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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 17 2013 06:29 PM

#69501 Sonic the Hedgehog co-creator Hirokazu Yasuhara joins Nintendo

Posted by Joshua on 04 April 2012 - 03:04 PM

Employing the enemy, I like! :D

(Sorry, I grew up during the SEGA vs. Nintendo days and even until now I still see them as Nintendo's rival despite the fact that they have made up now.)

#69494 ARE YOU WiiN KIDDING ME OR WHAT ! Another BS "weak" troll

Posted by Joshua on 04 April 2012 - 02:48 PM

Of course, all the named devs must be liers where the unknown anynmous devs are legit lol.

That is the kind of logic I cannot understand from these haters. They are so damn blind that they ignore all the positive news praising the Wii U but emphasise all the negative news that have little to no legitimate sources.
There is a video from Shokio that he uploaded on Youtube a couple days back from now talking about this Wii U BS but I can't post it since it has a swear/curse word in the title. :P

#69332 WiiU Shovelware idea dump

Posted by Joshua on 03 April 2012 - 06:11 PM

How about


In shovelware you are giving a shovel and using your wii u controller screen you dig hole's to bury those crappy games.

You all saw this coming....

Posted Image


#69180 A new bad article about the Wii U specs from an anonymous source

Posted by Joshua on 03 April 2012 - 01:03 AM

I'm wondering how much the Wii U will cost if it is indeed weaker than the PS3 and the 360?


#69150 Rumor: PlayStation 4 coming before Xbox 720

Posted by Joshua on 02 April 2012 - 06:10 PM

Well, I for one did not see this coming...

Don't forget the vita's launch.

And the PSP Go launch..............if it had one. :P

#69148 A new bad article about the Wii U specs from an anonymous source

Posted by Joshua on 02 April 2012 - 06:06 PM

You know what I think about this article?

Posted Image

#69035 Hello Everyone

Posted by Joshua on 02 April 2012 - 12:58 AM

Welcome to the Wii U Forums 'KgGamesXL'. I hope you enjoy the content you see here.

#69020 wii U, Gamefly, and the next gen.

Posted by Joshua on 01 April 2012 - 11:56 PM

i dont really like sony either but personally i enjoy video games way too much to completely alienate myself from great games and franchises regardless of platform.

Spoken like a boss and a true gamer.

#69016 WiiU Shovelware idea dump

Posted by Joshua on 01 April 2012 - 11:44 PM

My Little Pony: The Game


#68561 Wazzup WiiU'ers!

Posted by Joshua on 29 March 2012 - 10:37 PM

Welcome to the Wii U Forums SBellesteros. There is an active member in this forum who is an avid 'sportsgamer'. You may want to meet him.

#67857 Do any of you think this would be a good style for Miis on WiiU?

Posted by Joshua on 24 March 2012 - 06:01 PM

I'm expecting a long, awesome response from Ponkotsu at moment now.

#67788 WiiWare Sequels on U-Ware

Posted by Joshua on 24 March 2012 - 02:07 PM

I don't think kinectimals was very well received. :P

How can it? It is a very stupid concept that will only entertain children up to the time they find out what those animals do to humans in real life. :D

#67524 New Darksiders II HD Gameplay

Posted by Joshua on 23 March 2012 - 03:34 AM

Wow, looks really good. I may actually get this at launch. Seems like the kind of game I'd enjoy.

#67333 I made a desktop wallpaper!

Posted by Joshua on 22 March 2012 - 01:29 AM

I love simple wallpapers. This one takes the chocolate covered cake with sprinkles and cream all over it smothered in a rich chocolate sauce and *dribbles*.

#67306 help with blender!

Posted by Joshua on 21 March 2012 - 10:15 PM

You might want to privately message him to get his attention first. :P

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