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Member Since 13 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 12 2017 06:12 AM

#160456 Woman Dies After having Sex w/Dog, Owner Freed

Posted by UnholyVision on 17 January 2013 - 11:07 PM

To a super hybrid human-dog race!

Good luck with this impossible mission. I leave this up to you CUD. Be sure not to die to some allergy in the process. Would dislike to see another dog be destroyed because of it. (Where is the explosives to destroy the message. Maybe I should have left this up to Tom Cruise. He sure is crazy enough to try it and stupid enough to not know it is impossible). ;)
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#160074 Unban Ness/Nintendo Fanboy/Geno/Big Bird thread

Posted by Nollog on 16 January 2013 - 07:20 PM

Bans are supposed to be between the mods and the member only.
Plz don't start this crap just because you're bestest best friends.
PM the mods if you think he was banned unfairly. He admitted he was wrong so I don't think that's valid.

#158692 Wii U engine and game development cost

Posted by Gamejunkie on 12 January 2013 - 02:45 AM

here you go
seriously why in the world would i make these numbers up... i can tell you now for future ref i dont have that kinda time nor do i care enough to post some fake numbers.

I didn't say you did but if you're going to post such stats then you should post a link or links to where you got them from.
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#156522 like capu

Posted by Tricky Sonic on 05 January 2013 - 05:12 PM

You are all just jealous of my cuteness
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#152303 Secret Santa for Hari

Posted by Hari on 26 December 2012 - 04:56 PM

You made the right choice, thank you I really love it.
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#151915 Secret Santa Gift for CUD

Posted by Soul on 25 December 2012 - 05:10 PM

Very weird indeed. It's a song, a song made by me in FL Studio 10. Sampled from a show CUD probably likes, Chuunibyou.

#151868 Westboro Baptist Church VS. Anonymous

Posted by Nollog on 25 December 2012 - 02:31 PM

Yeah, those elementary schoolers are cold blooded, and totally deserve a bunch of trashy hicks to wave signs at their funerals.

The one who killed them do.
I find it disturbing how Americans put paid killers up on a pedestal. - Military.

#149080 And this is why I returned the Wii U...

Posted by UnholyVision on 17 December 2012 - 10:58 PM

I can understand most of your points. But comparing it to the 360 is like apples to oranges, The 360 has had years to develop and is a completely different type of console.

Time to perfect & develop in what exactly? The original Xbox had Live, a chat-room (given it was like the PS3 in terms of being on the XMB), in-game chat, DLC (Though the store was sort of inside the game like Halo 2 did it), matchmaking, private gaming rooms, and a few other little things. Once the 360 came out you had all those features & some given tweaks. Considering Nintendo has been doing online multi-player through a Wi-Fi connection via Nintendo DS & a wired Ethernet adapter for the GameCube (Not all games, but some) you would think Nintendo could have changed some of these features at least in this area. Nope still the crappy internet ordeal.

If you're really into the whole avatar thing. Well Xbox 360 just did a one time thing adding it in the latest system. As far as Mii's go they have had plenty of time to change. Given you have them on the Wii, DSI/XL, 3DS/XL, and now Wii U. Many more chances through the lifespans of each device to do some tweaking in some areas to add more customizations at the bare minimum.

Controllers wise they really have not changed or refined anything. They are using the same button layout as the SNES controller (Not including the joysticks of course the two joysticks press in) other than the extra three buttons such as power, Controller, and the Home button. Which are not used in a game anyway. The days of their whole C-Pad and such are long gone so it appears. Instead they throw in motion controls to replace them and now a touch screen (home console wise).

Not saying the Wii U games or anything is horrible or the Wii U in general is complete garbage. Though if Nintendo wished to improve in said areas they have had plenty of leg room to work in. Heck, even if they could have even pulled in some new faces to help in the designing of the OS and/or other related software that can run inside said OS. Even could have got an outside source to come in and help. (Considering Nintendo has the money to do just that). Yet Nintendo lives in this world of old farts and/or ignorant people that do not really like much change. Instead it is add one feature and do little to no updates to wait for the next edition to hardware release another real small change in software.
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#149057 And this is why I returned the Wii U...

Posted by Hale on 17 December 2012 - 09:05 PM

This isn't a rant nor anything along those lines, I just wish to express my experience with the console and hear other's opinions.

I enjoyed my wii u for the first few days, I will not deny it.  The gamepad was pretty cool, and the system seemed to work nicely. However, this enjoyment slowly faded day by day, and this is why:

1) Gamepad: Maybe it was just me, but I found it to be more of a hassle to use more than anything else. For instance, when playing COD, I literally never used it to view the entire map.  It's just too difficult in gameplay to look down at a screen. The only benefit of this was playing in bed, which I did enjoy.

2) Bland interface: Granted this can get updated over time, it just seemed really boring, even for a new release.  I was expecting more customizing with your mii's, something more along the lines of 360, to really give a personal feel to the console and enhance the community.

3) ***Too many controllers: This was probably the overriding factor for my return. I couldn't stand the fact that different games use different controllers. If any of you are like me, I strongly disliked the wii mote and anything that had to do with the old wii system.  What I wanted out of it was mainly to use a more gamer controller, i.e. the newly released pro controller, and was super excited Nintendo was making one. The issue I kept running into, however, was that certain games required this controller, certain games required this attachment, blah blah.  This made me incredibly frustrated. I found it completely unacceptable that their new pro controller was not fully supported by all the new wii u games when it could have been.  I feared a future where this issue would repeatedly come about, forcing me to always switch controllers and never really get used to one.  

