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Member Since 11 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 26 2014 06:05 PM

#178654 Dungeons and Dragons urge

Posted by DragonChi on 03 March 2013 - 11:34 AM

sigh....dude. It's a permanent learning disability ok. I can't help it....please dont make light of it. It has made my life very difficult and will continue to do so.

#178635 Dungeons and Dragons urge

Posted by DragonChi on 03 March 2013 - 09:48 AM

I really wish I could get into D&D. But I had to stop playing it. Mostly because I have such terrible short term memory that I can never remember what I am supposed to roll for whatever the case may be, and that just annoys people and slows the game down. I highly doubt anyone out there is patient enough to play with someone like that. I dont want to be "that guy" that burdens a group.

#176350 Reasons why this forum is imploding

Posted by DragonChi on 25 February 2013 - 07:07 PM

I get the feeling I'm not the best judge of character for this situation, but as advice for forums members, when members involved in incidents are ignoring the issue, please don't draw attention to it either. Often in chat, when members try to draw away from issues to talk about something else, it's always brought back up, even against the the request of the involved.

This goes back to what was said of how we should just notify the mods promptly and ignore the trolls. The end.

I cannot stress what Noona and Goomba have said enough. Every time I go in there, it is ANYTHING but games being spoken about. I don't even know what is being discussed 90% of the time cause it just gets crazy and obscure and at times inappropriate, or its a bloody soap opera. Guys, this is a Nintendo forum and chat community...what is so hard about talking about games. Honestly. There is more than enough to talk about. Why does it always turn to trash. I haven't been here as long as most of you have. But when I first got here, chat was fun, productive and on topic. Granted, it was right after the Wii U release, but still. I want to be motivated to keep coming here. It is getting harder to do that by the day. We deserve better than this and the power to change it is on all of us. Can we pull together please? for all our benefits?

#175643 Gaming in general seems to have run out of creative ideas

Posted by DragonChi on 24 February 2013 - 04:10 PM

I dont think the problem is that there are no more creative ideas. There are just fewer and fewer companies willing to take risks. Which is why we are living in a time of sequels. As games are getting more expensive to make, It's harder to take chances. Also have a look at all the dev companies that had to shut their doors for trying to be creative and their games not selling. Its horrible to be honest. I hate seeing creativity die. It's a dagger to an artists heart. I think though that with SteamBox and Ouya that might change the equation. With Indie games and the Greenlight program from Valve.

#175565 Gamecube Virtual Console Suggestions

Posted by DragonChi on 24 February 2013 - 02:45 PM

I'm aware of that. But it's what I'd like to see on the VC.

Not to mention that there IS a GameCube version. For those who dont want to use the wii-mote. Plus...with it being on the Wii U it may get a bit of a face lift.

#172179 What mistakes should Nintendo learn from the Wii U?

Posted by DragonChi on 16 February 2013 - 07:15 PM

This may be easier said than done, but they should really try to not have such a huge gap between a console release and first party AAA titles from them. Allowing their sales to dwindle. Added to the fact that they are NOT doing even CLOSE to enough advertising. Not smart. Yes, its launch titles were decent, but it really needs to time their game releases better. If there was a 3D Mario, Star Fox, Metroid, Mario Kart...whatever..in its launch window. It would be a lot better. The side-scrolling Marios' are nice, but they are not new or fresh enough to push nearly as many units as a 3D Mario would.

We probably wont see any of these major titles till later this year or sometime next year.  That is a long time to wait.

That and of course the name of the system and their lack of explaining to the general public about the Gamepad NOT being a Wii peripheral. That is a major problem.

#171853 Best Cat Video EVAR!

Posted by DragonChi on 15 February 2013 - 03:59 PM

I JUST finished watching this, I nearly died laughing. This video is fricken amazing. It made my day.



#171836 Nintendo already discussing new Consoles

Posted by DragonChi on 15 February 2013 - 02:34 PM


Nintendo as per usual, does not miss a beat. They are already discussing and planning their future endeavors into their future platforms. Most of what they talk about is the idea of making their portable and home console systems fully integradable with each other. While this is not surprising for them to do, I think this was partly brought on by their current merging project with their hardware teams in a new building some time ago.

I think we will start seeing some VERY interesting things from them in the future. Perhaps a system that is both the portable AND the home console in one? I wouldn't put it past them. Anyway, this is definitely worth discussing. Have at it.

#171712 Wind Waker HD Screenshots

Posted by DragonChi on 15 February 2013 - 01:28 AM

for Wind Waker HD, I am actually most excited to see the water physics. Given that this game is ....practically BASED on the ocean, I expect to see a dramatic change that is welcomed. If they make sailing ALL the more eye catching, with better splash mechanics and waves...man...I will want to do nothing else but sail around for hours.

#171594 Who was your valentine?

Posted by DragonChi on 14 February 2013 - 05:22 PM

My hand...

with tears as lubricant...

#170364 Me doing Lets Plays. Any thoughts?

