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#273046 Ask Grandpa Sherm anything

Posted by Foot on 17 February 2014 - 06:33 AM in Roleplay and Forum Games

What was ur high score in flappy bird

#273045 WIIUF Official XY Tournament -Round 1.

Posted by Foot on 17 February 2014 - 06:32 AM in General Gaming

I'm not really interested in joining but I think the tournament should be double elimination style, so when someone loses their dropped to a losers bracket, and the finals would be the winners bracket champion vs losers bracket champion.

#270754 Amazon buys Double Helix Games

Posted by Foot on 06 February 2014 - 04:15 AM in General Gaming

Double Helix did a game recently.... aren't they the guys that did Killer Instinct on the Xbox One?

Yup and they're working on a Strider reboot now too

#270752 Amazon buys Double Helix Games

Posted by Foot on 06 February 2014 - 04:01 AM in General Gaming


An Amazon representative told GameSpot, "Amazon has acquired Double Helix as part of our ongoing commitment to build innovative games for customers."

The story follows rumours of Amazon's plans to launch an Android-powered games and entertainment device this year. The device will reportedly cost less than $300 and allow users to stream and download games, music, movies, and TV content.

Amazon has taken several steps into the gaming industry in recent years, employing an internal game development team and hiring Halo writer Erik Nylund to become Amazon's director of narrative design for an unspecified project.

"I can't talk about specifics, but I wouldn't be there unless something cool was brewing," he said at the time. It sounds like we're going to get those specifics very soon.

Well, looks like PrimeBox is happening, at least it'll have a smile on it...

#267867 Top 10 things to boost sales in 2014

Posted by Foot on 21 January 2014 - 09:57 AM in Wii U Hardware

I think advertising should be a top priority. Ever since the holiday ended, I've seen the same amount of commercials for PS4 and Xbox One but not a single one for Wii U anymore. No Wii Fit U, or anything, heck who knows if their even gonna advertise DKC:TF!

#267859 nintendo NEXT GEN console specs LEAKED (RUMOR)

Posted by Foot on 21 January 2014 - 09:48 AM in Wii U Hardware

Good concept, too early doe

And can a Power CPU even be 64-bit architecture? I thought they were custom Power architecture

#267130 Nintendo slashes sales forecast by 70%

Posted by Foot on 17 January 2014 - 02:47 PM in General Gaming

I thought they were trying to make Wii U hit 9 million lifetime sales, not sell another 9 million from last fiscal year

#267129 Satoru Iwata: "I'm not going resign"

Posted by Foot on 17 January 2014 - 02:45 PM in Wii U Hardware

He had 3 sucessful platforms because there was a market for the at the time. The market that he's trying to lead nintendo on is long gone. I think they should fire him and replace him with someone that's more in touch with the current gaming community

#264931 Hi, I'm Kent :)

Posted by Foot on 06 January 2014 - 07:36 AM in Introduction Central

hi Kent, don't feed the sharks

#264930 What are you looking forward to at CES?

Posted by Foot on 06 January 2014 - 07:36 AM in The Café

For me I feel like we're gonna be seeing an increase in budget 4K TV's as they try to push 4K into the market. I'm also looking forward to seeing if Virtual Reality, other than Oculus Rift, will become a big thing as well

#264928 $10.10 Minimum Wage Could Lift About 5 Million Out Of Poverty

Posted by Foot on 06 January 2014 - 07:32 AM in The Café

so I get more than $7.50 an hour now?! yesss

#264720 Are we going to see a Wii U SKU this year

Posted by Foot on 04 January 2014 - 11:42 AM in Wii U Hardware

I'll tell you as soon as I can get my time machine functioning.

Can you get your time machine to bring chat back as well?

#264161 DERPTrolling hackers knock down several online gaming servers one by one

Posted by Foot on 31 December 2013 - 09:28 AM in General Gaming


Last night, they managed to down the Dota 2, League of Legends, Battle.net, Club Penguin, and World of Tanks servers. As of now they are back up, however they've now targeted Runescape. The Runescape servers are currently down.

It's amazing what these people are doing, not good amazing, but amazing that their pulling this off. According to their twitter, they managed to evade police by wearing suits because no criminals wear suits, according to them.

The even bigger issue, their taking requests from people. Who knows what gaming server will be next! Let's all hope that Nintendo Network doesn't face another outage...unless the Christmas outage was a ploy and it was actually these people!

