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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 01 2013 02:54 PM

#60661 25th anniversary VOTE

Posted by Xiombarg on 09 February 2012 - 02:19 PM

Rayman Origins is not on there, so I'm not voting.  Goddamn elitists

#60498 Im kind of in between...

Posted by nintendo3DS on 08 February 2012 - 04:51 PM

Actually, Skyward Sword is fastest selling Zelda. as of the end of January, it sold close to 4 million.

Otherwise, I completely agree. But just wait, our CoD Fan(Boy) will be here shortly, coming in to tell us we are wrong and that Call of Duty isn't just the same game regurgitated every year.

Actually, Skyward Sword is fastest selling Zelda. as of the end of January, it sold close to 4 million.

Otherwise, I completely agree. But just wait, our CoD Fan(Boy) will be here shortly, coming in to tell us we are wrong and that Call of Duty isn't just the same game regurgitated every year.

I'm sorry, did you just call me a fanboy? Yeah, I'm not that stupid.
Secondly, I hardly play CoD anymore; Skyrim kicks the crap out of CoD.
And yeah, just because I'm basically the only one here that likes CoD and is the biggest fan of it here--it doesn't mean I'm a fanboy. I know a lot of people that just ONLY play CoD. While I play like only one match every three to four days now. People really should know that there are other games out there. Not just - "OHHHH HEY A SHOOTER, BANG BANG BANG. Looks like a good game!"
Quit hating on stuff that the general public likes, if you don't like it--fine. Keep it yourself please.

#59865 Hi, I'm not very new anymore

Posted by Lain on 05 February 2012 - 01:24 PM

Posted Image

Hiya! I'm Lain, and I guess I'm not very new anymore, but I haven't introduced myself yet, so I'll get right to it!

First off, "Lain" isn't my real name, but it is the name of an anime character I like. Actually, I'd recommend you watch Serial Experiements Lain if you have the time because it's a neat anime. Anyway, though I use the handle "Lain," I'm nothing like the character. But that bit of information does shed some light on what type of things I take interest in - The Internet and anime.

I've actually been doing forums for quite a while now. I believe I started when I was fourteen or fifteen years old, and I definitely feel I've grown as a person thanks to my experiences online. Right now, I'm a currently a member of eight different forums, three of which you may all be familiar with: Wii U Forums, MLP Forums, and 3DS Forums. I use a different handle in each forum, so if you see a Lain in the other two, it's not me.

Anyway, I joined this forum because I'm interested in the Wii U, and I feel that now was a great time to join as opposed to E3 2011. Wii U news is mostly limited to rumors and rumors, but E3 2012 and a couple of other events are on their way, so this place should become more active with discussion as the days pass. I also prefer small forums, so there's that. But although my joining here is mostly because of the Wii U, I'd still like to talk about everything video games 'cause it's a huge hobby of mine. Hopefully, I'm not the only one who feels that way.

Outside of video games, I'm a pretty big fan of K-Pop, hence my current avatar (which will change kinda often haha), and the gif at the top. I get a lot of flack on other forums for this fandom 'cause apparently K-Pop music sucks, but I really don't care about that. And although K-Pop is a huge fandom of mine, I can totally dig other genres. I actually do appreciate any new recommendations, so feel free to share anything :3

I believe that's all I want to share. If you have any questions, you can ask them over here or over at the IP Chat if I'm ever in there. So peace!

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#59038 The game

Posted by Andy on 01 February 2012 - 02:28 PM

I just lost the game. :P
  • Capcom-Monster Hunter!
  • Rocksteady-That TMNT rumor looked promising. :3
  • Rockstar-GTA5
  • Sega-That Sonic Dimensions rumor also sounded interesting.
  • Bethesda-Whatever RPG they feel like.
  • Activision-Call of Duty(I'm not a fan of it, but apparently a lot of people are)
  • EA-Battlefield

#58432 Post your beautiful face

Posted by Gruff on 29 January 2012 - 01:24 PM

Okay here is my face,


#56077 Nintendo DS And 3DS Player?

Posted by Bill Cipher on 20 January 2012 - 08:56 PM

I am highly against this idea.
Watch a video of a 3D DS game being played on something larger then DS's resolution. I'm warning you, it ain't pretty. Same goes with 3DS. The reason why the GBA-GC Player worked was GBA a sprite based system. DS and 3DS are not. I love both systems, but the reason why this hasn't been made is because the magnification of (3)DS games onto a TV screen looks awful

#55219 Post your beautiful face

Posted by Caius Casshern Sins on 17 January 2012 - 01:35 PM

This is mine

Attached Thumbnails

  • 324132_277956185601013_100001599001908_803998_1180950150_o.jpg

#53571 Avatar Party: Break Mode (IF YOU'RE INTERESTED, POST!)

