As far as why they actually aren't bringing it to Wii U, I know that if I were Sony I would not want to have to compete sales wise with the Wii U with regard to KH3, and if I were Microsoft, I would pay anything to have it on XBOX if only to say "here's our commitment to Japan".  Between the two of those companies, if it released on the Wii U the Wii U version would decimate them in sales.  Nintendo fans are already partial to KH.


Another reason could be, seeing as Nintendo still seem to be figuring out how to use their new system, that the tools still aren't mature enough to enable the use of DX11 equivalents.  This can also be seen through Unity, and they said in candid conversation that Wii U Unity will scale to DX11 equivalents, but it isn't there yet, Nintendo is already employing rendering techniques that were first seen in DX11 and it's equivalent OpenGL version (they are hard to follow).


So Nintendo has some catching up to do with regard to fully realizing the potential of their own system, and developing the tools to help developers, but there is literally no valid excuse for passing up the Wii U with KH3.  Custom GPU or no, their decision was made purely due to their unwillingness to develop to custom logic, which is lazy, and will cost them sales in the long run.

#223493 Where the hell are their NFC and dual gamepad games?

Posted by routerbad on 18 June 2013 - 11:15 AM

That's what I would think. Or Disney Infinity. The system was made for those.

They don't though, they come with their own bases.

Here's the thing.  Nintendo obviously held back on a lot of things at e3, because their mission going in, along with alternate plans based on what Sony and MS were doing, was to show gameplay.  Not bullshots, not pure CG reels, not conceptual stuff.  Just gameplay.  That is what they did.  They showed us every game that they have that they were comfortable showing a lot of gameplay, and games that they were comfortable with being played on the showfloor.  The only game that wasn't on the show floor was X.


There was no Yarn Yoshi, no SMTxFE, no talk of updates, no talk of hardware, no talk of gamepad, none of that.  They said it was all about the games, and they told the truth 100%.

#223353 How many of Nintendo's E3 Wii U games are you getting?

Posted by routerbad on 18 June 2013 - 07:52 AM

I'm getting them all, and have all but X preordered.

#223350 My opinion or review of Fire Emblem Awakening 3DS

Posted by routerbad on 18 June 2013 - 07:46 AM

FE:A is the only game so far that has required me to stop playing just to get enough charge back in the 3DS to play it some more.  The strategy is fun and rewarding, the story is awesome, and the cutscenes are epic.  Really a great game and a must own for anyone, not just current 3DS owners.


This game has reignited the spark that I had as a child with JRPGs.  Since PS1, I haven't played an RPG this engaging and enjoyable on so many fronts.


Animal Crossing absolutely is the polar opposite and a good complimentary experience.  If anyone wants to visit broville and steal some oranges, let me know in PM.

#223337 "The amount of stress I feel, it's almost to the brink of death,"...

Posted by routerbad on 18 June 2013 - 07:04 AM

He needs a reality check if worrying about fan reaction is causing him chronic stress.

Fan reaction and sales of his game are his reality.  That's what he does day in and day out.  You and I only play videogames, he has to make them, and make them good enough to make you and I want to buy and play them.

#223107 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by routerbad on 17 June 2013 - 03:34 PM

Great game! My wife and I each have a copy and love it. Good to see you on the forums again, hope all is coming along well after your accident.

I'm loving it as well.  Simply a fun game that you can play in bits and pieces, without requiring a big time commitment.  Although FE:A is still getting played until the batteries die.  I'm about twenty hours into that now, and on Chapter 12.

#223101 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by routerbad on 17 June 2013 - 03:14 PM

Got ACNL this weekend at best buy.

#223100 X- Female Character Known or Just Customization?

Posted by routerbad on 17 June 2013 - 03:14 PM

If no one else noticed the scenes in the trailer where you are walking past other characters that are simply hanging out next to their mechs I'm disappointed.  I had a theory after I saw it that it could include an open world that everyone goes into, you can see other players in the game (perhaps locked to friends lists?) and can choose to party with them out in the open, rather than using a party room mechanic.  This would give it the feel of an MMO without any of the MMO mechanics needing to be there, large party raids and the like. 

#223097 The Wii U should have been as powerful as the Xbox one.

Posted by routerbad on 17 June 2013 - 03:08 PM

If Wii U was as powerful as xbox one it would probably the same price as the xbox one, and be all power crazy! :S

The Kinect accounts for a large portion of the XBONE pricing.  The original was $150.  I wouldn't doubt this one could cost much more.

#223095 Unannounced project from Yoshiaki Koizumi (Mario)

Posted by routerbad on 17 June 2013 - 03:05 PM

I think this is telling.  Nintendo's strategy all along was to take control of headlines throughout e3.  The DRM discussion prevented that, because something the Wii U didn't feature was causing more waves, and Sony using it for PR was what snatched all of the headlines and fueled the angst of gamers throughout the conference.


If I was Iwata, I would have intentionally held back on a few key announcements, maybe 20 minutes worth in a direct (anyone who thinks they don't film multiple directs so they have different strategies depending on what's going on around them is daft) so I could reveal the information shortly after e3, or toward the end of the year, when certain other consoles' launch lineups solidify.  I would also make sure that third parties that are developing for my platform stay mum for the time being, because it can cause a larger splash if used at the proper time.


Then drop dribs and drabs of information here and there, slowly and methodically, to rehype the console right before the fall releases start landing.  Nintendo has had a direct this year every single month.  Not all of them focused on Wii U, but nearly every one had some sort of Wii U information revealed.  I expect a continuation of this.


What Nintendo made obvious to anyone paying attention is how much they DIDNT mention during e3.  They gave everything they promised, but there was no mention of Yarn Yoshi, there was no mention of a Summer Update, there was no mention of collaborations, there was no mention of Miiverse, there was no mention of the gamepad even.  What they did show was games, and every game they showed had current (snapshot in time) gameplay to show off.  They didn't have a single reveal with pure CG, every game they showed was showed with gameplay footage.

#218873 UBISOFT abandoned wii U

Posted by routerbad on 10 June 2013 - 08:28 PM

I feel sad that I brought u first the bad news... Ur the first forum having it.. I posted it after at sega forums.. lol


thats why they removed watchdogs.. Oh my goodness and Nintendo doesnt know that yet!  They still advertise watchdogs in their channel.. so sad...


They dont have wii U in watchdogs... in the e3 insider http://www.e3insider...tch-dogs/29471/



Nintendo directed e3insider to pull them from every listing.  All of them, other than specific titles.


Watch_Dogs is still Wii U.  as are all of the biggest ubi releases this year.

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