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1st Party New Character

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Poll: IPs People Want (281 member(s) have cast votes)

If Nintendo were to roll out a totally new 1st or 2nd party IP, what kind of game would most interest you?

  1. A Platformer (classic Mario style) (23 votes [8.19%])

    Percentage of vote: 8.19%

  2. An Adventure Game (like Zelda or Metroid) (105 votes [37.37%])

    Percentage of vote: 37.37%

  3. A Simulator/Shooter (like Starfox) (12 votes [4.27%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.27%

  4. A Strategy Game (like Pikmin) (8 votes [2.85%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.85%

  5. An RPG (like Golden Sun) (64 votes [22.78%])

    Percentage of vote: 22.78%

  6. An FPS/Shooter (like GoldenEye or, arguably, Metroid Prime) (39 votes [13.88%])

    Percentage of vote: 13.88%

  7. Other (like all the great genre defying games I don't have the presence of mind to mention) (30 votes [10.68%])

    Percentage of vote: 10.68%

What kind of tone are you wanting from a new IP?

  1. Super Casual/Party Game (Mii Games) (6 votes [2.14%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.14%

  2. Fun/Lighthearted (Mario Galaxy) (37 votes [13.17%])

    Percentage of vote: 13.17%

  3. Dramatic/Slightly Intense (Twilight Princess or Metroid Prime) (128 votes [45.55%])

    Percentage of vote: 45.55%

  4. Serious, Intense/Dark (Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem)) (53 votes [18.86%])

    Percentage of vote: 18.86%

  5. Dark/Scary, Intense and Violent (Resident Evil, Dead Space, Etc.) (34 votes [12.10%])

    Percentage of vote: 12.10%

  6. Other (hey, I don't want to put you in a box) (23 votes [8.19%])

    Percentage of vote: 8.19%

Vote Guests cannot vote

#81 rosemary654321


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Posted 30 August 2011 - 07:54 PM

Give your ideas for a new First Party franchise or character and what the game and characters would be called and what the game would be about. Also state why it is a good idea.

I will post mine later because I am getting all the details ready.

#82 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 30 August 2011 - 08:05 PM

Unable to think of anything original, I'd figure I would post up this incomplete document instead.

=== Document starts now ===
Kirby and the Celestial Ark


“Kirby is watching the night sky, gazing at the stars, but all of a sudden...
The stars start to disappear from the sky, blinking into darkness.
If Kirby doesn’t do something, Pop Star could be next!
Kirby gets help from his friends King Dedede and Metaknight.
Onboard the Battleship Halberd, they venture the galaxy...
To stop their home disappearing next. Go Kirby!”

Basically, a large planet system called the Celestial Ark is destroying stars and absorbing the energy of stardust, so as to power the machine. It is piloted by the K-Knights, canine warriors from some outer part of the universe.


Kirby: The Pink Puffball, and a hero of the stars numerous times. Kirby is capable of copying enemy abilities and a unique balloon flight technique, as well as a sliding tackle. The primarily used hero of the three
King Dedede: Self Proclaimed King of Pop Star, with many of Kirby’s common enemies under his command. King Dedede boasts a hammer that can perform similar effects to Kirby’s Hammer ability, but he can also throw some of his minions.
Metaknight: An iron clad blue puffball, wielder of the sword Master and commander of the Meta Knights. He also pilots the Battleship Halberd and uses an inter-dimensional cape that can transform into a pair of wings.


Kirby travels through 10 different worlds. These worlds are giant station spheres connected to a great fortress in the middle of the formation. Only when the 10 bosses from these worlds are defeated will the central fortress be unlocked.
A part of a world may directly connect to another world, as they are linked together in some cases. This may help the player determine where they should go.
The map is very similar to the GBA game: Kirby and the Amazing Mirror. There is a hub zone and there are no specific levels, just areas of continuity. In this case, the Battleship Halberd is the hub zone.

Kirby will be the main character of control, while the other two explore other worlds by themselves. Of course, with shortcuts between worlds present, this also means that you may encounter King Dedede or Metaknight in an area. They have specific areas that they will always show up in, so it less mobile and less random than it was with the three other Kirby’s in the Amazing Mirror.

