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Wii U Anti hater discussion

Wii u haters Nintendo

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#21 Nollog


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Posted 27 November 2012 - 03:37 AM

I know it's hard to stop reading or to finish reading and come up with a retort, or to accept someone else's views on something you like.
I live with this burden every day. :'(

fangirl threads are not allowed by the rules of this forum, weather good or bad for Nintendo.
Put this in the OP ploz:

Edited by Nollog, 27 November 2012 - 03:40 AM.

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#22 UnholyVision



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Posted 27 November 2012 - 04:27 AM



Nah, you forgot one thing, he can get away easy in his shell. Just has to get one of his buddies to kick him. I felt the need to help because you have to save the Xbots in this thread. If not the OP is going to gobble them up like Paula Dean did to her grandchild and other children. Look at those evil eyes, she knows what is up and the poor children have no clue they will be entering the oven. She only needs to butter up first.
Posted Image

whatever is Nintendo near you and smile and laugh and SHOW THEM THE PLEASURE YOU FEEL. SHOW. THEM. YOUR. FEELS.

Eww, I think I will need to call Chris Hanson soon. Nintendo Wii, 3DS, and Wii U are only a few years old. What is wrong with you........

Edited by UnholyVision, 27 November 2012 - 04:28 AM.

#23 3Dude



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Posted 27 November 2012 - 04:59 AM

Blame Sega



#24 Noonabites


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Posted 27 November 2012 - 02:15 PM

Asymmetrical gameplay.. I was going to write a huge rant on this.. maybe Nollog will know a bit about asymmetrical gameplay.. it's something I spoke about with a classmate today and was glad that when looking it up on youtube, I found a video explaining the concept, applying it to the Wii U and making my job tons easier. Here, have fun:

This applies for a defense against the hater arguments, by the way.

Edited by Noonabites, 27 November 2012 - 02:17 PM.

#25 aMaG1CaLmAnG1Na



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Posted 27 November 2012 - 02:55 PM

I think this goes both ways. I own a Wii U, Xbox 360 (2 of them) and a PS3. To be honest they all have their pros and cons.

Xbox has hands down the best online community...why? Its easy to jump on with your friends, play, chat, and there are always a ton of people online. They have an advantage because they have built Live from the ground up to what it is today which took a lot of time and subscription $$.

PS3....well it plays my blu-rays.....other than that I consider it useless, it needs constant updates that take forever and I never really liked the PS controller feel but to each their own, it plays all the top games as seamless as the next console..

Wii U, The strong point for me (and sole reason I bought it) is that you can play on the gamepad only.....If i want to play black ops 2 while my wife watches TV or a movie I can and still sit there and chat with her and hang out (it is nice being able to control the TV with it also).

Now that is my simplistic view of the consoles I own and I don't see any reason to hate on any of them. They are all really good at something and more than capable at everything else.

Edited by aMaG1CaLmAnG1Na, 27 November 2012 - 02:57 PM.

CURRENTLY PLAYING: ZombiU, Black Ops 2, Super Mario Bros U, Sonic Transformed

#26 duck360


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Posted 27 November 2012 - 03:55 PM

The reason those so called or wait.... I would call them 'Fake Hardcore Gamers' hate Wii U because the Wii wasn't as strong as PS3 and Xbox360. Wii U being the big brother with the same name... didn't work and they hated.

Other fact that people believe that the Wii U isn't 8th Gen or isn't stronger than PS3 or Xbox360 and just dumbness.
Let me tell you something important. POWER, HEAT, COST. Those 3 are the main things in a gaming Console:

The more power you want, the more heat it will produce and will cost more.
The less it costs the weaker it gets and safer it becomes.
More Power with Low Cost = Money Loss for the Company.

So I have Top End PC. It Costed me over 5,000$ to build and its so powerful it can run any game I want at 60fps 1600p MAX. But with all that power heat will be produced so my PC is big and it has over 13 fans to cool it down.

So to re do it in a better way. POWER, HEAT, COST, SIZE. Even though some people don't care if it's big, many more care and want it small.

