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There have been 211 items by AMAC (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#134558 Wii U Software Section

Posted by AMAC on 20 November 2012 - 09:53 AM in Site News and Feedback

We could simply turn the Wii U Games section into a Games and Software section, or we could add a software sub-forum. I doubt that there will be a huge amount of discussion on software in the long-term, so I'm not convinced that we should have a dedicated forum to discuss software.

#138966 Request: Chatbox Rules Specifics

Posted by AMAC on 27 November 2012 - 06:56 AM in Site News and Feedback

One of the problems with chat bans is that the ACP doesn't offer me a way to set a certain length to a user's chat ban. Therefore, if I only want to set a temporary ban, I'll need to lift it myself. If I ever ask a member to remind me to lift their ban, it's because I have a lot of other stuff to do, so there is a risk of me forgetting about it if they don't let me know.

As for the rules being harsh on first time offenders, the main issue with the chat is that it's hard for us to moderate as there is often no moderator in there. While dealing with rule-breaking on the forum is quite simple, with the chat, the simplest way to deal with any serious offences is to ban the user from using the chat. In addition to this, before users enter the chat, they agree to the rules, so there isn't any excuse for breaking these rules.

The punishments that are given put for conduct in the chat depend on how serious the rule-breaking was. If you simply made one inappropriate comment, you would most likely get a warning. If you repeatedly break rules you would most likely be banned. These bans are sometimes lifted, although from my experience, users who have been banned often break the rules again and end up being banned within a week. Therefore, unless I specify that your ban will be a certain length, it will be probably be permanent.

I hope that's cleared up how we deal with rule-breaking in the chat.

#139758 Game Reviews board

Posted by AMAC on 28 November 2012 - 01:23 PM in Site News and Feedback

I know that quite a lot of you we're keen for a reviews section a while ago when it was suggested, so if there's still sufficient interest we can have one. I think we'd only have a section for Wii U games (initially at least) as this is a Wii U Forum after all, although I'd consider creating one for all other games later if this takes off.

Edit: I've set up a reviews section now. Only staff can see it at the moment, but I'll open it to all of once it's ready.

Another Edit: I've now made it open to the public. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to post them.

#139765 Welcome to the Wii U Reviews Section!

Posted by AMAC on 28 November 2012 - 01:38 PM in Wii U Game Reviews

Several of you have asked for this recently, so here it is: The Wii U Reviews Section! If you have any suggestions or comments about this, then please post them in this thread.

Section Guidelines

This section should only have one thread for each game, so please check that the isn't already a thread before you create a new one. You can also post reviews from other sites, although make sure you include links if you do so.

I'd like this edition to simply be for posting reviews, so please don't start discussing each game here. Discussion of Wii U Games should be kept on the main Wii U Games section, as we don't want threads here being cluttered with lots of replies.

If you create a new thread, it'd be good to add a ratings poll so that users can get a quick idea of what other users think of the game in question.

If you see any other review threads that have already been created in other sections, please report them so they can be moved/merged in this section.

As the name suggests, this should only be used for Wii U reviews. If this is successful then I'll consider creating a reviews section for other games.

#140129 Game Reviews board

Posted by AMAC on 28 November 2012 - 11:40 PM in Site News and Feedback

I have two Wii U game reviews and one Wii U review on the forums. Is it okay if I format them for the new section and repost them?

If you just report them, they can be moved to the new section an re-formatted if necessary.

#141039 Curious about what celebs share the same birthday as yours?

Posted by AMAC on 30 November 2012 - 01:33 PM in The Café

There were no interesting people on my birthday, although I know that I share a birthday with Billie Piper (actress) and Phillip Hindes (GB Olympic Champion in men's team sprint)

#141496 A cool forum idea

Posted by AMAC on 01 December 2012 - 12:06 PM in Site News and Feedback

I'm sorry, but I'm not a fan of the idea. I can see it encouraging users to spam and think users should get certain privileges based on something like post count. I also don't really see how it could make the forums any better. Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm afraid I'm going to veto this one.

#141945 Proposed Reviews Template for Reviews Section

Posted by AMAC on 02 December 2012 - 04:29 AM in Site News and Feedback

A template would work well as a guideline for users who aren't sure what to write in their review, but I think it's best for users to be able to write reviews in their own style. If you want, I can add this template to the section guidelines, but I don't think it should be enforced on everyone who wants to write a review.

#142529 Admin

Posted by AMAC on 03 December 2012 - 07:22 AM in Site News and Feedback

If another admin is ever appointed, they would be chosen by Feld0 and would most likely be one of the current moderators. You can't simply ask to be an admin.

#143013 Welcome to the Wii U Reviews Section!

Posted by AMAC on 03 December 2012 - 11:37 PM in Wii U Game Reviews

Will you please create 1 for the 3ds. I don't have the wii u yet. And I really wanna do a review on Crashmo.

This is currently a bit of an experiment, so I'll see how this goes before thinking of adding a general reviews section. This is a Wii U forum, so there won't be a dedicated section for the 3DS, but one day we could add a general reviews section for other consoles.

Since there is a Zombie U review in here, does that mean I can't post mine ?

You can simply post your Zombi U review in the existing thread.

#145458 Win 1 of 2 Wii minis from Eggplante!

Posted by AMAC on 08 December 2012 - 09:14 AM in General Gaming

I'd consider this to be advertising, so I'm locking it. You're free to advertise your site in your signature though.

#145471 Changes to the Forum Layout

Posted by AMAC on 08 December 2012 - 09:47 AM in Site News and Feedback

A few of you guys have been requesting this since the Wii U was launched last month, so I've now added two new sub forums:
Wii U Hardware Help
Wii U Games and Software Help

Hopefully, this will help to unclutter the rest of the forum from threads about minor issues with the Wii U. I've moved some threads into this section already, although if you see others, please let the moderating team know so they can be used.

