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Member Since 10 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 31 2014 06:26 AM

#284327 Nintendo spent 100 million on new tech

Posted by Nollog on 07 May 2014 - 12:27 PM

Just QoL
Probably bought Panasonic's coffee-maker line or something.

#279954 Wii U Prototype Console and Logos

Posted by Zinix on 05 April 2014 - 08:36 AM

better than the retail model. 

#277141 An idea just crossed my mind

Posted by TheDoctor_13 on 14 March 2014 - 01:17 AM

I got an idea,


We tweet one reason we like the Wii U with a hashtag, see if we can get it trending or something.

But your idea is good too.

#272570 Sold my wii u

Posted by KingBoo on 15 February 2014 - 09:12 AM



-keeps Wii U all this time waiting for killer games

-sells it right before all the 2014 games hit

-buys a PS4 with barely any games yet so he is still waiting....

-will re-buy a Wii U. 


you sir, are a melon. 

#271340 New Nintendo Direct parody

Posted by alan123 on 09 February 2014 - 01:33 PM

Pretty sure it's considered racist to imitate an accent for comedic purposes.

How do we know that Iwata isn't also putting on a voice ?

#267323 Satoru Iwata: "I'm not going resign"

Posted by Nollog on 18 January 2014 - 05:46 PM

This is every fanboy's defence for Nintendo's new IPs. They always play the "nintendo shouldnt make any dudebro shooters" failing to realise that there are loads of other genres out there that appeal more to western gamers than jrpgs.

Pullblox - puzzle
rasto-stoly, xenobrado - jrpg
wii party - minigame party rainbow
nes remix - arcade gay thing
disaster day of crisis - action
steel diver - really lame simulation game
dillons - tower defense
freakyforms - creation thing

#265333 New Monolith's X Info

Posted by Ledo Jaeger on 07 January 2014 - 06:48 PM

X was a day one purchase before

Now it is day zero

#265169 I think Wii U did the impossible!

Posted by DéliopT on 07 January 2014 - 03:41 AM

Unfortunately, thinks aren`that great.

Assuming it can do 1 million worldwide, for the month of December, it will see a 700k+ fall from December last year.


If you look at Xbox360 and PS3`s December salesin the year after launch, both passed the 2 million mark.
So you see, barely hitting or passing 1 million, is not a good number.


That doesn`t mean that Wii U can`t do better this year.
From what i have been reading Wii U shipments never were that great either and they sell out quickly. Let`s hope January sees an improvement to show if sales can really increase a lot.

#264785 USB3 is pointless

Posted by grahamf on 04 January 2014 - 06:19 PM

To be fair, Nintendo revised the WIi halfway through it's generation (stripped Gamecube compatibility) and launched XL revisions of the DSi and 3DS. There's nothing stopping Nintendo from - two years down the road - releasing a revision of the Wii u, providing that revision is virtually identical from a developer's perspective with no backwards compatibility issues with the first revision. It would be really awesome if it had room for an internal SATA drive though


I can see it happening, but not yet.

#264430 why are nintendo systems always weakest in competition

Posted by 3Dude on 02 January 2014 - 11:41 AM

but in our time now people think about specs more than anything else

I guess thats why 3ds is crapping on everything else from space.

#264315 Shin'ens new game is making me confident in the Wii Us power keeping up t...

Posted by Alex Atkin UK on 01 January 2014 - 11:49 AM

I think saying that basing a console on PC hardware is being "lazy" is very narrow minded.


The point is that costs have been constantly going up and if developers say they need thing to be easier you would be a fool to ignore them.


You also make it sound like neither Sony or Microsoft did any customisation at all which is not true.  They did exactly what Nintendo did, started with off-the-shelf designs and revised them accordingly.  The PS4 has a custom network processor and DSP, the Xbox One also has a custom DSP although arguably sticks much closer to the PC design - but as the company who makes Windows that is hardly surprising.


Consoles were custom because they had to be, PCs were very inefficient and this has slowly improved.  Nintendo stick with custom because it means exclusive titles have a huge advantage, but that is also why their key titles have taken so long to come out on Wii U.  Its also really annoyed the third-parties which is hardly a logical business decision.


So if anything, I would say its Nintendo that are shooting themselves in the foot here stubbornly refusing to change with the times.

#263786 Maybe we have not seen NEXT-GEN Nintendo yet?

Posted by 3Dude on 28 December 2013 - 09:58 AM

In my play through, there would only be a slight slowdown when new assets were loading (which is very slight), or when you were breaking boxes and killing enemies, while at the same time leaping around to avoid flying objects and such. Nothing too noticeable, however, it was enough to see something was going on. Maybe it was not FPS drop? Something else that led to a slight input lag and slowdown on screen for a moment? It reminded me of early physics engines on the PC and 360, when they would pause briefly before doing the action on screen. However, nowhere near as severe. 
In Knack, some of those later levels are in slow motion. 
In that post, I did not want to be dishonest and claim that I did not observe 0 hitches with 3d World. However, compared to those levels in Knack, or in general, it is non-existent unless your either looking for them or prone to noticing them.

Nintendo typically likes to use breif pauses to emphasize certain events, like making contact, this is most likely what you are talking about.

#263070 Wii U is on a roll!

Posted by thechamp80 on 23 December 2013 - 04:52 PM

Feverish pace lol. When the Wii U gets outsold by 4 consoles in November I wouldn't call it a "feverish pace".

#262432 Wii U Virtual Console Subscription Service?

Posted by Oobatz on 20 December 2013 - 12:56 AM

Nintendo's biggest asset has always been it's low cost, from the consoles price to the lack of memberships to play games on line with other gamers.  They need to continue this to survive.


There are so many things that could make the Wii U more attractive, some that will cost next to nothing to implement.

Instead of requiring a player to "purchase" the virtual consoles games to play them, offer a low cost monthly membership so that people can play any game in it's virtual console library.

I have spent around $35 in the last 8 years on virtual console games. There are more titles I am willing to buy, but just not at the asking prices.

Instead of getting $5 one time from a player for one game, you can get $5 to $10 Every month from the same player to let them play the existing games in the Virtual Console Library.  This is why I have a Netflix streaming membership, I may not get the best and newest movies to watch, but I will watch a few titles each month.  If they started charging a "Per view" fee, I would cancel my membership. so instead of getting only a few dollars every so often for "on demand" viewing, they are getting $85 out of me every year that they would normally never get.



#262749 If the Wii U is not powerful...

Posted by Leland on 21 December 2013 - 07:01 PM

Actually my friend who is as dev was telling me when it comes to the GPU it went like this PS4>Wii U>XBO

Sounds like your friend needs to consider a new career.

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