Since Best Buy "leaked"(prolly a mistake but still) Brain Age and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon for the Wii U I was asking myself:
Is it possible to just release a 3DS addon for the Wii U lik we had for the Snes/GC back in the days?
Would that even possible since the resolution of the 3DS is really low compared to the Wii U resolution?
Wouldn't that much easier instead op porting every game? Ofcourse it wouldn't look much better without Wii U's effects.
That could be a way to boost Wii U sales and would give the Wii U a bigger library (Wii/3DS/WiiU).
I don't think it would hurt the 3DS, since people will still need a 3DS to play those games on different places/on the road.
What do you guys think?