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Member Since 14 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 08 2014 04:19 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Mario Kart 8 Online Disappointment + Why so many babies?

22 May 2014 - 12:19 AM

Ah game journalists at their finest.

But still, generally, nintendo are a bit behind when it comes to online features.

And by lazy i didn't mean that work wasn't put into them, i meant that very little thought was put into the choice of characters.

yeah they are on the right track with miiverse etc but they still got LOTS of room for improvement concerning online and social features.

In Topic: What if Watchdogs came out a week before other platforms?

19 May 2014 - 02:08 PM

Understandable. But we've gotta have hope!!1

My hope almost died after they moved watch dogs to november so that no one will buy it for wii u if they can get it earlier on another system with better support, then ubisoft will complain bout low sales even though its theit own fault :( but maybe kart and X can save the wii us sales and make it again interesting for 3rd parties. I'm keeping my preorder for wii u watchdogs nevertheless just to show that there is demand.

In Topic: Chicken takes drawing requests <(^)3

19 May 2014 - 09:46 AM

u really good Mr Chicken! respect!

In Topic: Politically-correct idiot criticizes Mario Kart 8 for being racist

19 May 2014 - 09:36 AM

(including Toad and Toadette)

WTF since when are humans and mushrooms the same species xD


and who should they give different ethnicities? Wario? I think THAT would be racist lol


but seriosly complete nonsense I also think that the article is meant as a joke

In Topic: Cry a little

19 May 2014 - 07:58 AM


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