The main point is I WANT TO SEE Sony Makes PS4 Powerful, No Heat, Low Cost, Good Size. I want to see that happen! IT WILL NOT! Those people has no idea what it means to make a console. Games on their MAX isn't like 600% more better than the games in Consoles it's like... 20-60% better quality? And if you want all of that you will have to pay for it but NOOOO people are cheap and they want something good with low cost.

AS A CONSOLE: Wii U did a great thing. It's good and it's better than 7th Gen. PS4 or Xbox720 won't be Super Computers. They will only be a bit better nothing more!

PS. Do you know that almost all PS3 and Xbox360 Games doesn't run on 720p but a bit less? They aren't even HD.

#27 Nollog


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Posted 27 November 2012 - 04:41 PM

Asymmetrical gameplay.. I was going to write a huge rant on this.. maybe Nollog will know a bit about asymmetrical gameplay.. it's something I spoke about with a classmate today and was glad that when looking it up on youtube, I found a video explaining the concept, applying it to the Wii U and making my job tons easier. Here, have fun:

Is when you has different roles and/or playstyles.
Like L4D2's Infected versus Survivors modes.
Like Mario Galaxy's Girlfriend Mode where you're starme or whatever the Player 2 pointer was called.

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#28 Soul



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Posted 27 November 2012 - 05:30 PM

I see Sony drones hating more then Xbots.

Sony drones always talk about graphics and how the PS4 will have 4k resolution at 200 fps and have an amazing GPU at the cost of 400$.

#29 BlueBlur


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Posted 27 November 2012 - 05:58 PM


In a nutshell

#30 TheftyGamer



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Posted 27 November 2012 - 08:37 PM

It really is annoying me as well. People are just hating on it because it is a new thing. Every new piece of technology has it's problems. Nothing is perfect. I own the Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3, and I have to say the Xbox 360 is my favorite console. I have the Wii U but it's unopened as my parents are deciding if I am paying for it, or if I am getting it for Christmas. I am willing to innovate and love the idea of the Wii U gamepad. And this is coming from a hardcore Xbox 360.

#31 Soul



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Posted 27 November 2012 - 09:03 PM

It really is annoying me as well. People are just hating on it because it is a new thing. Every new piece of technology has it's problems. Nothing is perfect. I own the Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3, and I have to say the Xbox 360 is my favorite console. I have the Wii U but it's unopened as my parents are deciding if I am paying for it, or if I am getting it for Christmas. I am willing to innovate and love the idea of the Wii U gamepad. And this is coming from a hardcore Xbox 360.

Woah! Xbox 360s know how to post thoughts on internet forums?Awesome!!!

Also people aren't hating on it because it's new, they are hating on it since it's a Nintendo system.

#32 UnholyVision



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Posted 28 November 2012 - 12:17 AM

I think this goes both ways. I own a Wii U, Xbox 360 (2 of them) and a PS3. To be honest they all have their pros and cons.

Xbox has hands down the best online community...why? Its easy to jump on with your friends, play, chat, and there are always a ton of people online. They have an advantage because they have built Live from the ground up to what it is today which took a lot of time and subscription $$.

PS3....well it plays my blu-rays.....other than that I consider it useless, it needs constant updates that take forever and I never really liked the PS controller feel but to each their own, it plays all the top games as seamless as the next console..

I will start off by saying I own a 360 and play it and have played it for years since launch. (Well not the same consoles as I have been through five of them. Have one of the Slims now and so far no issues). What exactly are you getting for your money? Nothing really, but an advertisement in your face and a party chat. Which can be done for free & no advertisements on the PS Vita or PC. With no one forcing you to pay for an improved product. (Sure there are some low budget designers out there asking for green though, and rip off software). Once the PS4 gets the party chat system that follows you in game for free, I am kind of curious what people are going to say the subscription fee is worth then. Bloody hell, even the crappy GFW-L has the private chats & online play for $0. Only thing I see great for paying would be something like PS+ where you basically get a whole lot of games as rentals. Yet even that sucks, because the selections are so bloody small or last only a month. Need something more like PC-On Demand from GameFly or that thing called Gametap (I believe it was called) to really start to peak my interest to pay 50bucks for rentals.(That 50 is an easy twenty games for me on the PC, one or two consoles games (depending on price), & maybe three of four console games from the bargain bin. (Shrugs) (Also, I can't stand by GameFly 100%, but they at least have hundreds of games to pick from all the time for the PC).

