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#192934 PS4 launch=Wii U price cut?

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 11 April 2013 - 01:55 AM

holiday 2013 could mean Easter,Arbor Day,Grandparents day etc 


Actually, when you say "Holidays 2013" it refers to Christmas and the holidays surrounding that period.

It runs from November to Januari.

Easter and Arbor Day are holidays but they don't happen during the holidays.

#192472 Why are people still ripping on the Wii U even after the X demo?

Posted by 3Dude on 10 April 2013 - 04:06 AM

People, you need to understand why you cant compare games that take place in tiny itty bitty areas with a pretty back drop to an open world where everything in the distance is actually there and can be traveled too.

The fact that you consistantly try to compare an alpha build of X to corridor shooters and arena layouts, all of which are a fraction of the size of xenoblade on wii, instead of OPEN WORLD 360/ps3 games speaks volumes.

You cant find any open world ps360 games that can match the alpha build of x.

#191778 Why are people still ripping on the Wii U even after the X demo?

Posted by DANT3 on 08 April 2013 - 05:22 PM

Why are these assholes like pachter still calling the Wii U weak didn't that trailer for monolith soft's new game prove that the Wii U can match PS4 graphics?

They call it weak because it is weak. Having a game that can push the boundaries of a console isn't new, and having games like this won't make it any stronger; it'll just prove that it can be done.

#188589 Wii U's RAM is slower than PS3/Xbox 360.

Posted by 3Dude on 31 March 2013 - 11:21 AM

Need for speed impossible port made me dig through the aandtech numbers again. Found the mistake. Should have payed better attention the first time around.

They confused x16 wide as the bus width.

Its not.

Thats the device configuration data width, not data bus width.

What this means is that inside each ram chip are 16 256mb (megabit not megabyte) cells totaling 512 MB for the entire chip.

Ddr3 is standardized as a 64bit bus

So, single chip of 512mb @800MHz would give us the 12.8 figure.

However, thee are 4 512MB ram chips on the WII U. Assuming only two of them are used for games thats...

64+64=128 bit

128 bit bus=25.6 GB/s

A main memory bandwidth number that would make the performance of need for speed wii u actually possible.

#187640 Director's Cuts/Game of the Year editions can save the Wii U?

Posted by routerbad on 29 March 2013 - 08:40 AM

I don't want developers to get into the habit of porting to Wii U as an afterthought games that have already had a long shelf life.  Either release it side by side with other platforms or don't at all for the most part.


I do, however, welcome developers who want to get their experience and "chops" on the Wii U as a platform by recreating and improving games they have already released.  This also allows them to test the Wii U install base to see what kind of games are going to sell well to the Wii U crowd and what won't.  Because it is a port and most of the heavy lifting has been done to create those games and the engines they run on, it's a low risk way of putting an initial offering on the platform.  At the same time, though, they can't expect mega sales on year old titles either.

#187615 Director's Cuts/Game of the Year editions can save the Wii U?

Posted by nothinglost on 29 March 2013 - 07:44 AM

I would love as many Director's Cut/GOTY Edition ports as possible!!


Personally, as a gamer who has never owned a 360 or a PS3 I will welcome all Ports with welcome arms simply because I have never even had the opportunity to play any of them.


I'm sure I'm not alone in this category....


Went straight from Gamecube/PS2 to Wii and then on to Wii U.

#186110 Lego City Undercover ?

Posted by nothinglost on 25 March 2013 - 09:21 AM

Like nothinglost said but for kids. I think it's an okay game, but if you haven't played a LEGO game or you're not into them it's not a good pick-up.


Yup, it's definitely a "kid friendly" version of GTA but that being said, it isn't just for Kids. It's simply a game for all ages.


I'm 31 and our daughter is 4 and we both love it for totally different reasons.


The other night we had friends over and we all played together (4 year old and 4 30+ year olds) and we all had a blast.

#179943 Producer believes LEGO City is Wii U’s best game, will sell consoles?

Posted by TheSparrow87 on 06 March 2013 - 01:28 PM

I think this game has a lot of potential but as everything with Nintendo needs to be advertised better.

I was quite skeptical at first but the more I see the more im intruiged. Looking at some footage the world maps looks pretty big and its just full of platforming/free running stuff.


I see this game being a slow system seller, it won't have a massive impact straight away. It'll need some time to build up people's interest.

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