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#1 dannyboy


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Posted 31 December 2010 - 04:12 AM

ok so what games do you think nintendo will have for the nintendo wii 2 or games you want to show up on the wii 2 ;) :D
my new blog all about Nintendo so go and have a look though its not just as good as here but go for a look and sign up to the forum if you want

#2 Mark


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Posted 31 December 2010 - 04:31 AM

Super Smash Bros game.
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#3 Jikayaki


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Posted 31 December 2010 - 05:31 AM

I want Nintendo to look at its past IPs and make an effort to give us a larger variety of first party games than what we've gotten with the Wii so far. I want more than just Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Kerby, and Donkey Kong next time. I honestly wouldn't mind if the launch titles of Wii's successor focus more on lesser known IPs examples being Earthbound and Kid Icarus, which may not be completely impossible to hope for seeing that a Kid Icarus game is a launch title on the 3DS. Outside that of course a new Zelda, Mario, or Metroid shortly after launch would be appreciated. Other than that specifically I'd like to see a new Star Fox, a non side scrolling Donkey Kong platformer, and something similar from Kerby. On a last note Nintendo needs to never again let anyone make a Metroid game outside themselves or Retro.

#4 Wertville


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Posted 31 December 2010 - 01:56 PM

What I expect to see:
Mario, Zelda, Metriod etc.
Casual Titles

What I want to see:
Rune Factory
Fire Emblem (This one will come, I just want to see it sooner >.<)
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#5 Epic Kirby

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Posted 01 January 2011 - 08:20 AM

I want to see a Kirby Wii title that looks more like this.

Kid Icarus could definitely make its way to the Wii 2 like Jikayaki said. Star Fox was on the Gamecube but it was some weird adventure game :? . However Nintendo are ever on its quest to have more 3rd party titles on its consoles so I believe it will be focusing more on that.

Hopefully the next Wii will be powerful enough to entice some of the more graphically pow games to its console.

For fighting games of course I want to see a SSB but maybe a twist on that, Final Fantasy Vs Super Mario Bros, maybe?
Racing - Mario Kart but again I want something a little special.

Luigi's mansion 2 (nuff said) as long as it comes I don't care whether its Wii 2 or 3DS. Dragon quest XI?

That's about it ;) .

P.S. Jikayaki, Kerby??? KERBY??? What's up with that :lol:
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#6 dannyboy


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Posted 02 January 2011 - 07:51 AM

I want to see a Kirby Wii title that looks more like this.

Kid Icarus could definitely make its way to the Wii 2 like Jikayaki said. Star Fox was on the Gamecube but it was some weird adventure game :? . However Nintendo are ever on its quest to have more 3rd party titles on its consoles so I believe it will be focusing more on that.

Hopefully the next Wii will be powerful enough to entice some of the more graphically pow games to its console.

For fighting games of course I want to see a SSB but maybe a twist on that, Final Fantasy Vs Super Mario Bros, maybe?
Racing - Mario Kart but again I want something a little special.

Luigi's mansion 2 (nuff said) as long as it comes I don't care whether its Wii 2 or 3DS. Dragon quest XI?

That's about it :D .

P.S. Jikayaki, Kerby??? KERBY??? What's up with that :lol:

i think that a kirby game in 3d rather than 2d would be great as it lets you have more freedom rather than being told go here then there it would be a welcome change ;)
my new blog all about Nintendo so go and have a look though its not just as good as here but go for a look and sign up to the forum if you want

#7 Play4Fun



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Posted 02 January 2011 - 08:59 AM

A StarFox and F-Zero at launch with awesome online!
Of course a Smash Bros and battalion Wars 3...also with awesome online!
You know what guys?
It's amazing how the the human mind does not process the the fact I used the word "the" twice in a row in this sentence.

#8 Goose74


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Posted 17 January 2011 - 12:09 PM

I would like to see an Elder Scrolls game for Wii 2.

That would be great. ;)

Best regards.

Goose74 :D

#9 Feld0



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Posted 17 January 2011 - 03:19 PM

I would like to see an Elder Scrolls game for Wii 2.

That would be great. ;)

An Elder Scrolls for the Wii would be awesome indeed. I don't have all that much experience with the Elder Scrolls series, but I loved the little of Oblivion that I did play (someone, remind me to go back and finish it, please :D).

@Mark: I'm pretty sure that a Smash Bros. is a given at this point. The series has been an amazing moneymaker for Nintendo thus far, and I see no logical reason they would let go of it anytime soon.