All I am saying is, if I am not really getting anything special that I can get on anything else for free, what exactly am I going to pay for something like this?

Other fact that people believe that the Wii U isn't 8th Gen or isn't stronger than PS3 or Xbox360 and just dumbness.

So I have Top End PC. It Costed me over 5,000$ to build and its so powerful it can run any game I want at 60fps 1600p MAX. But with all that power heat will be produced so my PC is big and it has over 13 fans to cool it down.

The main point is I WANT TO SEE Sony Makes PS4 Powerful, No Heat, Low Cost, Good Size. I want to see that happen! IT WILL NOT! Those people has no idea what it means to make a console. Games on their MAX isn't like 600% more better than the games in Consoles it's like... 20-60% better quality? And if you want all of that you will have to pay for it but NOOOO people are cheap and they want something good with low cost.

PS. Do you know that almost all PS3 and Xbox360 Games doesn't run on 720p but a bit less? They aren't even HD.

What aspect of stronger are we talking about? Because in terms of easy friend community it really isn't as easy to access friends. Your buddies are not just right there visible & ready to get you in a game, instead you're popping into what most would consider an application just to see what their playing then another to read messages. While the Xbox & PS3 is a simple tab switch or press of the triangle on their names. Less jumping through hoops. Now if we are talking hardware well in all honesty no console ever has the true potential of the possibility of the hardware. Either they skimp out on the CPU, GPU, or overall ram to share process loads to one or the other.

It is called water cooling, you can drop your temps way down and get way more power. (Given the parts you use & the limits of their abilities to be overclocked as no part is really equal).

Not sure if I am reading this part 100% correct. Are you saying all the next jump of consoles are only 20% to 60% of a jump in quality? If so I would beg to differ on the 60%, no freaking way it even reaches that big of a jump. They only ever pop up maybe two generations of video cards. Each video cards in a series are just small fragments of a improvement and a single series jump is usually no more than a little bit of improvement at that. Now if you're saying the PS4 will be the highest quality you could get with said percentages. I have to say get out of town, one consoles will always be twenty steps behind & two it kind of depends on whom releases details first. How the market tends to work is throw one out there and the other company tries to best it in power to collect the appeal of graphic hunters. (Yet these graphic hunters should be on a PC......).

Yep, they are scaled up but what the hell is HD? It is nothing more than a stupid branding. If we follow the laws of the market we would only consider the resolutions 1920 by 1080 high definition. While on the PC there have been resolutions in the 2k's up for years. The idea of calling something HD today with the growing resolutions is just ludicrous. I mean we even have 4k televisions (expensive as you know what) out now and people are still saying 1080p is the only thing HD. In terms of media & frames, well you do not need a super grand PC to have fair frames on games with higher resolutions than 1080p. Yet that is not HD so people don't buy into it. :unsure:

I see Sony drones hating more then Xbots.

Sony drones always talk about graphics and how the PS4 will have 4k resolution at 200 fps and have an amazing GPU at the cost of 400$.

Woah! Xbox 360s know how to post thoughts on internet forums?Awesome!!!

Also people aren't hating on it because it's new, they are hating on it since it's a Nintendo system.

It is all a matter of where you post or go on the internet. All consoles receive attacks equal in amount and it always seems it will be that way. Because a lot (a lot, not all) of the console gamers mental age is of a five year old competing against one another to see whom has the best expensive toy. To me it seems so stupid to be fighting with your own community. (Shrug) (Again, not aimed at everyone in consoles, just the lot that does this).

Edited by UnholyVision, 28 November 2012 - 12:25 AM.

#33 tshrimp


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Posted 02 December 2012 - 06:28 PM

I typed a big long post, and just deleted it. Instead I will ask this....What has Nintendo Innovated?

I am not a "hater". If I was I wouldn't have bought the Wii U.

Edited by tshrimp, 02 December 2012 - 06:48 PM.

#34 purin172003


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Posted 03 December 2012 - 06:04 AM

I typed a big long post, and just deleted it. Instead I will ask this....What has Nintendo Innovated?

I am not a "hater". If I was I wouldn't have bought the Wii U.

