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There have been 35 items by The Halbird (Search limited from 08-June 23)

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#237830 Wii U Wishlist

Posted by The Halbird on 08 August 2013 - 09:35 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Here's a list of what I'd like to see on the Wii U


Pok'emon statium 3: (Similar to Pokemon Stadium 2, but with a lot more fetures, and a full trainers acadamy storyline.)

Gex 4: (Baised off the Gex series.)

Monster Rancher 5:

Digimon world 3 revamped: (Baised off of digimon world three, but with more digimon, custimisable tamers, the option to switch between original PS1 and Wii U graphics, and a stroyline twice as long.

Nascer Rumble 2: (Baised off of Nascar Rumble for the Playstation 1)

Mount and Blade:

School tycoon U: (Biased off the School tycoon game for the PC)

Moon Tycoon U: (Baised off thr Moon tycoon game for the PC)

#237851 What Consoles do you have?

Posted by The Halbird on 08 August 2013 - 11:33 AM in General Gaming

I currently have

NES, SNES, N64, and Gamecube

Wii and Wii U

Game boy and Game boy pocket

Game boy advance, GBA SP and GBA micro

Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS

Sega Genisus and Sega Dreamcast

Playstation 1, 2, and 3

Playstation protable and Vita

Xbox and Xbox 360


Widnows XP and 7 gaming computers

Windows 98 and Ubuntu laptops

#237853 Your favorite video game character?

Posted by The Halbird on 08 August 2013 - 11:36 AM in General Gaming

The female main character from Pok'emon Leaf green/Fire red , Glados from Portal, and Gex from the Gex series on the PlayStation 1.

#241644 Wii U Summer/Fall Update

Posted by The Halbird on 26 August 2013 - 03:54 AM in Wii U Hardware

Things I'd want most in an update:


Statistics folder, achievements, or perhaps another ambassador program.


Truth is, I really don't care, but it would be nice.

#237797 Who buys a Nintendo console for third party multiplats, anyways?

Posted by The Halbird on 08 August 2013 - 08:28 AM in Wii U Hardware

Well, I wasn't going to buy the wii U originally, but my great grandmother purchesed it for me back in May as a... real early birthday present, (My birthday is in Agust), so I'll probably buy most of the multi-plats for the Wii U, unless I can only get them on a computer and then I'd only buy them if my current gaming computer can support it decently. I probably won't buy any more consoles except replacements due to the bad economy and lack of storage.

#243206 Is now the right time to buy?

Posted by The Halbird on 31 August 2013 - 03:31 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'd say it's worth it for several reasons.


A. You will save money

B. You will have richer pickings to chose from in terms of games.

C. You will have exclusive Nintendo titles

D. You will have access to vutural console games, and although they don't have very rich pickings yet, they eventually will. You could also save some money this way compared to buying the original game carts, especially concerning Earthbound.

#242525 Nintendo announces 2DS?

Posted by The Halbird on 29 August 2013 - 02:31 AM in General Gaming

The design looks great... But the lack of 3D effect might set some people off. Sure, it might be fine to play a game like pok'emon X/Y or Animal crossing, but other games that look better with the 3D effect... not so much.

On the upper hand, this idea will have three positive effects.

A. It will provide those who love the 3DS, own the original 3DS,and are possibly concerned about battery but don't have enough money to buy the XL to buy it easier, assuming they want more batteries life and can handle without the 3D effect. Even if it's battery life is somewhat terrible, having two systems will most likely double battery life.
B. It will provide Those new to gaming and want to try it out without spending upwards of 250 or more, or those of a more casual with a cheap method of buying new game titles.
C. It will provide those who like to collect a new system to play their games on.


I may eventually buy it for extended battery life, but that would be the only reason, most likely.

#244942 Exactly how much of a downgrade would a PS4 game suffer on Wii U?

Posted by The Halbird on 08 September 2013 - 10:39 AM in Wii U Hardware

I don't think they would be much of an upgrade, if at all, unless the xbox 1/PS4 is excessively easy to program and the developers either don't have the time or are entirely too lazy to take the measure to make the Wii U version port of the game. 

#245484 Ubisoft shuns Wii U time for a Proactive Nintendo...3rd parties don't care

Posted by The Halbird on 11 September 2013 - 09:03 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'm personally satisfied with my wii U library, but the fact that some games are being canceled is a bit concerning to me. However, That does not mean I'm going to give up on the wii U, and I can not afford a PS4 at the moment. It would take at least three years before I'd feel comfortable investing in a new game console, with the exceptions of those I've owned in the past and want or need to replace, and even then it's going to depend an factors such as game selection, economy, system durability, system convenience, ect.

#260655 If you were chosen to create your own bundle what is it going to include

Posted by The Halbird on 12 December 2013 - 02:25 AM in General Gaming

Wii U


Sonic all stars racing

Mario cart 8

Pikmin 2

Wii Remote set

Wii U 32GB set

Bonus $20 Wii U shop card

Total cost: $350




Nintedno 3DSXL Zelda edition

Legend of zelda orcana of time 3D

Wii U Zelda edition

Legend of zelda: Wind waker

Limited edition Zelda pro  controler

Limited edition Wii U zelda rero collection containing all zelda games from the original up to the Majora's mask, including all pregame boy advance games and CDi games.

Price: $500

#245425 What wii u games do you plan to have picked up by end of this year?

Posted by The Halbird on 11 September 2013 - 01:42 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Zelda wind waker HD


Possibly Raymon legends


There are other games i'm interested in, but those are the big three I'm aiming for. 

