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Occult Satanist

Member Since 09 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 31 2014 05:50 PM

#247150 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by ifrit05 on 20 September 2013 - 08:20 AM

Halo 2 soundtrack.... Yeah I'm a nerd. :P

#243752 Déjà Vu: Seeing things in your dreams that happen in the future?

Posted by Chrop on 02 September 2013 - 06:44 PM

Nah, bunch of balloni on a stick with rabies. Just coincidence. When you dream your body goes in a state of paralysis, there's 4 stages of sleeping, 1 of which involves deep dreams, these are just the brain making connections around certain parts of your brain to create an image, sound and touch fantasy. This is REM sleep. There's nothing about some weird future prediction, just your brain acting out a day in your fantasy world. 

Also Nightmares are just their to conquer your fears of real life. 

#184999 The Mighty Have Fallen

Posted by Elric on 21 March 2013 - 02:15 PM

Name: Lucas Sleith 

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Description: Lucas has long brown hair, green hazel eyes, pale skin, and usually is in a brown cloak. 

Brief History: Lucas Sleith has seen many places and things in his short lifetime. He was once a traveler and merchant. No one exactly knows about his tragic past, because he usually likes to keep to himself. He keeps with himself a black sword that he supposedly stole from the gods himself and survived. However, the sword is cursed, having various negative effects on his body. He has recently become a known fugitive, and there have been rumors of his horrible acts. Of course, these are just rumors. No one actually knows if this is true. Right now he is still on the run for supposedly murdering without any reason. 

Weapons / Equipments: A small knife, a cursed black sword. 


Lucas Sleith was hidden. He was following Bobcat for unknown reason, and he was actually surprised that he hadn't known he was there. He decided he would make his presence clear to him: 


"Don't move, Bobcat," Lucas said smirking and now behind of him. He was clutching his knife. 

#184905 The Mighty Have Fallen

Posted by Leo on 21 March 2013 - 11:21 AM

Name: Leo Kliesen
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Description: Human, has a strong built and is 19 yrs old, blood type AB, weighs 119 lbs, is 5'8" tall. Speleologist.
Brief History: He is part of a very talented family, his father was a world famous spelunker and his mother served as a executive of a corporation. Life was smooth and steady for Leo, that is, until his father disappeared during an expedition when he was growing. That didn't stop the youth from following in his footsteps. He decided to become a speleologists in homage of his father. He possesses a strong sense of character and justice. He eventually grow up as a responsible young adult, studying the many wonders of the deep abyss of caves and learning the art of Kai Men Baji Quan, which means "open-gate eight-extremities fist". He enjoyed the warm comfort with his single parent, his mother until one fateful day, when Leo's mother was killed by an unknown assailant. Depressed and filled with grief, Leo became incensed when the police called-off their investigation quickly and without explanation. Leo vowed to find the truth.
Weapons / Equipment: Modèle 1777 corrigé en l'an IX musket, mostly just wears a jacket and a belted shirt decked out with a scarf. He rathers uses his fists for fighting.

He arrives at a nearby town after departing from a train. "I'm finally here..." He was on a business trip around the region, hoping to get a few sources on spelunking sites, and his mother's murder. He glances about, taking in the sights. He took a deep breathe and began marching out of the station. He sinks his teeth on a loaf of french bread he got from a local merchant and begins his exploration. He figures of checking out the nearby woods, a good place to sightsee and maybe uncovered some clues or something worth of interests. He dashes about to the site. Leo is entirely aware of the heated tension of the wars in the kingdom of Furme. He wishes to be able to put the wars at ease, once and for all. But... how?

#243498 cute pics.

Posted by grahamf on 01 September 2013 - 05:15 PM


#243442 wasps plz hlp

Posted by 3Dude on 01 September 2013 - 10:07 AM




Peer into the fire of your soul. You know this is the only way.

#242867 Syria.

Posted by magiciandude on 29 August 2013 - 08:50 PM

If the US doesn't get involved, then they are heartless. If the US gets involved, then it's obviously because of imperialism. Damned the US do, damned if the US doesn't. 

#239249 California state court gives final approval to gay marriage, dismisses Prop 8 ap

Posted by Zinix on 14 August 2013 - 05:09 PM


(08-14) 14:51 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- The state Supreme Court gave its final approval Wednesday to the rights of gays and lesbians to marry, dismissing an appeal by sponsors of the 2008 initiative that banned same-sex marriage in California.

The justices unanimously denied review of a suit by conservative Christians who put Proposition 8 on the ballot and argued that it remains in effect statewide, despite a federal judge's 2010 ruling in San Francisco that declared it unconstitutional.

The court's action could mean the end of a legal battle that began more than nine years ago when Mayor Gavin Newsom ordered San Francisco's city clerk to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, defying state law that defined marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

The state Supreme Court invalidated the 4,000 marriages in San Francisco but set in motion a challenge to the law that led to its overturning on appeal in May 2008, the passage of Prop. 8 six months later, and a new lawsuit that reached the nation's high court.

The 2010 ruling by then-Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker finding Prop. 8 unconstitutional was suspended during lengthy appeals, but was reinstated after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled June 26 that the initiative's sponsors lacked legal standing to represent the state in federal court. Gov. Jerry Brown and Attorney General Kamala Harris had agreed with Walker's decision and declined to appeal it.

On June 28, Brown, based on legal advice from Harris, ordered all 58 county clerks to start issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Prop. 8's sponsors then asked the state's high court to intervene, arguing that Brown had no authority over the county clerks who issue marriage licenses.

