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New Super Mario Bros. U Reviews

New Super Mario Bros U Reviews

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Poll: New Super Mario Bros. U Reviews (53 member(s) have cast votes)

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#21 stoutland



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Posted 01 January 2013 - 12:55 PM

I personally think this game could have had so much more on to it. perhaps it was rushed in time for launch or something... I was actually one of those people who was really excited for this, but I sometimes struggle to find the will to play it. The reasons for my disappointment is that the levels didn't seem innovative at all. There were no unique unlockables either like.. i dunno - maybe DAISY as a secret character. THAT WOULD BE BRILLIANT. So in other words, there was nothing special about this game for me.
The good points which i love nintendo for is the difficulty! I die a lot - teehee~
I also am loving the new world map, but it's still not enough in my opinion for any kind of award

Edited by stoutland, 01 January 2013 - 12:56 PM.

#22 Alianjaro



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 08:42 PM

I'll probably get the game after all...
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#23 Erhnam



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Posted 11 January 2013 - 02:32 AM

I'm enjoying more than any of the latest marios we have had. My biggest complain is that the stage markers in the minimap are not blue/red depending on secret exits like super mario world did

#24 Pepz69



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Posted 16 January 2013 - 02:29 AM

9.5/10! I loved this game & have completed it 100%

Only downfall for me is that it didn't last longer and have more hidden levels etc

Overall an absolutely great and addictive title!!

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#25 Jacob


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Posted 09 February 2013 - 09:55 AM

New Super Mario Bros. U is a very nice game. I do like how they made the map better. The graphics are amazing though

9 / 10



#26 mmxforever


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Posted 25 February 2013 - 02:05 PM

The guy that gave this game a 1 obviously hasn't played NSMB2 (which is probably the only Mario platformer I would call a mediocre game).

It's not original but all but SMB2 share basically the same design. So really you are dealing with different costumes and level design every game. This one can sit easily alongside the classics (1,3,World and Yoshi). Gave it a 9.

#27 Smertrius



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Posted 19 March 2013 - 04:34 PM

super luigi U is coming out soon

#28 itsdavebaby



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Posted 29 March 2013 - 07:22 PM

I agree with you Wolf, you took the words right out my mouth. This the same old game just better graphics. I just expected more :( this is supposed to be next a next gen console. but if your a fan you'll love  it (don't get me wrong i am). Just don't buy at full price. BUt i'll give it a 6/10


So here's my review, it's New Super Mario Bros Wii with updated graphics, although worse than I expected, the levels are too short and easy, boost rush and challenge mode are a complete let down and recycled music drives your head in. This game is not worth a pick up at full price if you have the other ones and anyone who says otherwise is probably a fanboy or kidding themselves. Another thing, GET THAT GOD DAMN "NEW" OFF THESE GAMES, THEY'RE OLD, STALE AND BORING NOW!"

Edited by itsdavebaby, 29 March 2013 - 07:24 PM.

#29 MatrixChicken


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 07:50 PM

I believe I gave it an 8-point-something in my original review, but now that I've beaten the whole thing and seen all of its extra content, I gave it a slightly higher 9. The amount of content it great, and I like that you don't have to play every single level (or even every world) to get through, but that you can if you want. I didn't give it a ten because it's an awful lot like NSMBWii.



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#30 Julio93


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Posted 29 March 2013 - 08:09 PM

Its good, same as the Wii version but fascinating platforming, certainly does not beat Mario 3 or World but its really just for a launch title.



#31 kirbylover


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Posted 04 May 2013 - 05:32 AM

I gave it a 7.


STORY:You know this already. There is one difference through,bowser uses peach's castle instead of his own. (What a HOLE!) 


Gameplay: It's pretty much a mix of NSMBW with SMW. I breezed through the story mode in a week and I still haven't beat world(take note I'm talking about the gba version of SMW). Challenge mode however, was a pretty good challenge. But then again it's dumb how there are challenges that NEED boost to beat. BUT those are the ONLY ones that let you use boost. Story mode is easier then they say. To be honest,I hope this is the NSMB game.