#242590 wii u ambassador program

Posted by The Halbird on 29 August 2013 - 07:22 AM in Wii U Hardware

I sure as heck don't feel cheated. Let's face it, it cost money to invent, design, test, and publish a gaming console. That cost money, which is why the console cost more at the start. Would it hurt to have an ambassador program? No, it'd be good. But to they owe us one? NO! NO! a thousand times No!

#241941 so. .. do we forgive Rayman?

Posted by The Halbird on 27 August 2013 - 07:53 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'll most likely get it for Christmas. I'll want to pick up Wind waker HD and Watchdogs first, if possible.

#240541 How do you feel about the Wii U gamepad?

Posted by The Halbird on 20 August 2013 - 02:08 PM in Wii U Hardware

I will say that it is quite comfortable to use, and I like how the games that I've tried use it properly. I'm pretty happy with it.

#241663 8 year old kills Grandmother after playing GTA IV

Posted by The Halbird on 26 August 2013 - 06:55 AM in General Gaming

I think it's a parental failure on both parts. The kid should not have had access to a gun or GTA. Now I'm not saying kids can't play games or watch shows with guns in and of themselves, but if they are allowed to do so, it should only be allowed if the Game or show isn't going over the top in terms of violence.One of the ememies in the original Spyro the dragon had primitive type of gun, while in one of the Digimon seasons, Bealzomon used guns, yet both where designed for usage by a kid audience via ratings (Not saying older people couldn't enjoy Spyro or Digimon). 

#240707 Minecraft is now available on Sony consoles

Posted by The Halbird on 21 August 2013 - 05:47 AM in General Gaming

Meh...I don't know. I already have Minecraft on the Xbox 360, so I would not need it on the PS3. Now on the Wii U... given how one might be able to use the touch screen to enhance game play, I might go for it. However, I'd only do so if it was under $30.

#240610 Have you forgiven Microsoft yet?

Posted by The Halbird on 20 August 2013 - 05:20 PM in General Gaming

Well, considering I was not going to even buy next generation consoles, (Did end up with a Wii U), There's really not all that much to forgive that well, however, even if the economy was good and I was going to buy all of the next gen consoles, the Xbox one would still too resource dependent.That doesn't mean I won't buy and play games for my original Xbox, Xbox 360, or Windows 7 gaming computer, though.

#260664 What games deserve ports? (XB1/PS4/WIIU)

Posted by The Halbird on 12 December 2013 - 03:01 AM in General Gaming

Port Mount and blade Warband and Minecraft to Wii U.

#243379 Infinity Ward says the Wii U Version of COD Ghosts is not Current or Next-Gen

Posted by The Halbird on 01 September 2013 - 03:08 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm pretty sure that Infinity Ward would say that my Gaming PC is not next gen, even if I where to add a $300 graphics card to it. But that's aside the point. 


If you want my honest opinion, if games get too much more graphically powerful, then I may have to quit buying new games since I've noticed that some of the more graphically intense games strain my eyes. So even if what Infinity ward says is true, I'm not going to whine over the fact.

#260652 Mario Kart 8

Posted by The Halbird on 12 December 2013 - 02:14 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I'm excited for Mario cart, to be perfectly honest. The last one I play was for the N64, which I no longer have. (Not sure what happened to it.) However, I'm a patent guy, so as long as the situation remains optiml for making, selling, buying, and playing video games, I could care less if it came out yesterday or december 2014. But... that's just me. I'd perfer a Summer release, so as to catch up on buying those games I don't have just yet.

#237841 Bethesda says Wii U is not on our radar due to "Hardware Issues"

Posted by The Halbird on 08 August 2013 - 10:11 AM in Wii U Hardware

My main response is actually a question... Does Bethsheba really have a hardwhare problem with the Wii U or does Bethsheba just not want to publish games for the Wii U, and is just using the hardware as an excuse? If Bethsheba has a hard ware problem, I think they should say what that is, but if Bethsheba just dosen't want to make games on the Wii U, then hiding behind a hardware issue may not be the best way to say that.

#237838 Would you had done anything different with releasing the WiiU?

Posted by The Halbird on 08 August 2013 - 09:47 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think the system is ok as is, But I would do five things:


1. Advertise more

2. increase the Ram to 2.5 GB and add additional ram for the OS

3. Increase the CPU to a 2.6 GHz quadcore

4. Increase Graphic card unit effecenct and power by 12%-20%

5. Offer to fund a few games for popular TV shows, Books, and other non video game entertainment sorces, while makeing them not only avalable on launch, but also makeing them excelent games, not a junk or sub-par game that relies on the gimmik of it being from a famous book, movie, or tv show.


#245112 Possibly all of the Mega Evolutuion Pokemon.

Posted by The Halbird on 09 September 2013 - 12:03 PM in General Gaming

Mega- Eevee. Mega Sandslash, and Mega Beedrill. That's what I'd like to see. 

#240708 How hype do you think Pokemon X & Y are getting?

Posted by The Halbird on 21 August 2013 - 05:53 AM in General Gaming

I'm not all that hyped about it. Yeah, it looks great, and it would be a triple A title for my 3DS, I just don't get as excited about a new pok'emon game as I use to.

#240683 Wind Waker HD Bundle and Pokemon bundles rumored

Posted by The Halbird on 21 August 2013 - 03:41 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Looks nice to me. I wouldn't buy it unless my current Wii U was to break on me, though. 


What I'd like to know is how much internal storage capacity does it have? 8GB? 32GB? more than 32GB?

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