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Member Since 14 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 08 2014 04:19 AM

Topics I've Started

Mario Kart 8 Online Disappointment + Why so many babies?

17 May 2014 - 04:48 PM

Hi guys! I'm really disappointed that Nintendo never seems to listen to their fans. No new Metroid (rather DK), startfox, fzero u, etc are just the tip of the iceberg.


"... once again, Nintendo’s den mother attitude rears its head: Chat is restricted to lobbies with friends only. There’s no option to invite friends into a game, and Mario Kart 8 also doesn't provide message notifications. This is seriously disappointing because you have to use outside means to coordinate friends-only races. These omissions often make Mario Kart 8 feel like a fancy import Ferrari with an old ham radio built into the dashboard."


Why cant't they realize that some of us arent 10 year old kids. Even the worst Wii U game COD Ghosts offers up to date online features. I was expecting perfection but Nintendo been screwing with us since I bought the Wii U for ridic 450$. And why do we need every Character in baby or metal form?? So thats why it has the same meta score as skylanders. I expected MUCH more!


And I do not intend do insult anybody here so dont take this post the wrong way! I'm just worried bout big N and I was really psyched to play a good online mode with my friends in public lobbies.


Black Ops II & Ghosts Top 10 Video

09 February 2014 - 10:02 AM

Hello everyone I hope its ok to post this here. I made a top 10 fails wins and funny moments video about recent kills n situations in cod blops2 and ghosts. I put much work into this and id love to hear some opinions about it since its my first cod video and im trying to improve :) thx in advance!




So i made a second one


Ultra funny/odd old Nintendo GBA advertisement

28 January 2014 - 10:25 AM

A Prof of mine had this Picture in his lecture so i did some reasearch and found more of them. So Nintendo had the "adult" gamer aproachalready a long time ago xD being a badass playing the gba sp! oh yeah










Best Wario Game and Why are there not more (good) Wario Games?

21 January 2014 - 04:49 AM

I was reading this article http://nintendo3dsda...icated-fanbase/

n started to wonder why Nintendo stopped making (good) wario games. Is it because the franchize isnt known enough or did the old ones sell poorely? No 3ds Wario game yet and only a poor party game for wii u. i think the last good wario game was the shake dimension but even there the motion controls were annoying imltho. 

COD Ghosts anyone?

14 January 2014 - 07:37 AM

Any Ghosts players here? (i know theres only bout 2000 on wii u lol)


Looking for friendly clan battles and/or players who are interested in trying out for a clan. 


Who we are:We are a multi-national clan focused on having fun together. What makes us so unique, is the fact that we have people from different countries, expanding from North America all the way to Europe. Naturally this implies that there is always some clan members active as we are all in different time zones. Being able to be part of a clan with members so far away from each other but yet having a close bond is what makes it perfect. We do not strive to be the best clan in terms of k/d or w/l ratios, but rather being a very competitive, friendly and fun clan! 

Greetings! Sußbauer :)


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