Gamepad Function: The gamepad function is flat-out lazy. The only REAL gamepad function is boost mode. Thats it. NO toads,NO luigi! JUST boost mode. Which is where the other player taps the screen to make blocks appear. There is gamepad only mode but really!


Graphics: SAME as others. It doesn't take advantage of the HD. Expect for one level based on the painting "starry night". That level looks pretty awesome.




Gameplay 7.5          


  Gamepad function: 4.5                                                  GAME AS A WHOLE: 7



Graphics: 6.5


Replayabitey: 6


Pokedex entry: Mewtwo: The butt pokemon. It is really sexy and any pokemon that sees it wants to have sex with it. It's power comes from it's butt.

#32 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 06 May 2013 - 07:12 PM

Nothing beats classics like Super Mario World, but this is still a great game.

#33 Rockodoodle


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 08:17 PM

I gave it an 8- probably a bit higher- more like an 8.5.  At first  was disappointed b/c it's, as mentioned, a lot of the same stuff. But it does look crisp. I got it b/c I was familiar with it and wasn't sure what else to get. the more I played it the more I liked it.  If you are a serious gamer, you might be disappointed as expressed, but I actually think it's cool how luigi can help you through.  I have only used it once, but it's nice to know that it's there.  I just want to play the game- not spend hours & hours trying to get through certain parts. I'd recommend it if you like the series- but it's not a must have.

#34 Mc_Boing



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Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:40 PM

I just beat it and loved every second of it! For what it is I give it a 10.
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#35 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 11 June 2013 - 03:49 PM

Ten, amazing game!



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#36 ChrizAkaTheMole



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Posted 18 June 2013 - 04:51 PM

This was my review :




Sorry about quality this was before my stuff improved (new mic, better capture device ect...)

#37 Rockodoodle


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Posted 22 June 2013 - 06:15 PM

As I mentioned above, the graphics are much better than before.  6.5- i'd say 8.5.....  




I gave it a 7.


STORY:You know this already. There is one difference through,bowser uses peach's castle instead of his own. (What a HOLE!) 


Gameplay: It's pretty much a mix of NSMBW with SMW. I breezed through the story mode in a week and I still haven't beat world(take note I'm talking about the gba version of SMW). Challenge mode however, was a pretty good challenge. But then again it's dumb how there are challenges that NEED boost to beat. BUT those are the ONLY ones that let you use boost. Story mode is easier then they say. To be honest,I hope this is the NSMB game.


Gamepad Function: The gamepad function is flat-out lazy. The only REAL gamepad function is boost mode. Thats it. NO toads,NO luigi! JUST boost mode. Which is where the other player taps the screen to make blocks appear. There is gamepad only mode but really!


Graphics: SAME as others. It doesn't take advantage of the HD. Expect for one level based on the painting "starry night". That level looks pretty awesome.




Gameplay 7.5          


  Gamepad function: 4.5                                                  GAME AS A WHOLE: 7



Graphics: 6.5


Replayabitey: 6


#38 GreenPenInk



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Posted 17 July 2013 - 12:32 AM

 For having such a convoluted name New Super Mario Bros. U is a very streamlined game. It is a return to the classic side scrolling action we all know and love and there are elements in the game from the many iterations of Mario over the years.  If you’ve been away from the series for a while it will absolutely be a nostalgic experience from level design, to enemies to musical scores and more. The 3D overworld, parts of which are dynamic, is a pretty straightforward evolution and if I had my way it would have been fleshed out more so.  The gameplay is exactly what you remember; complete several stages in a themed zone before battling one of Bowser’s lieutenants along your way to defeat Bowser himself.  Now, however, there are multiple ways to reach the final goal, e.g. you can travel through the water zone instead of the ice zone, including secret paths (which I won’t spoil for you.)  The plot has not changed. The big mean yellow and green baddie has invaded in an airship and taken over Princess Peach’s castle.  It’s new but it’s classic and the name of the game is saving the Mushroom Kingdom from Bowser like its predecessors.