Update: At around 1:55pm, Police managed to tail this group and seize 3 of their machines

#264024 2014 Wii U games

Posted by Foot on 30 December 2013 - 09:26 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I list a full list here

GOTY 2014


-I'd like a full game based on the Captain Toad levels in 3D World

-Sunshine HD

#262839 2014 games you plan to buy...so far

Posted by Foot on 22 December 2013 - 08:55 AM in General Gaming

Wii U:
Smash 4
Mario Kart 8

Smash 4

Xbox One: I plan on getting one in the summer
Next Call of Duty
The Division

#261944 Nintendo Direct 12/18 for Spring 2014 Wii U , 3DS

Posted by Foot on 17 December 2013 - 02:45 PM in Wii U Games and Software

They're gonna show off their secret fifth DKCTF character..."Not so Tiny Kong"image.jpg
If they made her like this in the game I would buy it

#259675 The Wii U's problem is the Wii's existance.

Posted by Foot on 07 December 2013 - 06:22 PM in General Gaming

Firing Iwata would be really stupid.
First f all, the Wii U still has a long while to go before it's a lost cause. Second, the 3DS proves that they can still maek huge hits with him leading the company. third, There is way more to leading a company than just advertising. WAAAAAAYYY more. And he seems to be doing a pretty good job in pretty much every other thing that he's supposed to be doing.

Advertising if how you make your products known, it's how you convince the consumer to drive to the store and buy your game, and if your doing it poorly, well, that's why nintendo hasn't been doing that good

#259326 The Wii U's problem is the Wii's existance.

Posted by Foot on 06 December 2013 - 01:17 PM in General Gaming

I seriously think Nintendo should fire their entire marketing team and replace them, I also think things need to change with the higher up (hint hint: Iwata) because they keep screwing up and are completely clueless to what the problem is, it's them!

#259320 Some random Tech Questions

Posted by Foot on 06 December 2013 - 12:51 PM in General Gaming

Thanks for all the answers guys but something else kinda sparked up too

Do higher res textures put more strain on the gpu? Or do they even use that much power regardless of resolution?

#259164 Some random Tech Questions

Posted by Foot on 05 December 2013 - 04:09 PM in General Gaming

So comparing current gen and last gen (yeah I've made the change already), and then PC, I've kinda wondered some techy questions...so 3Dude yeah, your definitely someone that could help me out here, but all opinions are welcome :P

So first off textures, this kinda relates to Wii U, and why it's multi-platforms released this holiday for both gens, that Wii U's textures are based off of last gen. Why can't use the same textures, such as the PS4 and Xbox One's for some of these games like Call of Duty Ghosts and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag? I guess my actual question towards this is: Do better textures really put a lot more strain on the hardware, or is is more of a memory or storage issue? (Seeing as a lot of this newer gen's games are around the 30-50gb range).

Next, going more towards memory and the next gen of memory, DDR4, what are the advances because it seems to me like the only thing I'm noticing is an increased clock speed? Also what difference is there between normal DDR ram and GDDR ram (what are the benefits of each, this kinda relates to Xbox one vs PS4)

One more thing, cache's, and what are they? How are they so much more reliable (like the Wii U's 32 MB of eDRAM, or the Xbox one's eSRAM) than the regular RAM?

So yeah, kind of some hardware noob questions.

#258483 Bro's before Ho's

Posted by Foot on 01 December 2013 - 02:18 PM in The Café

I always considered bro's and ho's to be equal, but mofo's are a completely different category...

#258232 Will TVii ever come to Europe?

Posted by Foot on 29 November 2013 - 08:35 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Does the TVii icon still show up for the EU wii u owners?

I'd imagine it's still coming, it's the major entertainment feature of the console

#258230 Small features that will greatly improve Wii U for me

Posted by Foot on 29 November 2013 - 08:32 AM in Wii U Games and Software

I think the most needed things we could use right now are

1. Cross Game Party Chat, with easy tasking of this available in the both home menus (the actual home menu, and game suspending home menu). I also think that this should replace Wii U Chat or embed it into the multitasking menu

2. Accounts linked to the internet, not tied to the console

3. Even faster loading times (Lately I've been noticing slowdown with newer released titles)

4. Game install from disc (this would solve a lot of Multiplatform texture and loading issues)

#257159 IGN Sony losing money on PS4.

Posted by Foot on 20 November 2013 - 11:57 AM in General Gaming

Trust me, their losing ALOT of money. A lot of people are confused on this whole pricing. The retailer generally takes 1/4 of the cut, no more, but they can take less which is when the price is discounted at certain stores. In actuality, $100 from that $399 is going to the retailer. Another instance is the return deposit. With each console sold, a portion of that is also a "return deposit" meaning if someone brings back their console, Sony gets that money back. I'm not entirely sure about how much that is though...

But yeah, Sony's losing ALOT

#257015 Nintendo's biggest mistake with reviving Wii U

Posted by Foot on 19 November 2013 - 02:26 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So their biggest marketing mistake is marketing it to the most profitable audience they had last generation?

In a way, yes and no

Nintendo's goal right now is to boost sales, but with this gain comes the sacrifice of the hardcore gamer that they wanted

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