The sponsors said Walker's ruling should apply only to the four plaintiffs who had sued to overturn the law - a lesbian couple from Berkeley and a gay couple from Burbank.

"Executive officials have attacked, failed to enforce and undermined state laws affirming traditional marriage," the pro-Prop. 8 group Protect Marriage told the court.

They were briefly joined by San Diego County's clerk, Ernest Dronenburg, who filed a separate suit arguing that he was still bound to follow Prop. 8 but could not do so because of threats of punitive action by Harris. Dronenburg dropped his suit after the court refused to halt the weddings last month.

In defense of Brown's order, state lawyers noted that Walker had barred state officials and anyone under their supervision from enforcing Prop. 8. They said a 2004 state Supreme Court ruling established that the state, and not individual county clerks, decides who is eligible for marriage license.

Prop 8's sponsors haven't said whether they plan any additional legal actions.

"The California Supreme Court's choice not to address the merits of our case, like the U.S. Supreme Court's choice to avoid the merits, leaves grave doubts about the future of the initiative process in our state," Andy Pugno, an attorney for Protect Marriage, said in a statement. "Now, voters will be less confident than ever that their votes will mean something. When politicians disregard the law, and the courts refuse to get involved, what are we left with?"








As a pro-gay support, its a step further in the right direction. 

#239255 California state court gives final approval to gay marriage, dismisses Prop 8 ap

Posted by Gaymer on 14 August 2013 - 05:25 PM

Wonderful, but there's still a long way before it's recognized all over the US. I don't like the fact that you have to go to a different state (or country) to marry, and then you go back home and find out your marriage certificate isn't worth rainbow. It's a mess. :/ Oh well, still good news regardless.

#238697 Petition to bring Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain to the Wii U!

Posted by Gaymer on 11 August 2013 - 10:39 PM

why dont you get the other systems, like ps3 or xbox360 or the new systems like ps4 or xbox one i mean really they all have some of the games for metal gear so why not just get one of them

This. Plus, not every multiplatform game is coming out on to the Wii U, so we should get used to it by now.

#238299 Wonderful 101 is the reason to own a Wii U

Posted by 3Dude on 10 August 2013 - 01:20 PM

The analog stick is a better alternative indeed but it is still bad in my opinion. I just don't like these kind of games and I don't see how this should be wrong in any way.

Worked just fine in okami. You just seem adverse to learning new things, because in order to get good at something new, you first have to be bad at it. But you REALLY dont like thinking or figuring things out. You want everything done for you.

If you DID actually try to learn things on your own, you would have mitigated your dislike for having to draw so much by equipping the unite force gem, and simply held down the a button to max size your unite weapon, instead of drawing people in.

Not liking a style of game is COMPLETELY different than pretending you are awesome at this style of game and thus state you can tell its 'shallow' and 'poorly done' when you dont have the first clue how to play.

i was interested in the game because everyone was going on about how great this game was going to be, i have just had a go at the demo & after playing it through once i got a silver trophy, in the game i got a platinum medal, a few gold, a couple of silver & one or two bronze.
i had no idea what i was supposed to be doing, or how i was supposed to use the pad, i drew shapes with my finger & randomly pressed the pad buttons, & i completed the missions, it looks nice & colourful, the graphics are pretty good, but everything is small on the screen anyway that there is no details that truly stand out, even on my 1080p 50 inch plasma, even with my 5.1 amp there is no real surround sound action.
it just appears to be a button bashing-fest, i got Lollipop Chainsaw for my X360 & that was just the same.

That would be either a silver or bronze medal.

Which would be B.ad or C.rappy in the viewtiful joe rankings that started the rank structure. And thats with lucking out with platinums on 2 puzzle missions you almost cant get less on. The game knows you button mashed. Congratulations, you made it through a demo by button mashing and got a horrible score.

Unless you learn how to play, you wont make it past the tutorial level of a platinum/clover action game. This ISNT a grasshopper/suda game.

#238641 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by Gaymer on 11 August 2013 - 06:33 PM

#238636 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by Gaymer on 11 August 2013 - 06:25 PM

#238404 New York City is eyeing a ban on electronic cigarettes

Posted by Ixchel on 10 August 2013 - 08:57 PM

They should definitely not be "banned" except maybe the use in public areas where other cigs are banned. They're not really a nuisance to breathe because it's mostly water vapor so it has little to no scent, but I understand the simplicity on universal banning, and the concern that even the less deadly vapor still may be harmful to 2nd hand smokers. My dad is currently in the process of using ecigs to quit smoking now that he's quit drinking. He's coughing a lot less because it's mainly just water, flavor, and nicotine. Because of the lack of smell and harmful substances, I can be in the same room now while he gets his nicotine fix without potentially having an asthma attack. While it may still not be healthy to inhale nicotine, steam, and the "other chemicals" daily, you gotta admit it's a lot better than the alternative...

#236086 Show off your anime crossovers and fan made anime videos!

Posted by Chaos on 05 August 2013 - 01:43 PM

Just a thread where you can post fan made videos of anime and anime crossovers that you made. (I came up with the idea to do this stuff at 4 in the morning, do not judge me)


Attack on Levi is my first video. And it's one that needed to happen.



Blood Lad X Watashi ga Motenai No Wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera Ga Warui 

The World God Only Knows X Hyperdimension Neptunia The Animation


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