Member Since 14 Jan 2014Offline Last Active Jun 08 2014 04:19 AM
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its sad how nintendo screwed us first day wii u owners.. they couldve just asked if we want metroid, starfox and fzero or DK, ww remake and 10 new mario copies. :(
May 17 2014 04:42 PM
I prefer DK & WWHD over those. Well I guess I never played them much. And what do you mean 10 new mario copies? I never regretted my Wii U, it has every game I want, pretty much. Plus those 3 don't sound like launch games. Wii U had a pretty good launch line up anyways.
May 17 2014 05:28 PM -
I'm honestly happy that you and at least a few people are happy with their wii us (so was I untill I realized how they screwed up mk8s online). Well unfortunately do the sales numbers suggest that most people didnt like the launch lineup and releases up to this date :(
May 18 2014 02:48 AM
hours and hours of work made this video possible. Id be very happy if a few of u would check it out :) thx in advance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMoWCLjig2k
Mar 27 2014 06:15 AM
new sniping video :) thanks for checkin it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoNi03Bgot4&list=UU7bJaxvl1p4nGlkCn8ERUGA
Mar 21 2014 03:54 PM
Did u c this? I think they are teasing the next Metroid with it (hopefully): DK Country Tropical Freeze Samus Aiship Easter Egg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_w_7lxFVVE
Mar 10 2014 04:14 PM
Yep, I think GameExplain did a video on this a while back. Cool!
Mar 10 2014 04:31 PM
Aliens on BLOPS2 and massive c4 madness: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yX-ggyKA0io
Mar 09 2014 08:32 AM
new video living like larry on cod. enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kCJj-tSfEE
Mar 04 2014 02:34 AM
new video thnaks for watching! :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0TyN1MxteU
Feb 16 2014 10:49 AM
made a new cod video if anybody likes cod and wanna watch thank you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvVMY_HIu2g
Feb 09 2014 10:03 AM
im done with freakin cod.. nintendo give me mk8 so i can put cod into the trash where it belongs
Feb 08 2014 04:09 PM
Waller → Dr.Legendaddy
When I grow up, I wanna be just as Legendaddy as you, Doctor.
Feb 03 2014 07:47 AM