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Member Since 13 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 07 2013 09:37 PM

#226053 Pikmin Nintendo Direct this Wednesday.

Posted by Distractionwolf on 25 June 2013 - 02:16 PM

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who will be playing this series for the first time with 3. I am excited to finally be looking into all these Nintnedo franchises I missed out on but its a little intimidating and frustrating too espicially sense i would prefer to play wii u software rather than back tracking right now.

#226050 Game and Wario Release Trailer

Posted by Distractionwolf on 25 June 2013 - 02:13 PM

I was kind of ehh about this at first though I knew I'd be getting it. With every console I like to have a goal and sense I skipped Nintendo a lot I decided my goal on wii u was going to be to explre the Nintendo franchises, with every 1st party nintendo game being a buy and then prioritizing from there VC releases and wii games, but wii u always takes priority (meaning I may not get to wii and VC for a while!) But now I am kind of psyched for this! of course I have my hands full. I got my wii u very recently, about two weeks ago now? So I still have Nintendo Land, and Mario U (+Luigi U) to go through, then this, then Pikmin 3....I think thats the order yes? I need to look at the dates for DKTF and such again. Thanks for posting the video!

#225707 Why not have a 3d gamepad?

Posted by Distractionwolf on 24 June 2013 - 06:12 AM

The gamepad is why I bought the console. Its possible I'm a minority here, but I doubt it. Most wii u owners seem to like it. Those that don't might get a PS4 and move on. That's fine.

  • Doc likes this

#225522 PS4 launch=Wii U price cut?

Posted by Distractionwolf on 23 June 2013 - 10:23 AM

PS4 and the 720's release will cut the wii U's price to free.


You jest. But history can be stranger than fiction! In the final hours of its life in a last ditch effort to reach minimum install base goals Sega started giving away free Dreamcasts if you signed up for seganet. Of course I don't think Nintendo is anywhere near in that bad a shape or in bad shape at all really XD


But how great would that be?


I'd totally do that deal:


Free wii U


If you sign up for Seganet



#225255 I think Bias is the reason for the Wii U's lack of third-party support

Posted by Distractionwolf on 22 June 2013 - 05:36 AM

To reuter something I said in another post, I think there are two important factors regarding third party support. We all know the install base will grow. Everyone on this forum knows with some more Mario stuff and a Zelda, wii u will get its install base. I find it difficult to believe that if we know this stuff, a bunch of gamers in a forum, that people who get paid 6 figures to know it don't.


I think the reason the usual suspects don't release as frequently for Nintendo consoles is the same factor that sells Nintendo consoles in the first place. Third parties can't compete with first party Nintendo software. People, lots of people, buy Nintendo hardware for Nintendo software. The night before going out to get our wii u dreams of plumbers and gorillas, of space mercenaries and adventurer's with green tunics danced through our heads. These games cost about 60 bucks each, most people can only afford X number of games. Because so many of us buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo software if we have just 60 bucks in our pockets and are stuck with a choice between Mario and Crysis 3, most wii u owners will pick Mario. "Not me!" Says you. But be that as it may, for most Nintendo gamers that is the case.


And to me there isn't anything wrong with that. I miss the 16 bit days when there was an actual difference between consoles and 90% of the library wasn't multiplatform. The main reason the wii was my favorite console is because it was original and unique in its library offerings. Which is my other thing with the 3rd party argument. Its kind of BS. Wii didn't lack 3rd party support it had tons of good 3rd party games, more than anyone here has ever played I'm quite sure. They just didn't get the exact same regurgitated crap as Microsoft and Sony. They got unique stuff instead. Not that there wasn't gems on the other consoles I love my elder scrolls but really, in my eyes having a DIFFERENT library is an asset to Nintendo not a liability. I think most of the time, we Nintendo owners who come to these forums complain about nothing. I have to specify because wii u owners who don't visit forums are probably not complaining.

#224974 Nintendo: Third Party Support a (Secondary) Priority

Posted by Distractionwolf on 21 June 2013 - 07:49 AM

I'm going to get a good scolding for this one I know it, and I know who will do it too, lol, as I've seen the its Nintendo's job to advertise their stuff (despite the fact that we live in the age of social networking) and this is in a similar veign. If you want to see third party software of high quality come to the console you spent all this money on do two things:


1. Invite your friends over to play wii u. Play multiplayer games but also throw a single player campaign focused title their way and let them play. Get them interested in the console.


