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Member Since 04 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 10 2013 06:05 PM

#125161 Wii U gets an update day 1

Posted by Ixchel on 06 November 2012 - 04:42 PM

Not a big deal, I love the setting up process. Plus I have pretty fast internet so it's cool. I think I have 25 mbps up/down, and get usually get speeds of around 2.5 MB/s on wireless downloads, wired is faster of course. :P

#124282 super smash bros 3ds/wii u canceled?

Posted by Ixchel on 04 November 2012 - 11:07 AM

... I really doubt they'd cancel SSB, for numerous reasons. (Well received, moves consoles for both "core" and "casual" audiences). You have to remember they revealed SSB before they began to work on it. So at this point, I doubt there's much to show off at all.

#123298 Nintendo Pushed Back 1st Party Titles For 3rd Party Titles

Posted by Ixchel on 31 October 2012 - 06:49 PM

... Yeah, I sort of wish they released Pikmin 3 anyways. The lack of it at launch isn't pushing me to buy more games than I'm interested in considering I own other consoles. All it's doing is making me probably not buy a 1st party at launch. Unless it's secretly being improved behind the scenes and they're not just sitting on it for a few months. >>;; Last time I looked into it, there were comments that it was noticeable it had started out as a Wii game, so it'd be nice to polish it a little more.

#116377 What are your rare nintendo items?

Posted by Ixchel on 09 October 2012 - 07:43 PM

Well there's a couple things but the only thing I have unopened is one of these. Except it has Lugia, Pikachu, and Bellossom.
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#115886 How long until nintendo reveal a new gamepad mini?

Posted by Ixchel on 08 October 2012 - 10:42 AM

I tried it out and I don't feel like there's anything wrong with the size. (The weight while holding it in one hand and using a stylus is noticeable though, so with any games played like that I can see eventual fatigue... But that might be my weak girl wrists haha.)
I can't really see a new version just to look sleeker. A lot of that bulk is for ergonomics.

#114100 Launch Day Advice

Posted by Ixchel on 01 October 2012 - 07:47 AM

Maybe we could go back to my place after and play together.
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I've never co-oped at another house... I hope that's okay.

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#114043 Launch Day Advice

Posted by Ixchel on 30 September 2012 - 09:12 PM

If you wait with me I'll hold your hand.

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#112701 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Posted by Ixchel on 25 September 2012 - 02:14 PM

Hahaha if only that fairy tale opening was less of a turn off. I think I mentioned my experiences earlier, but I really agree with the post that says you need to at least make it to episode 3. I almost wanted to stop after the first but felt like it wasn't a fair chance because it was a two parter. The second redeemed itself a bit but I was still reluctant, which convinced me to give it "one more chance" with episode 3... Only to find me marathoning half of the first season in one go. xD

#111498 Help choosing next Zelda to play?

Posted by Ixchel on 22 September 2012 - 12:23 PM

Actually, Ganondorf is trapped in the sacred realm and vows to kill your descendants. :P

As for MM, it's probably my least favorite of the 3D Zelda games (I still love it though :P) so I wouldn't be in TOO much of a hurry to play it. However, if you can play Skyward Sword you must have a Wii. You can download Majora's Mask on the VC via the Wii Shop channel.

Whaaaat? Haha it's been a few months since I've beaten it but I didn't think I'd forget that much. Maybe I should watch the end of a let's play :P

MM looks so scary. D: But it's good I don't need to play it right away. I know I can buy it on VC... or ask to borrow my bro's copy and dust off the 64 (or even emu it)... but all those rumours of a MM remake got it in my head that it'll be released soon enough that I'll regret not waiting for the sparkly upgrades. If there's still no talk of it after I've played every game except MM's line then I may give in. xD

#111443 Pokemon X For Wii U

Posted by Ixchel on 22 September 2012 - 10:17 AM

I'd love a console Pokemon game that isn't just battle stadium ish.... like a full on RPG with online play

Like Colosseum and XD with online play?

I'd personally love a Pokemon MMO. I can just see it working out so well. But I know that's not as likely as another XD styled game, which would be awesome!

#108260 Wii U Gamepad Changes

Posted by Ixchel on 15 September 2012 - 05:53 PM

I think you were right the first time, the stylus is on the right. xD

#108010 Everything at Wii U launch

Posted by Ixchel on 15 September 2012 - 09:29 AM

They'll have extra consoles for Black Friday. They always hold back a few. As mentioned, it's to lure you in to buy other stuff haha.

#107453 Basic Bundle Worth It?/Anyone getting it?

Posted by Ixchel on 14 September 2012 - 11:35 AM

Do you have a spare $50? That's just the question. I just see the Premium as a no brainer.

Yeah it's really looking that way for a lot of people. I'm just questioning if it's worth it in the end in my case. I'm not sure what I'll feel Nintendo Land will be worth. A 30minute game then put away forever? Or is it actually fun like a few members suggested?
Added to the fact that I probably won't buy eShop games and it can prob only hold 1 or 2 retail ones without an external HD, the bonuses for Premium are going to be minimal.
But as you said, the $50 may be worth it.

Personally, I just see the Premium bundle as a better buy. Color means nothing to me.
I dislike blue.

Same answer as above for the first part. But yeah color doesn't mean much to me but I personally prefer white.

#102132 No online multiplayer for anything

Posted by Ixchel on 25 August 2012 - 05:09 PM

Ok cool? Name me a top franchise of Xbox or Sony that does not have online? This is not Mario. This is a zombie killing game. All games like this have online. The point is most people like to play online on games like this. This is a big wii u exclusive. So once I beat the game that's it? I'm done? I just don't see why it couldn't include some sort of online multiplayer.

Wow. I see there's a big culture gap forming within the gaming community haha. What generation did you start in?

I just don't understand this new mindset that games need multiplayer. I buy a game to play the main story and if it has multiplayer, then cool I might check it out. If it's a complete experience I probably wouldn't even notice if it lacks online. It's making me feel like people just skip the whole thing just to jump online and shoot things with their friends.

#100667 HeyHeyHarold Gamestop Wii U pics

Posted by Ixchel on 19 August 2012 - 06:10 PM

You are the troll of the year!

What has me hyped up is Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge. Weird as it could be, I'm looking forward to that game and I'm happy to see it on the boxes. We know so little about the game so any attention it gets is welcome!

Not a troll, just being honest. I personally don't get the point of showing off a bunch of stacked display boxes that aren't even the actual ones the Wii U will be shipped in. Someone else already answered, that it helps with the hype. Just not for me.

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