what i am about to post has nothing to do with omegle or trolling, just a bit of fun i had with a Microsoft tech help person. just though some might enjoy it
You are now chatting with 'Toby'.
Toby: Thanks for contacting Microsoft Store Chat! How can I help you today?
You: Is this an actual person?
Toby: Yes
Toby: Want me to prove it?
You: Ok
You: >
Toby: beep boop bop
Toby: Just kidding I'm a robot!
You: D:<
You: you tricked me!
Toby: I know, I am super smart.
You: D:<
Toby: How can I help you today human?
You: sorry but i don't socialize with machines!
You: nah i need no help today
You: i was just curious
Toby: No problem!
You: this magical box appeared as i was surfing the microsoft website
Toby: Have you seen the Terminator before?
Toby: Oh okay
You: possibly
You: why?
Toby: I thought you messaged me.
You: >>
You: <<
Toby: Awkward
You: >>
Toby: No reason.
Toby: How is Canada?
You: **suspicious**
Toby: Manitoba to be exact.
Toby: Spooky right?
You: D:
You: you sir are creepy
Toby: Haha
You: you creeper
Toby: I'm sorry!
You: T-T
You: oh one question
You: before i go
You: since you work at Microsoft
You: do you by chance know anything about the next xbox?
You: just out of curiosity?
Toby: Nope, I am sorry!
Toby: Nothing has been said yet.
You: LIES!
You: D:<
Toby: Serious!
Toby: Do you have an Xbox now?
You: no
Toby: Waiting for the new one?
Toby: I'll sell you an Xbox now, for a sweet deal of Full price!
You: im not sure i have to see what they have to offer
You: really1
You: omg
You: i will take 500
Toby: Really!
Toby: YES!
Toby: I'm gon be ricj
Toby: -rich
Toby: Okay, before I get fired.
Toby: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
You: nope
You: thanks
Toby: Have a great day!
Toby: Thanks again for chatting with us at the Microsoft Store, we appreciate your business!
You: you sir have made my day
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