I wonder if the first one and small expansion will be included in this.
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Member Since 20 Jan 2013Offline Last Active May 24 2016 06:17 PM
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- Member Title Chain Chomp
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday April 23, 1994
Doctor Who
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In Topic: Book of unwritten tales 2 headed to Wii u retail
24 January 2016 - 03:05 PM
In Topic: Lego Marvel Avengers 3DS - Open World, No Loading (1st time ever)
24 January 2016 - 02:57 PM
Lego City Undercover - the Chase Begins had breaks and loading screens or no? I forget, it's been a while since I touched the 3DS version. I am not sure, seems maybe their engine is less taxing and has better feature support.
I'll admit, I haven't actually started The Chase Begins yet (Though I do own it), but the loading can get pretty bad in the Wii U version and I heard worse rumors for the 3DS version.
In Topic: Lego Marvel Avengers 3DS - Open World, No Loading (1st time ever)
23 January 2016 - 03:42 PM
How? Is it a small world? Why could Lego City do this? (Why couldn't they do it on Wii U?)
In Topic: Minecraft CONFIRMED and will get Physical
07 December 2015 - 11:42 AM
Does anyone really care at this point? Maybe in 2012 or 2013 I would have, but since the Wii U is basically on its way out I know I dont. Especially when you can play it on every other platform.
I do, Most likely we can transfer titles to the next system for one. Still got a year or 2 left. I own it on PC, Mobile, and 360 (though, thats more my brothers). I would buy it on Wii U, its a bit down there but if they do Nintendo skins and packs, use the touchscreen for crafting, and use the gyroscope, its defiantly re-buyable.
In Topic: Secret Santa Ideas Thread
07 December 2015 - 09:13 AM
Doctor Who
Zelda (Wind Waker/MinishCap/Skyward Sword mostly. )
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