Posted by DragonChi on 11 February 2013 - 04:01 PM

Just finished watching your first episode, here are my thoughts:

From someone who watches a TON of let's plays. It's become a new favorite pass-time of mine in the last few years as they have become more and more prominent. I can tell you a few things. Firstly, for your first vid, its actually not that bad. The amount of talking and silence was reasonably balanced, it felt very natural hearing your thoughts and reactions to whatever was going on and at no point did anything feel annoying or unnecessary. So for a first time, you did very well.

Now, here is where you can improve. I think you could talk a little louder. It was hard to hear you sometimes. Try and come out loud and clear but without shouting obviously. Secondly, it makes it more enjoyable for the audience if you can provide any kind of background to the game. keep the watchers informed and educated on parts of the games your playing. It makes the let's play more interesting and it will make people want to keep watching to learn more.  I can give you a couple other let's player names that do an especially good job at commentary to give you a good idea of what that sounds like.

Lastly, some additional pointers. From what I have heard from let's players or any internet podcast celebrity, be it anyone from That Guy With The Glasses or PewDiePie (All of whom I too are a fan of) The best advice they give, is to just..be yourself. Don't force anything. Come up with your own style. Invent a few staple ideas that makes you unique and memorable. Perfect example..PewDiePie's hatred for Barrels and calling inanimate objects human names and personalities. Find your own niche. The fanbase will come naturally, but it will take a long time to get noticed. Your main focus should just be, play the games to have fun as you would normally, and people who like your style will find you. At that point, the word of your existence will start to spread a little. Keep doing it regardless of how many viewers you get. That will change in time. When you get followers, they will see you are dedicated and consistent.

Another good idea, for starting off, is to play games that are WIDELY popular that will attract people. Adventure/RPG's or Horror games seem to be the best choices. You may also want to think about shuffling between 2 or 3 let's plays of different genres. This will allow more people to keep interest. It also keeps things fresh. More things for viewers to look forward to. General things like that.

Anyway, That's all the advice I can give. Hope it's helpful.

As for the let's players that give REALLY good commentary, go have a look at ShadyParadox and Dilandau3000. They do the Myst Series games. They are amazing to listen to. If you are playing a game for the first time and don't know a whole lot about the backstory, do some research on it. It will be appreciated.

#166569 Mario Galaxy 3

Posted by DragonChi on 03 February 2013 - 04:44 PM

Not surprisingly, I too would prefer a 3D Mario that is not in space. Mario Galaxy 1 was a nicely done game. I enjoyed it. Never played the second one, it didn't appeal to me as it looked all the same apart from Yoshi being in it. I want Mario back on the ground. I want a Mario 64-Esque experience again. It's due.

#166434 Microsoft and Sony's fate

Posted by DragonChi on 03 February 2013 - 02:07 PM

I am going to be completely honest here. Which is purely MY opinion to which you are welcome to disagree if you feel so inclined. If M$ screws up enough that their Xbox market fails, for...any number of potential reasons. I will not shed ONE tear. I firmly believe they ONLY came into the market to earn a quick buck and really don't know what they are doing in terms of the gaming industry. We are talking about a company that made it's way producing Operating Systems. That's it. They really had no place in the gaming console market to begin with.

This only comes out more given the shoddy hardware that doesn't work (Kinect), very VERY few exclusives, making you pay up the ass whenever and wherever possible, in a system that really..all it is, is a watered down PC. That gives out about half the power for the same cost as a decent budget computer. In addition to all that, they release their consoles KNOWING there are serious problems with them, BUT ships them off anyway cause..well..they have $'s in their eyes. Plain an Simple. Once they have your money, they really don't care.

Now, True, Sony DOES have a bad habit of copying its competition. However, They have provided AMAZING titles (including exclusives) and services. Ever since PS1. All things considered. They are a great company that does try there best and cares about its fans. I sincerely hope their new system is successful. I really do. I never want to lose Sony. I realize that competition is a good thing. Keeps all businesses on their toes and motivates everyone to do better than the other. M$, time and time again, show that they really only care about money, not their customers. With all the other new console entries coming this year, like the Steambox, or OUYA (which is a valid competitor, whether you think so or not) There is plenty of healthy and promising competition to go around to not need M$ anymore. That is how I feel about it anyway.

If Xbox 720 succeeds and they turn a leaf and makes their fans happy, then all the power to them. I just very much doubt that it is their mindset or goal. I am welcome to be proven wrong though. That is entirely up to them. From what I hear though, If they don't want to include a disk drive, that seems like a very backward move that I would expect them to make.

One thing is for sure though, Nintendo in this generation, especially this year, is turning into the bright and shiny, heroic White Knight riding in to save the day. With flying colors no less. They have a very bright future, as always. This year will be very very interesting indeed. Who will fumble and who will flourish? Only time will tell.

#165923 Favorite Movie Quote

Posted by DragonChi on 02 February 2013 - 12:16 PM

#165531 PS4 announcement in 20 days?

Posted by DragonChi on 01 February 2013 - 02:32 PM

Giant Enemy Crab!!

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