@Jikayaki: That sounds like a great idea, to launch the Wii 2 with a lineup of lesser-known IP's. I'm already fairly familiar with Nintendo's big, main series, but am a little in the dark with others like Earthbound and such. It would give younger/newer Nintendo fans (like me) a chance to have a glimpse into Nintendo's glorious past, while making the older fans very, very happy. I really support that idea.

Well, if you know me at all, you'll know that I'll absolutely demand that the Wii 2 gets a new Yoshi adventure. 8-)

#10 Bartman2


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Posted 17 January 2011 - 05:20 PM

@Epic Kirby You are my best friend. I agree about a Kirby game.
Super Smash Bros. is a given. Metroid, Super Mario Galaxy 4(there is a third being released on the 3DS), Metal Gear Solid.
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#11 Feld0



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Posted 17 January 2011 - 05:52 PM

(there is a third being released on the 3DS)

What?! Source, please! When did you hear about a Super Mario Galaxy 3? :shock:

#12 Bartman2


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Posted 18 January 2011 - 06:03 PM

well, i was at least hoping and it's very likely.
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#13 Play4Fun



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Posted 19 January 2011 - 04:24 AM

well, i was at least hoping and it's very likely.

Lol, the way you said it made it seem like you knew for a fact it was coming. That would be awesome for 3DS owners though.
You know what guys?
It's amazing how the the human mind does not process the the fact I used the word "the" twice in a row in this sentence.

#14 Goose74


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Posted 19 January 2011 - 10:10 AM

You should play oblivion till you completed it. Great game. It took me round about 200 hours to complete the game with every subquest and so on. I love Elder Scrolls and i canīt wait till november this year for itīs next title Skyrim.
This one for the Wii 2 and i am sold.

I think Nintendo shouldnīt relate to much on their well known IPīs. They should create more new IPīs. Like with Geist on the cube. Brilliant game but no second title coming. Same with Eternal Darkness. The old Ipīs are good but i want more new things.

Best regards.

Goose74 ;)

#15 Bobby


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Posted 27 January 2011 - 09:26 AM

I want to see a Kirby Wii title that looks more like this.

Kid Icarus could definitely make its way to the Wii 2 like Jikayaki said. Star Fox was on the Gamecube but it was some weird adventure game :? . However Nintendo are ever on its quest to have more 3rd party titles on its consoles so I believe it will be focusing more on that.

Hopefully the next Wii will be powerful enough to entice some of the more graphically pow games to its console.

For fighting games of course I want to see a SSB but maybe a twist on that, Final Fantasy Vs Super Mario Bros, maybe?
Racing - Mario Kart but again I want something a little special.

Luigi's mansion 2 (nuff said) as long as it comes I don't care whether its Wii 2 or 3DS. Dragon quest XI?

That's about it :D .

P.S. Jikayaki, Kerby??? KERBY??? What's up with that :lol:

i think that a kirby game in 3d rather than 2d would be great as it lets you have more freedom rather than being told go here then there it would be a welcome change :D

I don't know... Im skeptical about a 3D kirby game, they could easily mess it up like they always do Sonic, it hurts me to see Sonic like that, it used to be one of my favs.
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#16 Wertville


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Posted 27 January 2011 - 03:18 PM

I think a 3D kirby game could work great!
Remember, this is Nintendo we're talking about, think about all the transitions to 3D they've done (OR got other companies to do), and tell me which ones didn't work.
Mario 64, Zelda OoT, Metriod Prime, Donkey Kong 64... All of them great games, and most of them were doubtful if they could ever be 3D games.

And Sonic Adventure 2 is one of my favorite games, so I guess the "3D sonic = Bad" is all opinion...
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#17 Bartman2


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Posted 06 February 2011 - 06:24 AM

any sonic game that goes into the background rather than across the foreground will be pretty sucky. Sonic Colors was a fail, but Sonic Heroes did decently. Anyway, super Smash Bros. is what i want and Ninty will die if there isn't one.
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#18 Epic Kirby

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Posted 12 February 2011 - 01:41 PM

I want some new Nintendo IPs to be created for the Wii 2 but legendary ones that last like Kirby and Mario.
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#19 Waller


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Posted 14 February 2011 - 05:31 PM

Dead space 3. :D


#20 Bartman2


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Posted 20 February 2011 - 03:32 PM

eh, i don't know about crazy terrifying games on a Nintendo console, Waller. i think that Nintendo is more of a unicorns and rainbows kind of company.
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