Well, I think there are two arguments being made here:
1.) No chat because of technical commitment. If the person responsible for the tech support side of the site doesn't want install a chat, then there isn't going to be an official chat. Simple as that.
Now, if the issue is side-stepping that avenue, there are free alternatives that are fairly decent. Trust me, I am ALL about doing things cheap. For example, there is Chatango group chats, which can be quite easily embedded anywhere in the forums and very flexible in regards to resizing and customizing color schemes. Its moderation tools, which are simplistic, include reviewing chat history, banning usernames and IPs, and assembling a moderation team.
The pros: Very flexible, free, and it can be given a title with the promotion link description so, if any should embed it elsewhere, it will always advertise this site.
The cons: The chat won't be tied into the forum's user database. So, if it is a concern of banning someone from the forums AND the chat, those are two different acts.
I use a free chat program on my site, but it serves a different type of community. This addresses an unofficial desire to make a www.thewiiu.com chat center rather than something more official appearing, which will involve tech administration. Of course, if you are someone who wants the moderation staff to front money and the time to attempt to get past the wishes of the site owner/technician, then I do believe that is a display of unwarranted entitlement.
2.) No chat because of time commitment. From all the comments made by Mournblade in this and other chat related topics, this concern is the real reason there isn't a chat. And it is a very valid one. Sure, it doesn't seem like a big deal to maintain a chat, but the moderation of it (assuming you want a chat that actually demands some dignity being displayed by its users) can be an immense task. It is also largely thankless task because a moderator often gets treated like a bad guy in the whole affair. Can a chat be maintained properly? Yes, of course. A properly maintained chat could most certainly be at thewiiu.com, but it demands time...time that someone (and most likely a team of someones) has to put in for free. Since the site isn't an utility, expecting people to undertake a whole set of headaches for free because of our collective whim is unfair.
Edited by McMurphy, 10 October 2013 - 12:06 PM.