Posted by Bill Cipher on 11 January 2012 - 08:38 PM

What about pokemon for March? it's not recent, but nearly every main pokemon Game that has come out has been in march(Cept for Fire Red/Leaf Green).

#52560 Starrgrl's Piano Arrangements

Posted by Starrgrl24 on 08 January 2012 - 10:35 AM

I made some more piano arrangements. :3 Both are from Kirby's Epic Yarn. They have not been submitted in ninsheetm.us yet because I'm still trying to add/remove stuff. They're reaaally close to done, though. xD Anyways, if you like music from kirby's epic yarn, feel free to learn. :3 I will edit this later once it's on the site. For now, deal with tindeck and google docs. xD

Kracko Battle:

Melody Town:

edit: I know I bumped a topic, but I much rather reuse this so others can see the previous music I've arranged. xD

#51448 Ask Elric

Posted by Waller on 04 January 2012 - 09:47 PM

Batman? I no gotz 360/PS3

It's also for PC ;)


#50862 Nintendo did NOT abandoned the "hardcore gamers" with Wii

Posted by Auzzie Wingman on 02 January 2012 - 09:44 PM

the title of this topic has the exact title of a youtube vid :P

... No it doesn't.

#48952 Top 20 posters of the day :D

Posted by Waller on 23 December 2011 - 04:24 PM

I used to be top poster like you...

then I took a Skyward Sword to the Wii.

What, were you expecting something else?

Fixed :P

#23810 Waller's render

Posted by Waller on 24 August 2011 - 09:38 AM

Puddle HD.png
Posted Image

That's it, the only render I am satisfied with.

Took about 20 minutes to render because my PC sucks.

I may, or may not post more. It all depends if I get my lazy butt into making something else.

I used Blender, and I did not use an external renderer, just the built in one.

Edit: I remade the lightning and rendered in full HD resolution.

Updated. The attachment system wouldn't let me upload something, so it's just the link for now.

#49918 Now I drew a Kirby

Posted by Starrgrl24 on 30 December 2011 - 05:51 PM

Yeeeeeep! :3 Also, if you have DA account, you can comment here: http://starrgrl24.de...t.com/#/d4krhom
Posted Image

#50265 Future of Pokemon

Posted by Bill Cipher on 01 January 2012 - 12:03 PM

Well,being the resident pokefreak, I think it's only fair to state what I think will happen in the future of pokemon. Something that many people seem to forget is that Black/White both were advertised as a new beginning. This, along with various evidence leads me to believe that Gen V is as close to fully fledged reboot that we will get from the series. for those of you who haven't played, Gen V takes place in Unova, an completely isolated region of the Pokemon world. Until you beat the primary story, you can not catch Pokemon from other regions. This symbolizes that the game was meant to be a new game entirely underneath the Pokemon umbrella. Another fact that supports this is that Gen V takes place several years after the events of the previous generations (This is evidenced by how a former member of Team Rocket now has a family in the Unova region), and it was obvious that this was GameFreak's attempt to, for lack of a better term, reintroduce/reboot Pokemon to a new generation by creating a game that is still inside the primary world that they had built, but yet isolated enough that new fans could pick up and play without having to concern themselves beyond the Unova region if they want to. The final fact that proves that, at least as far as I'm concerned, that Gen V-VI will not have remakes, is that in the offical Pokemon Tournaments that the Pokemon company hosts, that every team for last years entry was only allowed to have Pokemon from Unova.

As for the future,we can make logical guess about what will occur. First piece of evidence about the future of pokemon games is simple. In June, Nintendo released Pokedex 3D, which featured fully 3D models. From this, we can assume two things, the first of which is that the next pokemon game will be on the 3DS, while the second is that it will feature fully 3D sprites for the pokemon. Another assumption that we can make about the future of Pokemon is that it will involve my namesake as a character at some point in the future, as after the story has been completed in B/W, you learn that N has been spotted in a faraway land.

As for Them reusing pokemon designs, I will state that while the general idea is the same between Woobat and Zubat, the two are different enough to prevent confusion. I believe that pokemon could truly be able to exist as long as they keep the designs between generations different enough. If they ever run dry, I'm certain that they could take inspiration from the various different wildlife that exists outside of japan. I would enjoy a pokemon game that features a pokemon models/inspiration from Australia.

Anyways, that's just my 2 cents :P

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