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Member Since 04 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 24 2021 07:12 PM

#162371 Wind Waker HD Screenshots

Posted by Lebon14 on 23 January 2013 - 08:24 PM

Never cared for this game...

Just give me a game that looks like skyward sword :)

Never really cared for Skyward Sword. That work both ways you know.

I've said already but... DAY ONE purchase for me!

#157478 Wii U Video Chat

Posted by Insanity_Boi on 08 January 2013 - 02:54 AM

ahhhh right thanks,thats one of the only things i dont like about the console,when people come online or call it should show on the screen,i always miss when someone has come online as its hard to notice the home button glowing/flashing when your into a game.

Youre tellin me.  Its hard to notice that flashing light if you're heavily immersed in gameplay but sometimes I do see it outta the corner of my eye but thats not enough.  Maybe if the gamepads rumble feature went off at the same time it would alert us a little better.

#149967 InterWorks Pro Controller U?

Posted by Zinix on 20 December 2012 - 08:58 AM

Nobody cares what you think.

Posted Image

#144561 Just sold my Wii U!

Posted by hubang on 06 December 2012 - 10:47 AM

Posted Image

#136864 My Wii U rant...

Posted by Abcdude on 23 November 2012 - 11:23 AM

I don't own any DS games, just three 3DS games. NSMB2, MK7, and OOT. So I don't know much about DS...  By the way, why is Wii U copying the DS? They both have two screens...

  Posted Image

#136080 Wii U 'Has A Horrible, Slow CPU' Says Metro Last Light Dev

Posted by mayhem13 on 22 November 2012 - 07:25 AM

Like anything if effort is put into making the game, you'll get a good port.  Maybe it won't be better then the 360/PS3 version.  Maybe it will be better in spots and weaker in other places.  But the fact is, you do need to put some effort into it.  Don't forget with the PS3, it had this rediculously powerful CELL processor.  90% of the games for the system barely take advantage of it.  Because many developers claim it is too difficult to figure out or use.  So they use it in a very basic way.  The end result were games that looked as good or maybe just a tad bit less then the 360 version.  Well...there is an example of an extremely powerful processor that no one wanted to develop for properly beyond a few companies.  But they still did.  So like I say, all the time, if the money is there.  The port will be there.  For the money to be there, the games must sell for the system.

Shame of it is...if you want a system to sell and games to sell for it.  You need good third party support.  Well alot of third party support is afraid to support the Wii U because of poor video game sales on the Wii.  So it plays against Nintendo.  Third party needs to see that the Wii U can sell third party games before they'll be willing to risk an attempt at making their game.  So hope that Black Ops 2 and Zombi U sells like crazy.  Because that is what is going to get those third party companies who are not commited to the Wii U to reconsider.  Rockstar doesn't care how well Mario sells, they want to see how well a violent game sells, before they consider making their violent game for that system.

Nintendo has a long history of weak third party support.  The last Nintendo console that had truly great third party support was the Super Nintendo.  N64 as great as it was lacked good third party.  Gamecube was a little better but still far behind Xbox and PS2.  Wii obviously had horrible third party support.  It's an uphill climb for Nintendo as far as the third party thing goes.

I know I keep bringing up third party when the thread is about CPU processing and the comments of a developer or two.  But the thing is...If the Wii U was like the 360/PS3 and video games sold well on it.  All these third party companies would make a port on the Wii U.  They'd want the money.  It's all about money.  The CPU processing excuse is just a way for them to defend not releasing games on the system.  Its not cool to say, "we want to make money".  People don't sympathize with that.  So they say, oh, the CPU is not 100% to our liking.  Thus that is the reason for not making a Wii U version.  No it's not, it's because you saw that third party mature Wii games sold like crap and now you want an excuse that you can give to the public without coming across as greedy.  That applies to any third party companies excuse.

So to make it simple as far as these "hardcore" mature games go from third party companies: if the sales are there, the money is there.  If the money is there, the third party is there.

#135656 Playing original Wii games on the Wii U second screen.

Posted by illogicology on 21 November 2012 - 03:49 PM

I don't think playing Wii games on the Gamepad really makes sense. I mean, for most Wii games you're talking about co-ordinating the Gamepad and Wii Remote which is just really awkward. Sure it would be nice if it worked for games that support the classic controller but that's really not that many games. For Virtual Console stuff there's just no excuse though. I know the Wii U's own virtual console is coming soon, but it will be quite disappointing if Nintendo expects us to buy the NES Super Mario Bros. all over again just so we don't have to play it in their fenced off little Wii Mode.

#134897 Box Size?

Posted by Nintendo on 20 November 2012 - 03:32 PM

I wouldn't want to open it on christmas eve, wouldn't feel the same :)

#134890 Box Size?

Posted by derk2468 on 20 November 2012 - 03:30 PM

When I got the Wii for Christmas it was hidden inside a box inside like 6 other boxes. The first one was like the size of big tube tv back then xD Dunno if your parents are that intuitive, but something to keep in mind!

#128547 toys r us doing buy 1 get 40 percent off all wii u games black friday

Posted by Hank Hill on 13 November 2012 - 06:53 AM

As awesome as this is, I value my life and wouldn't go anywhere near a retail store on black friday. o-e

#131598 Nintendoland review is up

Posted by Tricky Sonic on 17 November 2012 - 03:34 PM

NOO OFFENSE ANYONE BUT DID YOU NOT EVEN READ THIS PART OF MY POST>" I'm a little miffed they are putting out game reviews before the wii U even comes out though "

I did, which is Why I said they always do game reviews before games come out. Need games on a new system are No different as it helps people who haven't decided yet pick games to buy...or not buy. Not sure Why you would be miffed about that

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