I've also changed the name of the Wii U Games section, to Wii U Games and Software, to make it clear that both can be discussed in that section. I considered adding a separate section, but I didn't feel it would get enough use to make it worthwhile.

#145576 Changes to the Forum Layout

Posted by AMAC on 08 December 2012 - 01:41 PM in Site News and Feedback

a new area for new owners of Wii U to ask questions in & ask for advice, maybe some current threads can be moved there or even pinned if they relate to audio or connection issues.
i currently mod & admin a few sites so if you are after anyone else to help out, i can lend a hand :),

I've moved some of the current threads to these sections, although there are quite a lot, so I'm mainly just moving threads that are on the first few pages of the forum. As for pinning threads, I'm happy to have pinned threads for any problems that affect a lot of users.

#145804 Wii U News

Posted by AMAC on 09 December 2012 - 03:07 AM in Site News and Feedback

I can see where you're coming from here, but allowing users to post in that section would discourage them from visiting and commenting on Wii U Go/Blog, which is not something that either Feld0 or David would want, so it's unlikely that either of them would want to allow users to post in the Wii U News forum. If you want to discuss articles, the best thing to do is follow the links and comment on the external sites, or create a thread here for the story.

#145820 When will Nintendo add compressed 5.1 audio support?

Posted by AMAC on 09 December 2012 - 05:32 AM in Wii U Hardware

Locking this thread now, as it's gone off-topic and before there are any more offensive comments.

#147537 Arcade- WE NEED THIS :3

Posted by AMAC on 13 December 2012 - 09:03 AM in Site News and Feedback

I'd be happy for the forum to have some arcade games, although as I normally access the forum through my iPad, I wouldn't get much use out of it. The main issues with this idea is that I would struggle to add any games to the forum; Feld0 would probably have to do it and that doing so would probably take up a lot of time. As he would be doing the bulk of the work for this, it would largely be up to Feld0 whether he wants to implement this.

#147544 Do we need a specs/technical discussions subforum?

Posted by AMAC on 13 December 2012 - 09:20 AM in Site News and Feedback

I don't think a separate sub-forum for technical discussion is necessary. I've added quite a few sub-forums recently, and I don't want to have too many of them. Having official that's for this sort of discussion is fine though.

#148931 The Hobbit

Posted by AMAC on 17 December 2012 - 01:11 PM in The Café

I saw it today and I really enjoyed it. I had doubts about whether making a trilogy out of just one book would work, but it was nice that none of the scenes felt rushed. I haven't actually read the full book, so I can't comment on whether it was true to the original story.

#149569 Secret Santa 2011 Sign Ups

Posted by AMAC on 19 December 2012 - 09:01 AM in The Café

Locking this thread, as there was no reason to revive it.

#150991 Good news about slow loading times

Posted by AMAC on 23 December 2012 - 02:17 AM in Wii U Hardware

Locking this thread as a lot of the recent posts simply consist of. Users insulting each other.

#153359 Christmas Presents 2012

Posted by AMAC on 29 December 2012 - 12:18 AM in The Café

My main present this year was a compact system camera, with a few accessories. I also got the usual gifts like socks, chocolate, books and money/giftcards.

#153916 Atheism.

Posted by AMAC on 30 December 2012 - 07:54 AM in The Café

Seriously? 19 posts of cats/ponies/general spam? I've hidden all of the spam posts and will give formal warnings to any users who continue derailing threads by posting unrelated images.

#154333 Time to stop the spam and nonsense

Posted by AMAC on 31 December 2012 - 03:20 AM in Site News and Feedback

I'm sorry about the recent number of spammy posts. I've to been online much over christmas and I now have prelims coming up in a few weeks. I don't have time to read every thread that is posted on this forum, so it's inevitable that we'll miss some things. If. You see anything that breaks the rules, you should report it and it will be dealt with - it only takes thirty seconds to do.

The reason why we call this the "largest Wii U community in the world", is because it's a fact that we are the biggest Wii U forum at the moment and it's impossible to prove that we are the best forum. It doesn't mean that we don't care about quality.

As for warnings, we do give them out fairly regularly and there are quite a lot of users who have been warned at some point. However, I don't tend to give out a warning whenever someone breaks a minor rule, otherwise pretty much everyone here would have had one. For example, with the pony images posted in the atheism thread, I didn't give put any warnings, as I didn't feel that warning every user who spammed updates achieve anything. However, if you guys think we are too lenient at times, I'm happy too start being more harsh on users who break rules.

#154593 Time to stop the spam and nonsense

Posted by AMAC on 31 December 2012 - 03:52 PM in Site News and Feedback

I appreciate the responses guys. On the issue of reporting however, I have reported things in the past, but there is no visual conformation that the item in question has been reported. It says "sending report" at the top of the page, then fades out. Does this mean the report has gone through?

Yes, it would have gone through. After that, all mods/admins will receive an email/notification about it and we will then take whatever action we feel is appropriate. Only mods will see comments that have been made on a report, so after you've sent it you won't see anything more.

Some of you have been mentioning that older members seem to get special treatment, but I try not to differentiate between newer and older members when dealing with reports. However, with minor offences, I will be more lenient with a user who has been here for a year without causing any trouble, than I would be with a new member who instantly starts causing trouble.

#154601 Why can't we have music or youtube videos in our profiles?

Posted by AMAC on 31 December 2012 - 04:25 PM in Site News and Feedback

I may be wrong, but can't you post YouTube videos on the "About Me" section of your profiles?

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