When a partner is in the same room as Kirby, Kirby is able to do two things: a Vitality Smash and a Character Switch.
If Kirby is at full vitality, then he can combine whatever ability he is using with King Dedede’s Hammer for a sweep shot at everything in the room, or a flight dash with Metaknight. But either action will reduce Kirby’s vitality to a single bar.
If player switches from Kirby to King Dedede, they have the ability to destroy walls with the Jet Hammer, break locks and strike hammer stakes without the Hammer ability. If they switch to Metaknight, they can use Metaknight’s armour to move against water and wind torrents, as well as command the Halberd to blast something in the way.

The Battleship Halberd has a few things that benefit Kirby as well. There is a room that has all the copy abilities for Kirby, but is opened in 10 sections, each for beating a world boss. There is also another section that opens up after beating the game.
Another room onboard is where all Kirby’s treasure goes. This includes stuff like colour sprays, unlocked sounds and stamps. Trophies are also displayed here for various types of feats of completion.

Finally, there is a mini game room, in which a lot of mini games are available to play.

Worlds and Bosses

Singing Summit - Polar
Halloween Highlands - Rex
Firefly Factory - Max
Christmas Canyon (Cowboy Only in some places) - Dusty
Vacuum Valley (Needle Only in some places) - Tyson
Salmon Savannah - Simba
Orange Ocean (Shell Only in some places) - Mosh
Jive Jungle - Munchy
Dancing Desert (Fan Only in some places) - Sandy
Garbage Galaxy (No swallowing) - Lucky
Energy Engine - White Puffball


Trophies are awarded for completing some fantastic feat.
Kirby: Awarded for defeating the White Puffball onboard the Halberd.
Metaknight: Awarded for defeating the White Puffball in Energy Engine.
King Dedede: Awarded for finding every treasure in worlds 1-10.
White Puffball: Awarded for completing every level in Time Trial Mode.
Waddle Doo: Awarded for unlocking every mini-game.
Halberd: Awarded for defeating the bosses in worlds 1-10.
Star Rod: Awarded for unlocking the ability room on board the Halberd.
Master Hand: Awarded for beating Master Hand and Crazy Hand in Energy Engine.
Crazy Hand: Awarded for performing every Vitality Smash.
Dyna Blade: Awarded for getting every spray paint.
Squeak Squad: Awarded for getting every soundtrack.
Whispy Woods: Awarded for getting every stamp.
Celestial Ark: Awarded for beating Energy Engine.
Dark Mind: Awarded for beating the high score for every mini-game.
Bonkers: Awarded for beating one of every enemy.
Boxy: Awarded for using every copy ability at least once.
Mr. Flosty: Awarded for entering every map.
Kirby (Puffed Up): Awarded for completing the hidden level “Vegetable Valley”.

