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Member Since 28 Dec 2013Offline Last Active Jan 06 2015 06:39 AM
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- Age 29 years old
- Birthday August 6, 1995
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Maastricht, The Netherlands
Pikmin, The Legend of Zelda, Pokémon
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- NNID Akazury
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#303660 Hyrule Warriors Amiibo Problem... How do you load them?
Posted by Akazury
on 22 November 2014 - 06:24 AM
#301828 Who's buying Sonic Boom? Anyone hyped about it?
Posted by Akazury
on 04 November 2014 - 01:19 PM
- BrosBeforeGardenTools likes this
#301178 Bayonetta 1, 2 Impressions and Discussion
Posted by Akazury
on 28 October 2014 - 01:27 AM
Witch Time OP and too easily triggered?? I'm already having a hard time getting the thing to activate let alone for a fair amount of time. The rest I'm not that far in yet or it doesn't bother me as much, the one thing I do hate is that fact that certain enemy's attacks need to be dodge imediatly after a cutscene ends. I've been hit so many times because of that.I'd written a long post with my impression on Bayonetta 1 (which I recently bought even though I'd already played most of it), but I disconnected my PC and I don't feel like rewriting it anymore, so here's some bulletpoints instead:
Some of those complaints are pretty nitpicky, but I'm just posting them because I'm wondering how much of that was fixed in the sequel. Other than that, brilliant game. The animation is fantastic, the mannerism and baroque architecture-inspired art design is great, the exploration elements of the game are much improved from DMC's (where you never really had any real motivation to explore the castle), the freaking soundtrack is a perfect match for the game, the obvious mention of the combat system, the special mention of Gracious and Glorious which are by far the best common enemies in the entire goddamned genre, Bayonetta's gonna bust a cap in yo ass...
- Most boss battles are pretty forgettable. The only one I remember actually having fun with was Jeanne, the rest were all gimmicky boss battles simply because their size impeded them from being anything else. Really disappointed with that one. :/
- Angel Attack gets pretty damn tedious after a while. Should have made it optional, Kamiya.
- Out of nowhere instant-death QTE's make me cry.
- Space Harrier level and motorcycle level are too repetitive and went on for waaaay too long. The Space Harrier one was particularly terrible considering it made me nauseous, but at least that one rewards you with the best fight in the game. I'm just dreading having to replay the motorcycle level on my Hard playthrough because there's nothing going for that level...
- Witch Time is too easily triggered and it's OP as hell. Should have been frame perfect like the parries. At least I hear it's gone from the highest difficulty level, so that's something. Maybe I'll actually learn how to play the game on Non-Stop Infinite Climax!
- Don't care for locked difficulty settings. I still remember when I lost my DMC4 save file, ahahaha, I was so happy I took the disc off to have some fun in a shooting range. Come on Kamiya, you put in cheat codes to unlock accesories but you didn't put a cheat code in to unlock difficulties?
I just love this game.
So anyway, I heard somewhere that you weren't penalized for using items in the Bayonetta 2 demo, which... is a bit questionable. Is that still a thing in the full game?
I don't think it was even possible to use items in the Bayo 2 demo.
- KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums likes this
#298563 That Gamer Specific
Posted by Akazury
on 15 September 2014 - 08:55 AM
So you guys might have seen me around but this time introductions are in place. I'm Akazury or Jordi and I've started my own YT channel, That Gamer Specific. I do reviews & first impressions, gameplay & strategy guides and if all goes well I'll be doing let's plays. This more off an hobby then anything else but that doesn't mean I don't try my hardest. If you have some spare time take a look, let me know what you guys think. Eventually I will be updating this topic to show the newest episodes first.
Strategy guide:
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#298435 Live Nintendo Tree House Sept 12th. 3ds smash and more...
Posted by Akazury
on 12 September 2014 - 09:20 AM
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#298431 Live Nintendo Tree House Sept 12th. 3ds smash and more...
Posted by Akazury
on 12 September 2014 - 09:10 AM
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#298145 Your Top 5 or 10 DS Games
Posted by Akazury
on 08 September 2014 - 05:27 AM
- storabajskorven and NintendoReport like this
#298127 Hyrule Warriors Pre-order bonuses. *Sigh*
Posted by Akazury
on 07 September 2014 - 09:42 PM
- NintendoReport and KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums like this
#297320 Shulk Shulk Shulk!
Posted by Akazury
on 29 August 2014 - 03:10 AM
#297051 Crossover DLC Mario Kart 8
Posted by Akazury
on 27 August 2014 - 12:37 AM
#297042 Mario Kart 8 V2.0 Patch Screenshots!
Posted by Akazury
on 27 August 2014 - 12:12 AM
#296975 Crossover DLC Mario Kart 8
Posted by Akazury
on 26 August 2014 - 12:40 PM
Mario Kart 8 Pack 1 - Released: November 2014
Pack 1 includes:
3 Characters: Tanooki Mario, Cat Peach, Link
4 Vehicles
8 Courses
Mario Kart 8 Pack 2 - Released: May 2015
Pack 2 includes:
3 Characters: Villager, Isabelle, Dry Bowser
4 Vehicles
8 Courses
As a bonus for purchasing both packs - as a bundle or separately - you can get eight different-coloured Yoshis and eight different-coloured Shy Guys that can be used right away.
- NintendoReport likes this
#296844 Would you like Nintendo's next system to have achievements?
Posted by Akazury
on 25 August 2014 - 07:43 AM
- Raiden likes this
#296292 Watchdogs to be last mature Ubi game for Wii U
Posted by Akazury
on 19 August 2014 - 06:51 AM
As much as this does disappoint we should still thank them for been the only big third party developer that stuck with the Wii U. Lets not count Activision who gives us only Call of Duty.
Thank them for what? Gimped version, massive delays and no support for ones that actually bought the game? No for that they can stick their games where the sun never shines.
And the delay of WD isn't smart on their part cause now we all know what kind of carp crap game it is and nobody will buy it and then they will complain that WiiU gamers aren't interested in Mature games. We're not interested in Ubi's b*llsh*t that's what it is.
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