2. This is way more important. Buy games new. *shields face with forearms* Buy them new and avoid the used rack and help stack those sales numbers for the publisher, not for gamestop.


I will say though, as much as I love the wii u I have almost no complaints except for this one: I have a collectors bug in me and collecting for the wii U is absolutely dismal and pointless. Almost never a paperback game manual, the clamshell casses feel cheap and bend in the middle, the artwork is ok but there is not a whole lot of incentive to own physical copies of the game outside of not having to take up download space. Hopefully some really good special editions will come out with little nicnacks and such but right now its ehh

#224029 Ubisoft: Rayman went multiplatform as they didn’t think it would sell on Wii U

Posted by Distractionwolf on 19 June 2013 - 08:25 AM

Its hilarious to me. I love it, because I got a 3DS very soon after it released too and did this same exact thing - joined a forum to talk about it. And it was filled with so much of this same "R.I.P" stuff. There were people, I won't say trolls because I think that's an idiotic term though I'll admit I'm not sure why else they stuck around, who literally did nothing in that forum but go to every single thread and point out why every single post signaled the death of that console. Sometimes it was a legitimate unfortunate blow, like when Mega Man Legends got canceled, that they chose to blow way out of proportion. Other times it was something like this, news that had nothing to do with the success or failure of the console and they would find a way to make it fit anyhow. I wonder if those people are still around on that forum now that the 3DS is light years from a failure.


Someone should make this a sticky, no they should make it the banner of the whole website. Its a Nintendo console. Its not going to have 50 variations of God of War and 300 clones of call of duty. Some games will be multiplatform, but unlike Xbox and PlayStation, it won't be 90% of the library because Nintendo puts original content, both first and third party, on their machines. That is why people buy them. People who don't like games that are different will generally buy other consoles. And that is ok. But this is a Nintendo console, and no one title makes or breaks us.


Guys, we don't even have shovelware yet. We don't. Don't even bother posting something you think is shovelware cause its not. Go to Wikipedia and type in list of DS or list of Wii games before you do. The wii u doesn't really have, to my knowledge, ANY truly bad games. We have several that no one else can get and we have a few ports. Our install base is low, ready for this? On purpose. No one is really expecting massive sales just yet, this is something that Nintendo has actually been doing for a while. Every time they do it people who care about games enough to come to forums do tend to freak out. But in the end it turns out to all be for not.


With all respect the reason for this reply is to say - its fine. Trust me. I'm going to be mocked cause, you know, the internet... But I've been a gamer sense 1988 and I was almost as interested in the industry as I was the games themselves sense I was six. Hold my hand. Shhhh. Its going to be ok. *strokes hair gently*

#222752 depressing DRM question

Posted by Distractionwolf on 16 June 2013 - 01:46 PM

I don't think they could with what they have out now just due to tech limitations right? Unless they could patch it? In any case I think Nintendo actually has a really brilliant idea about how to handle this but they need to tweak it a bit and then market it better. Club Nintendo. Reward people for buying new games rather than trying (and failing. everything gets hacked eventually.) to punish people for taking other routes. I just don't think enough people are using club nintendo. The incentive might not be quite high enough right now, and there might be to much of a work around. (used games often still have unused codes inside them. Again this is often because not many people know and understand the program. Poor marketing. I didn't know what it really was till today!)

#222631 Should Nintendo Drop the Wii U GamePad

Posted by Distractionwolf on 16 June 2013 - 07:14 AM

If they did there is a decent chance I would SELL my wii u. The game pad was a major selling point for me. I despise the playstation controller so much, and it killed my enjoyment of a lot of games I might otherwise have liked. Its the reason I'm fretting about if I can play bayonetta 2, because I never played the first one. I LOVE big controllers. Xbox (original) and Dreamcast were my favorite controllers prior to the gamepad and now it easily takes the cake. Its the most comfortable one I've played with and loads of fun. I've only used it in arkham city and already I love everything I can do with it. The whole thing is genius. I am so far from a Nintendo fanboy, I fought valiantly against Nintendo under Sega's banner in the great console wars of the early 90s and when I upgraded my genesis I naturally went straight to Dreamcast. Maybe that's where my affection for larger controllers started as even the original 3 button genesis was far from tiny.