 The pace of the game was just about right.  The difficulty of the typical stages was not very high if you had nothing in mind but hitting the flag at the end of the map, but it amped up if your goals included getting the three stars every level contains, collecting every single coin you could find or just looking in every nook and cranny for hidden treasure/secrets. The thing that really stuck out for me negatively was the similarity and ease of all the boss battles. I think the series should have progressed to the point that fights with Bowser’s lieutenants were heavily influenced by the zone they were in as far as defining their look as well as the stage design and the means necessary to defeat them.  It wasn’t until the final Bowser showdown that I felt any of that was addressed to a significant degree.


Surprisingly, one of the most fun aspects of the game for me was the challenge mode.  When I first saw it I scoffed at the idea of it actually being enjoyable and looked at it as more of a time sink.  Then the completionist in me forced me to give it a chance and it quickly became more addictive than the main game even.  It brought to mind a quote from Miyamoto about how he felt the challenge mode gave you a new perspective on the main game.  I found this to be evident very quickly when I returned to the main game to look for the large star coins.  After having the experience of the challenge mode it became very intuitive as to how I was supposed to reach formerly difficult to reach areas/coins.


Also, the challenge mode was full of suits and different forms of Mario! Something I felt was lacking in the main game.  I thought it would have been a beautiful thing if each zone had a suit that was effective within it as well as one that was ineffective in it. Or, if they weren’t going to include a large number of suits at least make it so the suits they did include had more opportunity to interact with the world. Fireballs should have inanimate objects to light on fire, reintroduce the tail swipe in squirrel form, enemies placed so iceballs could freeze them and turn them into additional platforms etc.  I didn’t like that I had to wait until Superstar Road to experience the penguin suit when there was an entire water world that could have had a level or two designed to require it’s usage if you wanted to investigate all of its secrets.  I will say the inclusion of Yoshis offset the lack of suits in the main game a little.


The graphics of the game are quite beautiful.  The only time I had any issue is when I inspected the screen very closely in some areas in the overworld when I was playing on my TV.  The look when you’re running around a stage itself is crisp and vibrant and it makes you look forward to the first fully 3D HD Mario adventure.  The sound is definitely Mario music, but it’s nothing that grabs your attention, it’s not music that will be stuck in your head 20 years from now like the original Mario games can boast.  The musical pieces are more like bland covers of a legendary rock band.


The integration of additional gamepad features was non-existent for me.  I didn’t really touch on the multiplayer.  But, I felt that for a game like this the ability of off screen play was perfect and more than enough.  This is exactly the kind of game you can play rolled up in bed or lying off the side of your couch when you have a bit of time on your hands.  


 New Super Mario Bros. U is an entertaining game worth the purchase price. I think it should be part of any Wii U owner’s collection of games. You’ll be the one to determine how and how much fun you extract from the game, there’s a lot of content for you to plunge into but you won’t get to see it all in a single play through where you rush to kill Bowser and see the credits.


New Super Mario Bros. U is a solid piece of software that I am glad I purchased and will be playing quite a bit until I finish all the challenges and unlock all the secrets. It’s a polished game where controls are responsive, bugs are non-existent and you can immerse yourself in the world.  On the other hand it’s not a game I expect to be the highlight of my Wii U library once the system matures. Bear with me, I know typically in rating publications a 7 is a major bust but I need somewhere to go when a game really knocks me off my feet. 


RATING: 7/10 

Edited by GreenPenInk, 17 July 2013 - 11:05 AM.



#39 IvyT



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Posted 17 July 2013 - 05:00 AM

I really want to get this one since the last SMB game I played on a home console was on the NES times... But I've heard this is basically the same as the DS version (which I own and love) and the Wii version (don't own but I've played it as well). I could get it for around $40/$45... Do you think it's worth the price? I doubt it'll ever go down to budget price, since I still see the Wii version priced as much as $50.


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#40 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 17 July 2013 - 05:03 AM

I really want to get this one since the last SMB game I played on a home console was on the NES times... But I've heard this is basically the same as the DS version (which I own and love) and the Wii version (don't own but I've played it as well). I could get it for around $40/$45... Do you think it's worth the price? I doubt it'll ever go down to budget price, since I still see the Wii version priced as much as $50.

Get it. It's not the same as the Wii version and probably not the sams as the DS version.

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