Here you go. A picture because I was busy but i can scan it when I get home, maybe even color it if you want. Enjoy!
- NintendoReport and Horchata like this
TheDoctor_13 hasn't added any friends yet.
Posted by TheDoctor_13
on 26 December 2015 - 12:55 PM
Here you go. A picture because I was busy but i can scan it when I get home, maybe even color it if you want. Enjoy!
Posted by TheDoctor_13
on 07 December 2015 - 09:13 AM
Doctor Who
Zelda (Wind Waker/MinishCap/Skyward Sword mostly. )
Posted by TheDoctor_13
on 26 November 2015 - 10:35 PM
Posted by TheDoctor_13
on 19 November 2015 - 08:07 PM
I Want Em:
-Zelda U
-Pokemon Z (Not confirmed, but we all know its coming)
- Homefront: Revolution
- Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam
- Starfox Zero
- Sonic Boom Fire & Ice
- Rollarcoaster Tycoon World
Posted by TheDoctor_13
on 12 November 2015 - 05:34 PM
Posted by TheDoctor_13
on 07 July 2015 - 10:00 PM
Most of the recent ones take use of the better processor, I imagine Hyrule Warriors: Legends will like the extra power quite a lot.
Posted by TheDoctor_13
on 04 July 2015 - 11:21 PM
Posted by TheDoctor_13
on 24 June 2015 - 03:36 PM
What about doing something meaningful Nintendo, like striking a deal with third parties or something.
Who says they haven't tried? Before Wii U's launch Nintendo tried to strike deals with EA, Criteon and more. And technically Activision (SuperChargers) and this are third party deals.
Never used it. What's wrong?
Just a bit annoying, on normal android devices you have to have the app store file sent to your email, install that, then install the nintendo games, though you can not unistall the app store otherwise all the apps you installed through the app will no longer work. For normal apps, updates are usually pretty late, if not just unexistant. Just Google Play / Apple App store will reach more people and include better services for the user. And the app is clunky and odd to use.
Posted by TheDoctor_13
on 17 June 2015 - 06:37 PM
Congrats! The Wii U doesn't have any good games though, now if you excuse me I need to buy another shelf for my wii U games, I have too much.
Posted by TheDoctor_13
on 08 June 2015 - 07:18 PM
Would be cool actually. Could use amiibo too
Yes it could!
Is it bad that I can tell what episode of Doctor Who your avatar is from?
Nope! But I'll challenge you to a episode-picture match contest.
Posted by TheDoctor_13
on 08 June 2015 - 04:07 PM
Apparently Nintendo plans to announce a new 3DS title at E3, a Splatoon Action/Shooter Platformer 2.5D. Its described as a more fleshed out version of the cut arcade game, It will share a similar story to the main game on the Wii U. Unfortunately I couldn't get any more information then that.
Posted by TheDoctor_13
on 25 May 2015 - 01:21 PM
Posted by TheDoctor_13
on 22 April 2015 - 08:35 PM
I have to agree on why does this exist. Almost everyone owns Smash so this does seem redundant, I kinda like the randomess, but I do think this should've just got the whole game..
Posted by TheDoctor_13
on 01 April 2015 - 07:32 PM
- Rayman
- Issaac
- Inklings
- Wonder Red
- Paper Mario
- Shovel Knight
I might be able to get behind Nana/Popo as just one character.
Posted by TheDoctor_13
on 20 March 2015 - 11:49 PM
Looks bland and boring, the only thing that might redeem that could be the combat system.
Well it is only the Alpha build, so hopefully it will improve along nicely. It make sense for combat to be one of the things they try to get most done first.
Pretty cool that this is coming to Wii U because there isn't a lot of games like it for the console, and #Nindies of course.