Kirby’s Abilities

Kirby has always used a set of copied abilities. Since this game is host to a horde of new enemies, there will be a few new abilities to grasp as well as upgrades on old ones. In addition old abilities will have a special upgrade to be found, as well as each having 2 different Vitality Smashes.
1. BEAM: Perhaps the most classic of all classic abilities. The Beam was originally absorbed through a Waddle Doo. It can be uncharged, which shoots a whip like energy from the end of a wand, or charges to unleash a great wave boom. When upgraded, the beam whips are extended and the damage enhanced, but only at full vitality.
a. King Dedede’s Vitality Smash will cause Kirby to emit a beam whip in multiple directions from his spinning body towards the faced direction. Kirby will bounce off the first indestructible object.
b. MetaKnight’s Vitality Smash will cause Kirby to point Master out front which will emit a spiralling beam in the front in a cone like fashion.
2. WHEEL: Another true classic, this ability allows Kirby to morph into a wheel, and rev through a strip of even terrain really fast. A bunny hop can be performed by jumping mid-travel. When upgraded, the jump button can be held to perform a sonic jump.
3. BURNING: Another true classic. Alterations and conjunctions between fire and burning have come and gone, but this will be one of the rare fusions. The attack button can be held to spew fire whilst standing, or the left/right button can be double tapped then followed by the attack button to perform a fireball. Upgraded, both the flamethrower and the fireball techniques can be moved up or down.
4. ICE: Another true classic, this ability allows Kirby to breathe ice out onto enemies. This freezes them, turning them into ice blocks. Collision into these blocks will cause them to fly across the screen. Kirby can breathe the freeze in an up and down direction as well. When upgraded,
11. MAGIC:
13. WING:
14. BOMB:
15. NINJA:
17. SMASH:
19. THROW:
20. SLEEP:
21. MIKE:
22. STONE:
24. CRASH:
25. BLADE:
26. U.F.O
27. SHELL: One of the new copy abilities. Much like the Nintendo iconic enemy, the Koopa Trooper, Kirby inserts himself into a shell. Kirby can defend himself whilst within the shell, and can quickly skid across the ground in short bursts. It also has a versatile attack set whilst in water.
28. COWBOY: One of the new copy abilities. Kirby becomes a lassoing menace to the K-Knights in this getup. He can whip enemies continuously, even riding the larger ones into walls with tricky bull riding skills. Kirby can also scale walls very easily both on land and in water.
29. FAN: One of the new copy abilities. Kirby carries a fan which can help Kirby in a number of ways. By sliding, Kirby strikes lightning fast in close quarter. By using the special function, Kirby can blow harsh winds in front. In the air, Kirby will whirl around to make a static tornado.
30. NEEDLE: One of the new copy abilities. Kirby becomes slightly thorny and can attack by morphing into a giant needle ball. Kirby can scale walls and cliffs by blowing air whilst puffed up. Kirby can also throw needles skyward whilst static.
31. MASTER: One of the new copy abilities. Kirby has used MetaKnight’s sword before, but not as freely as in this game. Kirby will perform multiple skills from the Blade, Cutter and Wing abilities, but a unique aero slash when the gauge is full thrown into the mix. Considerably powerful, is equal in strength to the Jet Hammer and Star Rod abilities, besting in the combo attribute. Cannot be used in Vitality Smashes.
32. JET HAMMER: One of the new copy abilities. Kirby wields King Dedede’s unique hammer, which is heavier than it looks due to all the equipment inside it. Kirby can perform the actions of the Hammer and Throw abilities, as well as a very powerful charged Jet attack when the gauge fills up, and a tricky Jet ride ability. Considerably powerful, is equal in strength to the Jet Hammer and Star Rod abilities, besting in the raw power attribute. Cannot be used in Vitality Smashes.
33. STAR ROD: One of the new copy abilities. Kirby has used the Star Rod several times before, and still remains the same. Kirby can perform the actions of the Beam ability, as well as having a Shooting Star and a special Star Crash attack when it deals enough damage and the gauge fills up. Considerably powerful, is equal in strength to the Jet Hammer and Star Rod abilities, besting in the gauge attribute. Cannot be used in Vitality Smashes.
=== Document finishes now ===

Maybe I should finish that?

Edited by Auzzie Wingman, 30 August 2011 - 08:06 PM.

Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON



#83 rosemary654321


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Posted 30 August 2011 - 08:21 PM

That is an amazing idea I would rate it based on that document 4.5 out of 5.

#84 rtacow



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Posted 31 August 2011 - 08:26 AM

«Caten and the Castle of Sen» So basicly Caten a new elfish thing lives in the castle of Sen. Like Infamous, your actions decide where your good or evil. You would be able to vist the village in the day and the blackmarket at night. You have two friends at the very begining of the game Bin and Celshie. If you do more bad missons and actions(like visting the blackmarket) Celsnie will like you more and encourge you to do them and Bin will start dislikeing you and disagree with the plan.On the other hand if you do good missions and good deeds Bin will encourage them and like you more as a friend, Celsenie will dislike it and think your lame and boring. later in the game you be able to ethier join gangs and the villins and capture the castle or join the kings army and defend against the gangs

Its just an idea

#85 Feld0



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Posted 01 September 2011 - 01:55 PM

Duplicate topics merged. We had a fairly lengthy topic about a possible new IP from Nintendo complete with poll for a while now. Remember to use the search function, please!

#86 Merchiodos



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 09:26 PM

If Nintendo gonna make a new IP game they should make it like Zelda. Why? Because Zelda was in the medieval period. so they were no guns, they used swords. And swords are fun. They sould make the game from thier prospective what the world would look like if guns weren't made and we all used swords. The game would be like the future meets medieval and it would the game same gameplay as Zelda
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If only Link was real <3

#87 EuroShino


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Posted 31 October 2011 - 08:16 PM

Zelda would be great, but I will always hope for a true Pokemon game that is played exactly like the handhelds but on a console.

