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Member Since 26 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active May 26 2012 11:44 AM

#69972 Dislike Button or Disagree System

Posted by Joshua on 06 April 2012 - 01:12 PM

Quoting Auzzie Wingman;

"So long as the owner of this site is a Brony, you will not see a dislike option."

(Somewhere across those lines.)

#69962 Dislike Button or Disagree System

Posted by AMAC on 06 April 2012 - 12:59 PM

The problem with a dislike button is that it's a feature which can easily be abused and there is the risk of some members being offended if their posts received dislikes. As far as I'm aware, IP.Board doesn't have a dislike button feature anyway.

As for trolls/spammers, the simplest way to deal with them is simply to use the report button and one of the moderating team will deal with it.

#63536 Things that annoy you about the internet.

Posted by Joshua on 25 February 2012 - 07:11 PM


#62287 -

Posted by GeneralCraezy on 18 February 2012 - 11:25 AM

You know whats so interesting about politics? nothing.

#62347 Your reaction to Apple joining the console race

Posted by Blasty on 18 February 2012 - 06:49 PM

apple isnt a gaming company there computers are good though unless your a hypocritical pc fanboy.

How does that make you a hypocrite?

#54539 Will Nintedo Grow Up!

Posted by Caius Casshern Sins on 15 January 2012 - 09:16 AM

I disagree with you, if Nint endo change there franchises that drastically will actually make there current fans sicken. I would rather see a brand new IPs than changing there current franchises to suit the wants of the hardcore.

#40723 Steve Jobs more Influential then Miyamoto, What!?

Posted by Feld0 on 03 November 2011 - 12:15 AM

Only 1,000 people in the sample seems a little small. I'd also be curious to know a little more data on the participants - it really sounds ridiculous to think that Steve Jobs's overnight hit in the iPhone has had a greater effect on the industry than the Wii, DS, or hell, even the NES (besides saving the industry, save data was also invented on the NES - where would we be today without that?).

The data is not, however, invalid - it is completely true for the people that were surveyed. And I share my concerns with the author of the article...

Obviously, this group doesn't necessarily speak for the population at large, but the results are a bit unsettling nonetheless.

Most importantly, it makes us feel like old men, waving our canes in the air and complaining that the younger generation doesn't know a thing about gaming history. We'd be quick to remind them that when Apple was pushing personal computers upon the masses, Nintendo was busy salvaging the damaged video game industry. It was Mario, not Angry Birds, that pulled gaming from the fire.

What we don't like is the suggestion that such results are a sign of the times, and that over the next several years, a new generation of gamers will associate their favorite hobby with Apple, and not old stalwarts like Nintendo, Sega and Capcom.

Please, give us a moment to wipe away some tears.

It somewhat disturbs me when I go to school every day and the iPod Touch or iPhone is the "standard" gaming device. And it downright sickens me that while all my classmates waste their time away with Angry Birds, Doodle Jump, and Jelly Car, they give me a queer look every time I pull my 3DS out and are quick to label anything I open up on it as "childish". Pokemon? It's for little kids. Mario? It's for little kids. Zelda? It's for little kids. Radiant Historia, some game I've never heard of? It's for little kids, because it's on your DS (they cannot even differentiate the 3DS from the DS, but that's another rant for another post). [x TV show I'm watching through Netflix]? Looks legit, but it must be childish 'cause that's all Nintendo has on there.

All right. And then, they go back to launching red birds into green pigs. Enjoy your super mature, highly developed, and high budget $0.99 games.

I'm not saying mobile games don't have their rightful place in the universe, because they always have and always will. But my generation's complete and utter disregard for the products and companies that saved and shaped the industry is deeply disturbing. Seeing as I want to grow up and become a video game developer myself, I sincerely hope this trend turns around by the time I get my degree.

Because, y'know, I don't want to spend $150,000 and four years in DigiPen learning absolutely everything about programming to then go work in a world where serious talent is no longer profitable.

#23585 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Posted by Feld0 on 23 August 2011 - 01:11 PM

I'm a brony now.

Welcome to the Herd.jpg

#18774 An normal day at costco. 99% true!

Posted by Auzzie Wingman on 04 August 2011 - 06:36 PM

This has got to be one of the worst written stories I've ever read. Seriously, Learn to punctuate and try to Tell a story, not a recap of events. This seriously needs much improvement.
Also: Before you get mad, I'm a part time writer

I didn't know part time writers capitalised random words in the middle of a sentence.

#13133 Regarding posts in "Introduction Central"

Posted by Feld0 on 08 July 2011 - 10:26 AM

Well... if we ever have a welcoming committee, then you already have 2 members. Anyways, ideas are just ideas until we change them into something greater.

Well, not necessarily. It comes down to how I will choose the welcoming committee. But I do think we should pursue that idea, and want to make it happen.

I'm currently wondering whether I should choose members for the welcoming committee like I do moderators (a manual process in which I privately invite members to the position) or whether I should take applications. I'm usually against applications as it tends to result in people making promises to get the staff position, but then don't live up to them. But these guides will not be moderators, and it's good to have as many members on the welcoming committee as possible, so I'm more open to the idea of accepting applications than I am with mods.

But I still don't want to hand this position to just anyone who's willing to say hi to new members. "Guides" will be the forum's mentors, and should serve as examples of great members for others to look up to. Despite not having any mod powers, it will be a staff position and I'll expect it to be treated as such.

I want to hear some thoughts on this.

#4761 (request) welcome to the island

Posted by Elric on 12 June 2011 - 01:06 PM

Welcome to the island
hope you enjoy your stay
after all this is the place
where all the Yoshi play

you don't need to be scared
they will come to you
and then you will be paired

the places of your imagination
they will take you there
maybe someplace like a basin

you are in a whole different world
one with excitement and wonder
one you can definitely ponder

I hope you have fun as you travel
from the highland
to the coastland

welcome to the island
hope you enjoy your stay
after all this the place
where all the yoshi play

(hope you like it ruthie!)

#2793 Why should I rhyme?

Posted by Waller on 14 May 2011 - 12:00 AM

Haha, i love it. :P

#2792 Why should I rhyme?

Posted by Elric on 13 May 2011 - 08:22 PM

(just a poem I made for fun. Intended for you to enjoy )

Why should I rhyme?
It's just a waste of time
I hate when people make it their prime
and act like not rhyming is a crime

I really hate when people rhyme stupid stuff
Like cheese puffs 
Sometimes I just have to say,
that's enough!

They do it in such a rush
It all seems like a pile of mush
When they try to give their poem
a big push

They always try to write better more
But always turns out really poor
Although it comes from the core

Why should I rhyme?
I say it's a crime
And I don't have the time

#2659 Start

Posted by Elric on 09 May 2011 - 03:14 PM

The memory still sits
A scar
Not yet healed

When will it end
When do I start again
When does this start over

This madness
This dream,
this demented dream

I ask myself this

and over again

Over time,
I ask myself

Do I even decide?

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