NES was a revolution
SNES was an evolution
Virtual Boy was a Coup d'etat (an outlier)
N64 was a revolution
Gamecube was an evolution
Wii was a revolution
and the WiiU is an evolution

this is simply the changing of the guard for Nintendo consoles

Edited by purin172003, 03 December 2012 - 06:04 AM.

#35 DeviousOne


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Posted 03 December 2012 - 11:41 AM

Doesnt bother me haters gonna hate. I dont even try to explain of get involved people jsut need ish to complain about. I love my PS3 and Wii U
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#36 tshrimp


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Posted 03 December 2012 - 02:21 PM

NES was a revolution
SNES was an evolution
Virtual Boy was a Coup d'etat (an outlier)
N64 was a revolution
Gamecube was an evolution
Wii was a revolution
and the WiiU is an evolution

this is simply the changing of the guard for Nintendo consoles

But what have they "innovated". Motion Controls? Nope Atari and Microsoft did that many many years ago.
Tablet interaction with system. Sony and MS have done this already. But I have not tried the Xbox Smart Glass, and the PSP integration was very basic with the PS3, and never really went anywhere.

Don't get me wrong. Nintendo is just like Apple, they didn't come up with many of their ideas...they just made those ideas better.

#37 Hank Hill

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Posted 03 December 2012 - 03:00 PM

But what have they "innovated". Motion Controls? Nope Atari and Microsoft did that many many years ago.
Tablet interaction with system. Sony and MS have done this already. But I have not tried the Xbox Smart Glass, and the PSP integration was very basic with the PS3, and never really went anywhere.

Don't get me wrong. Nintendo is just like Apple, they didn't come up with many of their ideas...they just made those ideas better.

Well, they did innovate with motion controls, in that they made them...you know...work., and work well. If I recall correctly, they were doing portable-console interaction with the GBA-GameCube long before PSP/PS3 interaction came through. And Xbox SmartGlass, while first to market, seemed like something thrown at Xbox fanboys in a rush in retaliation to the Wii U. Plus, from what I've read, it's actually more of a pain than it should be, as you also have to juggle the Xbox controller around while using the SmartGlass feature. Oh, and while using Kinect. Can't forget that. (was being facetious here)

They "innovated" (put in quotes because I'm not sure if that's the right word) by making arcade-quality games available for home purchase through the NES, along with saving the video game market with it in general.
The SNES was the first home console controller to provide shoulder buttons. And the not-a-brick controller shape.
The Virtual Boy at least tried to make a all-3D "handheld," much like the 3DS, except the 3D with this system gave you horrible headaches after 20 minutes of use. Not to mention the neck cramps.
The N64, if I'm not mistaken, was the first 3D home gaming console, and was the first to provide an analog stick on a gaming controller. (Atari 2600 controllers do not count, those are joysticks.)
The GameCube, albeit limited, brought even more involved system-handheld capabilities, shown in games such as The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. However, it also had the most freaking comfortable controller of all time.
The Wii brought motion controls to good use in the home console market at a more than affordable price, which made games such as Red Steel 2 possible. It also refined such ideas as the Atari 2600 Joyboard with the Wii Balance Board.
The Wii U is bringing a tablet/controller all-in-one hybrid to home consoles pre-packaged with the console itself, while keeping the various innovations of the Wii intact. With other consoles, you either have to buy a tablet (Smartglass) or another game console entirely (PSP/PS3 or Vita/PS3 or Vita/PS4)
The DS brought with it a revolution in how to play portable games with its two-screen gameplay concept, spawning games such as Brain Age, Nintendogs, and more.
Last, but not least in the slightest, is the 3DS, which brought 3D games that didn't destroy your brain to the portable market.

While I will agree with you that Nintendo hasn't innovated as much as people think they have, they really have innovated and brought many new ideas and gameplay models to fruition.

Comparing them to Apple isn't really that fair at all. Nintendo tries to innovate often enough, Apple...not so much. Unless making things thinner counts.

Edited by GameCollector, 03 December 2012 - 03:07 PM.



The post above was certified to be simply smashing by the Wii U Forum Staff.





