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#317329 Thoughts on Linkle

Posted by Waller on 24 November 2015 - 05:39 PM

As far as being the protag of a mainline Zelda game? No. Link has always been a male. No matter what people say, Link is a character, and he's male. There's a reason he always looks similar (green tunic, yellow droopy hair), and he's always called Link in non-Zelda games. MK8, Smash... Always referred to as Link. Changing that for no reason other than to appease SJWs is not a good idea. If they come up with a good story (or even better, gameplay) reason to have a female Link, then by all means, do it.


Linkle being the protagonist of a mainline Zelda =/= Linkle being Link.


Either way, Link as a character is not defined by his gender, so I don't know what your problem is here. It's not the same situation as in, say, Mario suddenly turning into a woman, because Mario in every game is the same entity while most Zelda games have a different Link.

#317182 What games would make the NX launch successful?

Posted by Raiden on 08 November 2015 - 05:43 PM

Soul Calibur 6

Sonic Adventure 3

Virtua Fighter 6

House of the Dead 5

NFL 2k17

Power Stone 3

Skies of Arcadia 2

Sega Rally Championships

Super Mario Next




Burnout Reboot

Metroid Prime 4


There the greatest launch since Dreamcast.

#317177 What games would make the NX launch successful?

Posted by NintendoReport on 08 November 2015 - 04:44 PM





Imagine a Zelda, Metroid, 3D Mario

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#317136 Xenoblade Chronicles X - Costume changes for Western Release + Discussion

Posted by Mewbot on 01 November 2015 - 02:20 PM

US culture is not very open abut sex but very closed off and uppity so a bikini would still cause uproar. This is the same country that tried to sue Nintendo over a 3rd party shovelware game with a baby gibberish sounding like Islam to one stupid mom. Our laws are not as restrictive as Aussie ones on games but the parents make Aussie game laws look loose. It's easier and frankly better they did this to avoid a controversy like that.


#317135 Xenoblade Chronicles X - Costume changes for Western Release + Discussion

Posted by Raiden on 31 October 2015 - 05:04 PM

I'm not sure that those laws would necessarily apply since she's not naked or in a sex scene even, it would definitely be more acceptable for this in Japan than the West but is it still the consent laws that apply to fiction such as this? I'm not so sure about that.


I do think the much easier solution would be to change the age of the character to something like 18 for Western audiences.

US culture is not very open abut sex but very closed off and uppity so a bikini would still cause uproar. This is the same country that tried to sue Nintendo over a 3rd party shovelware game with a baby gibberish sounding like Islam to one stupid mom. Our laws are not as restrictive as Aussie ones on games but the parents make Aussie game laws look loose. It's easier and frankly better they did this to avoid a controversy like that.

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#317082 Fatal Frame Has Zelda and Samus Costumes

Posted by iEatTacos on 20 October 2015 - 01:25 PM

And the Lingerie costumes were removed.

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#316924 Starfox pushed to 2016

Posted by Big Boss on 17 September 2015 - 09:43 PM


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#317036 Sonic Lost World coming to Steam!

Posted by Raiden on 16 October 2015 - 02:20 PM

Lol. Well I've always been a Sonic fan. I haven't played the Sonic Boom games yet and I probably wont anytime soon but overall I enjoy the Sonic franchise, it's a shame it gets so much hate but I suppose it's deserved with games like Sonic '06 and Sonic Boom.

Pretty much the same for me. Lost World is pretty good. 06,unleashed,Boom I stayed away from. My fave Sonic even tho not the best is Sonic 1 on Game Gear. Mainly as it was my first way back when. Still love Sonic Adventure even for how much it's aged and how flawed it is.

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#316970 Post your gaming setup!

Posted by Raiden on 01 October 2015 - 07:33 AM

325753-apple-macbook-air-13-inch-mid-201I'm so sorry


#316329 Best game ever?

Posted by storabajskorven on 29 July 2015 - 11:48 AM

Super Metroid

#316063 Iwata passes away

Posted by Sage on 13 July 2015 - 04:06 PM


#315396 pepe

Posted by Big Boss on 25 June 2015 - 09:04 PM

Take a look at this. That right there is the mail. Now, let’s talk about the mail. Can we talk about the mail, please, Mac? I’ve been dying to talk about the mail with you all day, okay. Pepe Silvia- this name keeps coming up over and over again. Everyday, Pepe’s mail keeps getting sent back to me. Pepe Silvia- Pepe Silvia. I look in the mail, this whole box is PEPE SILVIA! So I say to my…self, I’ve gotta find this guy. I’ve gotta go up to his office. I’ve gotta put the mail in his goddamn hands otherwise he’s never gonna get it. It’s gonna keep coming back down here. So, I go up to Pepe’s office and what do I find out Mac? What do I find out? There is no Pepe Silvia! The man does not exist, okay. So, I decide, ohh rainbow buddy, I’ve got to dig a little deeper. There’s no PEPE SILVIA! You’ve got to be kidding me, I’ve got boxes full of Pepe! Alright, so I start marching my way down to Carol in H.R. and I knock on her door and I say “CAROLL CARRROLLLLLL! I’ve gotta talk to you about Pepe!” And when I open the door, what do I find? There’s not a single goddamn desk in that office. There is no Carol in H.R. Mac, half the employees in this building have been made up. This office is a goddamn ghost town.


#315135 Guerilla Games new IP Horizon

Posted by Leland on 21 June 2015 - 02:31 PM

This  kind of insensitive ignorance.

Not in the least. This has nothing to do with native Americans and claiming that it does....that's ignorant.

Few native developers around and sounds they are not happy with it. In fact some I get 1st hand word that Guerilla been approached about it at E3 with some really upset people. I won't say one of the name I know. Thing is the main character they showed was specifically doing Native tribe stuff. the reasoning is hilarious,they said they didn't want race to be a thing that people thought about.White people exist because of melanin deficiency.If you're making a game 100s of years in the future, in the sun drenched plains of north America they aren't going to have light skin.Deep red hair is called the manic gene,it's like "This game has to be realistic" "Thats why they're all white" "And we have robot dinosaurs"

You won't name a name because it's bullsh!t, that's why.

They're not depicting native Americans; it's a futuristic society that's regressed to wearing animal skins in a manner similar to native Americans. It's fantasy, not a commentary on Native American culture.
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#314992 Post Here Every Time You Get Something!

Posted by SPG on 18 June 2015 - 09:55 PM

I got a few things recently


Because the picture is massive
I got a new mouse, new fans for my pc (i only wanted the green leds, I didnt need them) 2 new desks, a chair (as you can see, I like green) and 4 amiibos...Ignore the mm 3ds, thats just there because I pulled it out of my pocket when I sat down

#314820 Metroid Prime: Federation Force Almost Came To The Wii U

Posted by Hunter on 17 June 2015 - 11:26 AM

the picture makes the game look like a game which is totally aimed at kids 


this should be an original eshop title or something, not metroid

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