The very first game I ever played for wii u was the demo fro rayman legends. The way you use the pad in that was a blast and it made me buy the system the very same day. I literally walked in to sell some PS3 games and maybe pick up a wii title or two, had no clue what, and walked out with a wii u. The controller must stay for it to continue to be the best option for me.

#222577 Does Nintendo need to release a new original game series?

Posted by Distractionwolf on 16 June 2013 - 03:51 AM

Well I think they need two things. They need an original new IP like you guys said, although a smash bros. like rpg is the complete polar opposite of what I'm thinking. Slamming a bunch of already existing characters into a new game style isn't what I want and Mario has been in several rpgs (Mario RPG for SNES, Mario and Luigi Superstar series, most of the paper Mario series). They need to approach a fresh genre, be it in game style or literary. I always kind of liked how Metroid was there scifi as Link was there fantasy. An FPS wouldn't be bad although I'd be equally happy with reviving Metroid Prime's play style there, or just an action-adventure game form a third person perspective as long as it was solidly made (those tend to be really hit or miss with me).


But Nintendo also needs to take better advantage of some of the IPs it already has. Kid Icarus Uprising was a good start despite the weird control scheme but I fear they will just halt right there. Can we get an actual starfox game? Just a straight up, no nonsense Starfox shooter as good as starfox 64 but not a port of it? I liked Adventure personally but I don't need a Zelda clone when I have Zelda. I didn't play Assault but from what I understand it was far from what we wanted out of starfox. We never got a starfox on the wii and that's unacceptable. With the wii u controller though we could do really cool things with that gameplay style.


Also isn't Fire Emblem a Nintendo IP? I guess its what you'd call 2nd party?

#222207 The Wii U should have been as powerful as the Xbox one.

Posted by Distractionwolf on 15 June 2013 - 08:31 AM

I'm not so sure it would have mattered. Two important patterns we see in gaming history; one is that the most powerful console is never the winner. Master System was more potent than the NES. SNES had a bit more juice than the Genesis (I know that's a controversial one in the "who won" arguments department. Most people would say its a tie, having reviewed the Genesis and its library extensively I argue Genesis won in sales by a few hairs) PS3 trumped 360 and wii in tech but couldn't overcome in sales and is probably the best example of this. Secondly, perception is everything, tech means little, when it comes to numbers. Sadly Nintendo is such a polarized issue most people with a passionate stance one way or the other aren't going to be swayed by tech, the brand has a fixed perception for everyone good or ill. If Wii U had been the most powerful of the 3 I think it would have done nothing but hurt them. On top of all the stigma people who swear by Sony or Microsoft give Nintendo they would now add to it the wasteful price point for technology that will never be fully exploited.


On a side note, I've seen a couple people say the wii u should have had a normal controller. I can see a legitimate complaint in that it will be a hard controller to replace.... Am I the only one though for which the controller was actually the selling point? The wii u controller, weird as that may seem, is my killer app. I love it. And I think its a matter of perception maybe we just aren't ready for it. To understand the wii u one must embrace the concept that the controller is just as much a part of the machine as anything else. It IS the console. Just curious though if the controller was something anyone else got excited about or if I am just nuts.

#221164 It has begun...

Posted by Distractionwolf on 13 June 2013 - 11:53 AM

Hello forum! =D


I'm 27 in about a week. A gamer most of my life and a forum rat sense I was 15. So much so that I'm registering right now right after unboxing my wii u while I wait fro the controller to charge! Part of what makes gaming fun for me, a big part, is discussing it with awesome people, so I am just as excited to be a part of this community as I am to own a wii u!


I started gaming with an NES but was a sega kid most of my life. I loved the genesis and really loved the dreamcast. I heart giant controllers (xbox and DC were my favorites for that reason) so I already know I'm going to love my new console. I bought it on a bit of a whim. My PS3 recently broke and I've been frustrated with it. I loved the wii but didn't really get to experince much of the library. When I traded some games in today at gamestop I decided to test out their wii u demos and fell in love. So my alliance for this generation of gaming has been chossen. May our enemies crumble at our feet! =P


Looking forward to meeting all of you.

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