#38 Paz



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Posted 03 December 2012 - 05:11 PM

I think the reason for so much hate is due to the lack of a killer app on release. Because some people cant' envisage the potential of what all the components working together can really produce - especially 1st party. Hope it doesn't take to long.

#39 tshrimp


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Posted 03 December 2012 - 05:15 PM

Well, they did innovate with motion controls, in that they made them...you know...work., and work well. See below for definition of innovate. Motion controls were brought to market for the Atari 2600. I never used the Atari controller so can't say if it worked well. I did own the one from MS, and it worked well. Also I hate to say it, but although the Wii motion controls work "ok" it is borderline well. They can be very imprecise, and can cause massive frustration at times. If I recall correctly, they were doing portable-console interaction with the GBA-GameCube long before PSP/PS3 interaction came through. Maybe you are correct. And Xbox SmartGlass, while first to market, seemed like something thrown at Xbox fanboys in a rush in retaliation to the Wii U. Maybe, but again see definition of innovation. Plus, from what I've read, it's actually more of a pain than it should be, as you also have to juggle the Xbox controller around while using the SmartGlass feature. Oh, and while using Kinect. Can't forget that. (was being facetious here). Although Kinect is nice it isn't innovation either as others have used similar thing, but Kinect does it better. Kind of like Nintendo has done.

They "innovated" (put in quotes because I'm not sure if that's the right word) by making arcade-quality games available for home purchase through the NES, along with saving the video game market with it in general. (Nope. There were arcade quality graphics with systems such as Coleco Vision, Atari 5200, etc.)
The SNES was the first home console controller to provide shoulder buttons. (Yep, and the great triangle button system still used today). And the not-a-brick controller shape. (Sega Genesis was out before the SNES by about a year or so, and it was not a brick controller. )
The Virtual Boy at least tried to make a all-3D "handheld," much like the 3DS, except the 3D with this system gave you horrible headaches after 20 minutes of use. Not to mention the neck cramps. (Was innovation, but did not succeed.)
The N64, if I'm not mistaken, was the first 3D home gaming console, and was the first to provide an analog stick on a gaming controller. (Atari 2600 controllers do not count, those are joysticks.) (Sorry to say Coleco has this one as well, but was a more blocky controller.)
The GameCube, albeit limited, brought even more involved system-handheld capabilities, shown in games such as The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. However, it also had the most freaking comfortable controller of all time.( I thought is was awful, but this is an opinion thing.)
The Wii brought motion controls to good use in the home console market at a more than affordable price, which made games such as Red Steel 2 possible. (Agreed). It also refined such ideas as the Atari 2600 Joyboard with the Wii Balance Board.
The Wii U is bringing a tablet/controller all-in-one hybrid to home consoles pre-packaged with the console itself, while keeping the various innovations of the Wii intact. With other consoles, you either have to buy a tablet (Smartglass) or another game console entirely (PSP/PS3 or Vita/PS3 or Vita/PS4). (You are correct, but most people own an iPad or Android device of some kind these days. And I agree it doesn't work as well as the Wii U.)
The DS brought with it a revolution in how to play portable games with its two-screen gameplay concept, spawning games such as Brain Age, Nintendogs, and more. (You are correct. )
Last, but not least in the slightest, is the 3DS, which brought 3D games that didn't destroy your brain to the portable market. 3D to portable yes, but not to gaming as PS3 and Xbox 360 had the on the TV. Nice of them to bring to handheld, but maybe borderline innovative.

While I will agree with you that Nintendo hasn't innovated as much as people think they have, they really have innovated and brought many new ideas and gameplay models to fruition.

Comparing them to Apple isn't really that fair at all. Nintendo tries to innovate often enough, Apple...not so much. Unless making things thinner counts. (True. Maybe this was not fair. Apple takes ideas more directly than Nintendo.)

I would like to start by giving you the definition of innovation from dictionary.com "

something new or different introduced" See inline for comments.

I would also like to thank you for your well

thought out comments, and can understand how some can see Nintendo in this light, but what they have done is take good innovations and made them better, and we have all benefited. I like my Wii U and am not a "hater". I just like video game history and like to see how earlier innovations have evolved with Nintendo at the for front.

Edited by tshrimp, 03 December 2012 - 05:17 PM.

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