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#252329 3DS add-on for the Wii U?

Posted by namkotje on 20 October 2013 - 01:34 PM in Wii U Hardware

Since Best Buy "leaked"(prolly a mistake but still) Brain Age and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon for the Wii U I was asking myself:

Is it possible to just release a 3DS addon for the Wii U lik we had for the Snes/GC back in the days?


Would that even possible since the resolution of the 3DS is really low compared to the Wii U resolution?

Wouldn't that much easier instead op porting every game? Ofcourse it wouldn't look much better without Wii U's effects.

That could be a way to boost Wii U sales and would give the Wii U a bigger library (Wii/3DS/WiiU).


I don't think it would hurt the 3DS, since people will still need a 3DS to play those games on different places/on the road.


What do you guys think?

#252286 This animation I'm doing...

Posted by namkotje on 20 October 2013 - 08:25 AM in The Museum

Wow zotjes!

Looks awesome and really professional! :o

#252164 Is Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon coming to Wii U?

Posted by namkotje on 19 October 2013 - 01:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

So the chance is big it's true? :o

Strange move imo, since it's only been some months out on the 3DS...


Make a bundle with the original Luigi's Mansion HD remake, and I might buy it!

#251778 WE NEED THIS!

Posted by namkotje on 17 October 2013 - 06:40 AM in General Gaming

Bethesda commented enough on why they don't put games on the Wii U.


Won't happen...

#251497 Does The Wii U Runs Everything At 1080p?

Posted by namkotje on 15 October 2013 - 10:18 AM in Wii U Hardware

It doesn't run on 1080p (except for some games), but tht doesn't matter. 720p is good enough.

#251440 GameFreak says don’t expect Pokemon on Wii U or Smartphones

Posted by namkotje on 15 October 2013 - 04:12 AM in Wii U Games and Software

no it was, Colosseum was though

Colosseum wasn't an RPG? or was it?

#251386 GameFreak says don’t expect Pokemon on Wii U or Smartphones

Posted by namkotje on 14 October 2013 - 03:28 PM in Wii U Games and Software



Pokémon XD was a good start imo...

#251247 Comic CON 2013 impressions.

Posted by namkotje on 13 October 2013 - 12:51 PM in Wii U Games and Software

Watch dogs is slightly better than the 360/PS3 in the graphics department (I played both versions) Controls are good, the gamepad controls are definitely utilized and they take advantage.

Have you seens PS4/Xbone gameplay?

In what way does the Wii U version looks better from PS3/XB360? (textures etc)

How does the Wii U version looks compared to this trailer?


Any screens? :P

#251235 Comic CON 2013 impressions.

Posted by namkotje on 13 October 2013 - 11:33 AM in Wii U Games and Software

My third year going and I got to play a lot this year. 


Super Mario 3D World: Graphically appealing, the graphics are great. Seeing it in person does the game justice, not saying that the trailers doesn't do a good enough job, but it's much more visually appealing in person. I think I played on of the first levels, and I got paired with a girl, a lady, and her son. Of course the girl only really need to play, she was a gamer after all, the other two were dead weight. It plays similar to 3D Land and the controls are easy to get used to. We got to use the cat suit, but I'm not too used to it, the mechanics of it feel awkward to me.  Overall it was a solid experience, and what you expect, stomp, stomp, stomp get to the end of the level. You also can collect green stars and collect more time to explore the level. I saw the water level they've been demoing a few times in the trailer, and its beautiful. 


Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze: Plays exactly like Donkey Kong Country Returns. The Nintendo rep had us play with the Wiimote and Nunchuck and told us in the final version you'd be able to use just the Wiimote. Anyway, we did the boss battle, and surprisingly enough, the boss didn't die in three hits. It's the walrus from the trailers, and he slides up and down the ramp, and you have to time your jump and jump on him. Eventually he sends fish raining from above, and you have to either dodge them or jump on them to kill them. Once you get halfway through the fight he'll become more aggressive and start sliding up and down the ramp faster, and he'll summon more fishes and his pattern changes. Overall I think it took 12 hits or maybe 10 to kill him. It's a solid experience, stays accurate to the DKC series.


Sonic Lost World: It's great, although  I'm not a fan on Sonic, I'll definitely get this.  It's definitely what you expect from Sonic, going fast, homing attacks, trying to beat the level as fast as you can, collect stuff. There's also some levels from older games (Sonic Colors). It's definitely appealing, but if you aren't a fan of the series you probably won't like it unless you're thirsty for Wii  U games.


Bayonetta 2 was surprisingly playable and it's outstandingly beautiful in person. The game is definitely fast-paced, there's no denying that it's not 1080p 60FPS. I didn't get to play because of the lonnnnng line, but its definitely a game worth checking out.


I played Watchdogs too and it's pretty cool with the Wii U gamepad. I couldn't touch stuff like The Legend of Zelda 3DS game, Mario Party, etc because of so many people but they were there and Nintendo had the 3DSs hooked to a 15 or 12 inch TV so you could of seen the gameplay even without playing firsthand. Pokemon X & Y were there too along with Mario & Sonic ATWO2014.  


Microsoft and Sony didn't have any presence at the conference and there were no PS4 and XBONE demo stations from what I saw when I went around twice. Overall it was solid fun and I can't wait to do it again.  

Well... how was Watch_Dogs on the Wii U? :P

#251183 Comic CON 2013 impressions.