#88 nintendofanboy


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Posted 08 November 2011 - 08:08 AM

What about a multiplayer metroid, with the main tv screen showing the group and each handheld displaying a first person view, hope the wii u specs allow it.?.

Edited by nintendofanboy, 06 December 2011 - 01:32 PM.

The long wait for the Wii U.......

#89 Guest_TRON_*

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Posted 08 November 2011 - 09:51 AM

new ip's are good and will come with the Wii u just because of the things they can do with the hardware. seriously though think about the games that didn't appear on the Wii... star fox, f-zero, and pikmin. when i start thinking about how they can bring these games on a hd console 3-5 times more powerful than ps3.... nintendo has lots of GOTY in their future.

#90 Eskimo_sam



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Posted 02 December 2011 - 11:59 PM

a futuristic zelda set in the future

#91 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 05 December 2011 - 01:24 AM

Oh man, I totally had an idea like that. Link is a master on a DDR machine, and when he approaches a statue in a restricted zone of a park, because of "Gotta be a hero for that Zelda chick" circumstances, he gets sent into the past.

Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON



#92 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 10 December 2011 - 07:41 AM

narcidius i totally agree with you. the wii u needs some "out of this world" titles like the gamecube and slightly n64 had. i really think that would pull some people into playing wii u if it has unique games like eternal darkness, goldeneye, turok, etc . I also want to see a new nintendo IP that really takes into thought the wii u target audience and makes something gritty, unique , something you wouldnt expect from nintendo. This would be awesome ! Maybe like a massive multiplayer online game that has a level up system , special abilities , but not an rpg. It should be an adventure game . it might be like a zelda game where you see people walking around except those are actual players from around the world. that would be cool

Edited by hardcoreUfan, 10 December 2011 - 07:44 AM.


#93 Jumbo Worm

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Posted 13 December 2011 - 07:21 AM

The Wii U needs something fresh. For example, Chibi-Robo was a unique IP that Nintendo has left behind (except for a couple of handheld games). It basically brought the perspective of the show George Shrinks, and turned it into a unique game. Nintendo really needs something new to bring to the table. Mario and Zelda games aren't going to keep them going forever.
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#94 Crackkat



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Posted 13 December 2011 - 10:26 AM

im thinking an epic RPG with stunning HD graphics set in ancient Japan!! that would be amazing!! basically including samurai and ninjas and imperialists and stuff like that :D
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#95 MartinF


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Posted 14 December 2011 - 02:24 PM

I want an Strategy or RPG game, but I think it will continue with Zelda's and Mario's (good games, but not RPG or Strategy games :P)

#96 hyp



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Posted 03 January 2012 - 05:31 AM

I'd quite enjoy an RPG simulator.

Love to see what Nintendo could do with it.
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I have my Ambassador 3DS. A Zelda 3DS. Someday I will have a Japan 3DS.

#97 Shokio


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Posted 03 January 2012 - 08:55 PM

I've always wanted a continuation of Starfox Assualt's concept, preferably made by Retro. The flying and ground gameplay hybrid was a good idea, it just wasn't executed as well as it could've been. The 3rd-person ground gameplay needs to be more 3rd-person shooter-ish, with a cover system and things of that nature.

A 3rd-person shooter Metroid game would be pretty sweet as well.
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#98 Hinkik


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Posted 04 January 2012 - 04:06 AM

A mario fps lol


#99 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 04 January 2012 - 08:11 AM

I've always wanted a continuation of Starfox Assualt's concept, preferably made by Retro. The flying and ground gameplay hybrid was a good idea, it just wasn't executed as well as it could've been. The 3rd-person ground gameplay needs to be more 3rd-person shooter-ish, with a cover system and things of that nature.

A 3rd-person shooter Metroid game would be pretty sweet as well.

Everything Shokio said. The Metroid game should still have the elements of exploration that made the side scrolling metroids and Metroid Prime games so dearly loved.
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Yeah, you've done a great job so far, letting the Metal Heads destroy the palace.

#100 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 11 January 2012 - 05:03 PM

I really think that something like Eternal Darkness 2 would really help Nintendo but I dont think that is what everyone wants. It sure would attract more Sony and MS bots...

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In a world of Gray and black there is nothing here to take back...

(Words from your local demon and leader of the army of darkness)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: 1st Party New, Character

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