Even in a world where it was only the gamepad and wii u pro controller, I still would find it frustrating. Your hands don't adjust when jumping from the gamepad to the pro quick enough. For instance, playing cod on the gamepad I eventually got used to, but once I made the switch, it would take me a good game or two to get the feel for the smaller layout.

So, at the end of the day, I returned the wii u and picked up a 360. It gives me comfort that everyone can only use one type of controller, and it will work with everything out there. Not to mention, there's a huge mic issue with the wii u, where its only on the gamepad, which isn't an issue with the 360.

#149008 Story Time.......

Posted by Nollog on 17 December 2012 - 05:23 PM

What does it matter if they're deaf?
They're still annoying regardless.
Why would person 2 apologize just because person 1 is disabled?
That's just disgusting and discriminatory.

btw, this thread seems a little passive aggressive.

Here's a story.
This one time, this one guy on an internet message board posted an image of a girl putting a nose in her mouth.
He was permanently banned from that internet message board because the points he accrued hit a threshold.
Meanwhile, members discuss bodily functions such as periods, excretion, and urination, as well as graphic images of sexual content without incident.
We love you CUD.

#147953 Atheism.

Posted by PedanticGamer on 14 December 2012 - 06:07 AM

That sounds like an awfully depressing life my friend... one with no hope.. or purpose..or meaning... and at the end of that purposeless life you just die and nothing else happens... we are all just a pile of $#!T that the universe decided to crap out one day only to be destroyed... And to believe all that without it even being proven...

Does it? It doesn't sound depressing or purposeless to me. In fact it makes me appreciate what we have even more then I otherwise would. Conversely if you are going to heaven or hell then what is the point of doing anything but making sure you go to heaven? Seems like a fairly empty life to me. This also suggest you only have faith as it makes you fell better about yourself.

If you are going to believe something that hasnt been "scientifically" proven... why not choose the one with hope and purpose and has a happy ending...

Because there is actual evidence for it, something religion has none of. Furthermore this suggests because something doesn't have all the answers you should just

In the grand scheme of things... if you are right then it doesnt really matter.... but if i am right then your're screwed... from your perspective wouldnt it be better to be safe rather than sorry?

There are how many hundreds of gods? and you by the sheerest of accidents believe in the one you do as a result of where you where borne ow where surrounded by (most likely). Yet you are saying others are screwed? Irony is apparently lost on you. Furthermore this whole notion of having faith "as it better being safe then sorry" is beyond silly (and fear mongering). It also brings up the point that it suggest you only have faith as it gives you solace, that is once again dependent on you having faith and how does one have faith? Well they are either indoctrinated or ignore all evidence in an attempt to make themselves fell better about themselves.

Here is a basic problem no religious person has been able to answer. Explain why you are of that religion without using the world belief or similar to justify yourself. If you can't do that you must accept the only reason you believe is because someone told you so, and why would they know anymore then you about this supposed god. Furthermore give me one good reasons why I should take your belief in something any more seriously then something that has an equal lack of evidence (such as the spaghetti monster), once again don't answer "you should take my belief more seriously as I believe" as that is not a real answer (rather it is an acknowledgment that you don't know why you have faith).

How so?

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I genuinely am not sure, have you read Genesis? In fact how many so people who are religious here have actually read and studied what they say they believe in?

It's the same concept, whether it be false hope or fear these are not good reasons to believe in a god/be delusional to the extent of believing in that which has no evidence.

Tell me, why do you believe in god other than fear of death/hell and the hope of heaven? If I told you of a more powerful deity that offered an even better heaven and no chance of hell as well as making all your dreams come true, would you believe me? I assume you wouldn't but why not, considering you believe in your current god without evidence why would this one that I claim to be superior be less believable?

Don't expect an answer as no one can justify there faith on anything but "it's my faith". Precisely why I have asked the same question many times before. It is actually amusing watching such questions either ignored, or better yet answered with another question of no relevance in a vein attempt to justify not having an answer to the question.

I never said this was my reasoning for believing in God.....?

The only reason anyone believes in a god of any religion is because they where told it was true and blindly accepted it. Hence why they have faith.
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#146906 Theism

Posted by Hunter on 12 December 2012 - 02:57 AM


I personally, follow the teachings of John Lennon.

#143089 Slow loads not really

Posted by bornsupercharged on 04 December 2012 - 05:18 AM

Brumfc4life - glad you're content with load times that were acceptable 2 decades ago. But most of us are not, we have phones/tablets/computers that load menus instantly, why shouldn't we expect the same from a gaming console? There's no excuse for the slow load times.

#142502 Hello

Posted by Lethal on 03 December 2012 - 06:16 AM

Welcome Lethal! It's your old pal CUD from the Vita forums. ;)

I thought that had to be you that replied to my review lol.
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#141268 Please help me choose a game

Posted by Blake on 30 November 2012 - 09:31 PM

Assassin's Creed 3, so you can Guard Skill: Hand Sonic those red coats.
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