Posted by namkotje on 13 October 2013 - 03:59 AM in Wii U Games and Software

How was Watch_Dogs on the Wii U? :o


#251071 Watch_Dogs Comparison: Current Generation vs Next Generation Character Models

Posted by namkotje on 12 October 2013 - 06:16 AM in General Gaming

I wonder how the Wii U version will look like! :o

#251064 pokken fighters

Posted by namkotje on 12 October 2013 - 04:57 AM in Wii U Games and Software

This gas been confirmed to only be a conceptualization for what Pokemon may look like in the future.


However, they are working on an unprecedented Pokemon game with more details on the 28th, so who knows?



It's prolly the last one. :P

I has to be a teaser tbh! I guess they just wanted to make much noise about it before Pokémon X and Y releases.

#250938 Nintendo Online Policy More Open Than ALL Competitors.

Posted by namkotje on 11 October 2013 - 06:57 AM in Wii U Games and Software

Two Tribes tried to get Valve and Nintendo to work together for Toki Tori 2's level editor...and it almost happened

Coming from a Kotaku interview with Two Tribes' Martijn Reuvers...

"Our dream was basically to let users create levels on whatever platform they'd prefer and that they would be able to share it through Steam Workshop. So we came up with a proposal that would allow Wii U owners of Toki Tori 2+ to login to Steam, so that they could make use of that functionality. Kinda what Valve did with Portal on the PS3.

Nintendo and Valve reacted very positively and we had some calls and e-mails with both parties about this proposal. After doing a thorough technical check, we decided that in order to create a near seamless integration, we needed more functionality that was out of our control. Unfortunately things like this take time and cannot be implemented overnight. So for Toki Tori 2+, it was too late at that point. However we still are in contact with them, so should things change, we'll definitely revisit it again."

Looks like the two companies are indeed open to working with one another, but this implementation would have been too far above and beyond the original plan. At least now the door is open!




Would have been cool.


Also, Cross-play would also solve the "Wii U online community is so low". COD: Ghosts Cross-Play please!

#250937 Most Anticipated Upcoming Indie Titles

Posted by namkotje on 11 October 2013 - 06:49 AM in General Gaming

This one will be soooooo good!





Pretty much hyped for this one!

#250933 Zelda: Wind Waker HD Release Triggers 685% Increase In UK Wii U Hardware Sales

Posted by namkotje on 11 October 2013 - 06:35 AM in Wii U Hardware

The Wii U sold 20 times more this week, then last weeks in Game Mania (a store in BE/NL)



#250749 graphic power

Posted by namkotje on 10 October 2013 - 04:50 AM in Wii U Hardware

Neogaf would be much better, if they would ban more trolls on that forum. Then things would be interesting to read.


I'm pretty sure that MK8 will be 720p btw (like Super Mario 3D World), both games will look so good anyway!

#250739 graphic power

Posted by namkotje on 10 October 2013 - 03:13 AM in Wii U Hardware


which one the metroid prime done by retro or the one that should be done by crytek



The one from Retro. :P

Crytek can make beautiful games, but they and not that good (gameplay wise) most of the time imo.

#250643 graphic power

Posted by namkotje on 09 October 2013 - 12:13 PM in Wii U Hardware

And where did you hear this info? Has any DLC for AC4 even been announced?

http://www.gamereact...for Wii U ACIV/

#250640 graphic power

Posted by namkotje on 09 October 2013 - 12:02 PM in Wii U Hardware

Ubisoft has brought all DLC from Assassin's Creed 3, Just Dance 4, and Splinter Cell Blacklist, which are all of the Ubisoft games available on Wii U that had DLC.

To bad it isn't the case anymore for AC:BF...


I don't like AC anyway, but I'm holding my heart for Watch_Dogs DLC on the Wii U... :s

#250625 graphic power

Posted by namkotje on 09 October 2013 - 08:22 AM in Wii U Hardware

Yeah good point, I'm loving GTA. Watch dogs could show the graphics off well, but like all the other multiplats I won't get the WiiU version because it won't be supported with dlc.

I can understand that. But such reason Nintendo will loose 3rd party support.


And it's not your fault, but those who gives us no DLC and poor ports... (Nintendo is also a part from that)

#250569 LOL Mario Kart 8 Motorsport Commentary

Posted by namkotje on 09 October 2013 - 03:40 AM in Wii U Games and Software

This game... looks so good... :(

#250491 Wiiu and game engines

Posted by namkotje on 08 October 2013 - 02:40 PM in Wii U Hardware

How has it proven that it is capable of running cry engine 4?  Is there a game coming out with that engine?



On top of these changes, the new CRYENGINE supports development on current and next generation consoles (Xbox One, PlayStation®4, and Wii U™), alongside PC, with further platforms to be added in the near future.


#250450 graphic power

Posted by namkotje on 08 October 2013 - 11:23 AM in Wii U Hardware

No. That was a rumour started by someone who has no clue what he was talking about.



I wonder how Mertoid Prime on the Wii U would like like.

#250386 graphic power

Posted by namkotje on 08 October 2013 - 02:51 AM in Wii U Hardware

cry engine 4 is not for zelda but it is for metroid or conduit 3


Wasn't Metroid Prime using Unreal Engine 2.0/2.5 on the Wii?

#250299 Watch Dogs is 95% Stealth!

Posted by namkotje on 07 October 2013 - 01:16 PM in Wii U Games and Software

It's not 95% stealth... you CAN play 95% without shooting etc. :P

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