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Member Since 30 May 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 24 2013 05:46 AM

#225579 EA is watching Wii U

Posted by BanjoKazooie on 23 June 2013 - 03:03 PM

They still hate the U... They are just trying to be politically correct about it now, instead of just saying "Wii U is trash' the say "We are watching U"

#223962 Ubisoft: Rayman went multiplatform as they didn’t think it would sell on Wii U

Posted by Dharmanator on 19 June 2013 - 06:01 AM

R.I.P Xbox One

See? I can say something off topic too. This has nothing to do with Wii U dying, or Ubisoft taking support away. They simply made the game available for platforms that have more gamers. Did you see Rayman Legands on PS4 or Xbox One?

So again, R.I.P PS4.

See what I did there?

The difference is the Wii U is dead in the water and the PS4 is primed to Dominate this next generation.

#223178 "The amount of stress I feel, it's almost to the brink of death,"...

Posted by ameritt on 17 June 2013 - 06:50 PM



I don't know if this is on here yet, (I apologize if it is), but Polygon interviewed Sakurai, and adding / removing characters is driving him insane, because he doesn't want to make anyone unhappy by removing characters people love, but he wants to add new ones. I thought it was pretty interesting. He also talks about the balance of the game, mechanics of certain characters, and so on.


An interesting read!

#221468 What music are you listening to at the moment?

Posted by Xiombarg on 13 June 2013 - 08:56 PM

#223393 Gamestop's pre-order scheme (don't fall for it!)

Posted by Hank Hill on 18 June 2013 - 09:00 AM

Or you could just, like. do your research before blindly preordering things.


Just a thought.

#215584 Elvis's Injustice: Gods Among Us Review

Posted by elvisbeck on 04 June 2013 - 10:57 AM

The positive: I like the story line of the game. I think it's good enough to become a DC Comics multi issue mini series, either by itself or as a part of the Justice League series (since DC is famous for introducing alternate universes such as Earth-1). Also, the moves are pretty simple to use. There isn't as much blood and gore as there was in the Mortal Kombat games and Batman Arkham series. Also, I liked that they brought back a Teen Titan to join them (Raven), which makes at least 3 former Titans to join the JL.

The negative: I said there isn't as much blood and gore in the game, but it is still there, especially if you're playing as the Joker or Aquaman. Also, the beginning of the story is something I did NOT like at all! Plus, they've been making the Joker a whole lot scarier since Heath Ledger played him in The Dark Knight. Now that's scary!

#216010 Nintendo said my ID was inappropriate so I had to delete it

Posted by SolxBurst on 05 June 2013 - 09:00 AM

Send them an email, usually customer service can work with you on this and solve the problem.

#211434 A Kirby Retrospective

Posted by umegames on 26 May 2013 - 10:59 AM

#210566 Amazon UK: Wii U Sales Rank Jumps 875% Following Microsoft's Xbox One Reveal

Posted by Zinix on 23 May 2013 - 03:20 PM



The Xbox One’s disappointing reveal has shot up sales of the Wii U on Amazon.com. The system was at #390 before the conference, but now has shot up to #40 due to Microsoft’s glorified TV box.

This momentum should carry Nintendo right into the summer as they have big plans for the Wii U at E3 and this fall. The console race has just begun but it’s good to see gamers are picking up a system that’s dedicated to gaming first, and multimedia second.





#213018 Wii U for young kids?

Posted by Soul on 29 May 2013 - 06:21 PM

Friend don't insult. Your real friends would not disrespect you over a silly argument.  :D

Are you kidding?

#214136 To Everyone Asking for Nintendo's E3 Demos To Be on eShop

Posted by AdmiralClassy on 01 June 2013 - 02:56 AM

Well really all I want is the demos to come to shops in england.

#214079 To Everyone Asking for Nintendo's E3 Demos To Be on eShop

Posted by Big Boss on 31 May 2013 - 08:21 PM

Also, why advertise your system and games to a bunch of people who already bought it?

#213204 Anime Discussion

Posted by Auzzie Wingman on 30 May 2013 - 04:18 AM



Sorry, had to link because image extensions




More HA!


#213778 Origin of your username

Posted by Gimbal on 31 May 2013 - 08:58 AM

People ask me "Symbol? Why would you name yourself that?" This is my story:


I used to read this manga Seikon No Qwasar(Don't read it, don't watch it, don't google it don't bing it.) and they used these elemental attacks...except their elements were the elements from the periodic table of elements. Anyway the main Big Bad's element was gold and he had killed the main characters sister...I actually never saw the guy since I stoppped reading like at chapter 25 or something...I don't know that was years ago...


Anyway by coincidence I started thinking what would make a good username for the internet right around the same time as I was reading that manga. So I thought "Maybe I should use chemical elements in my username"...or something like that. Also coincidentally I had been on a Disney Movie watching spree and I loved the genie from Aladdin so I named myself GenieGold on the MMO Ether Saga Online. Then I thought to myself since I was coincidentally on a "I don't want to be like anyone else I must be unique and different from everyone" phase I decided that GenieGold was too boring. I wanted to have a name that no one else had ever used before on any other website. So I named myself AzureGenie, because I had just learned the word Azure from reading .Hack(I forget which one) and I thought that it was a unique word that not a lot of people had heard of...which it wasn't...anyway it turned out that someone on youtube already had that username.(And youtube was like my ultimate test because of I figured if it's so popular then of course if no one has the username on that website then no one has the username anywhere else either.)


Now actually I already had an account on that website that wasn't named AzureGenie so I had never actually tested my super spcial awesome ultra creative username on that website and I forgot my username so when I went to log in to youtube I thought that my username on that website was AzureGenie but everytime I put in my password it said it was wrong. I later searched for the guy's account and I found out that he had been on the website for three years and since I knew I hadn't joined anytime before then I was like...Darn it that name is already taken! So I went back to the drawing board and changed remembered my idea about the elements that I had sort of scrapped a long time ago because I didn't want to name myself after the bad guy from that manga.


Now coincidentally I had been visiting this website called SuperCheats.com but I had gotten fed up with them because they wouldn't fix the rules and they had robbed me of my rightful mod position and I decided I would not be anywhere near that website on the days and weeks close to my birthday so I left for a few months. Anyway I had decided to come back to the website on exactly April 1st so that I could call "April Fools" anytime someone didn't like something I said. Anyway some time between a little before I left that website and a little before I came back I came up with the name Symbol de Au.



I figured no one had used that name before since it used more than one language and coincidentally I had been taking Spanish class so I knew "de" meant "of" because we used the word a lot. The username was perfect and the best part of it was that the website allowed spaces so I didn't have to sully my perfect username with underscores or X's or numbers which immediately meant "uncreative username" in my eyes.




Anyway I named myself Symbol de Au and so far the name has never been taken on any other website and if one day it is taken by someone else I'll assume they copied because they found the name to be epic. Anyway, I eventually started shortening it to Symbol because one word usernames are even classier than no number usernames and that's usually what people call me instead of typing out the whole username. Actually my username for this website is still Symbol de Au even though my screen name is just Symbol.

#175706 Reasons why this forum is imploding

Posted by Auzzie Wingman on 24 February 2013 - 06:05 PM

Hi, I'm Auzzie Wingman. I've been here on the Wii U Forums for a long time.

I'm not one of the most respected, I'm not one of the elite, I'm in no way saying I have a level of superiority above anyone. I am human and prone to error. I tend to care for every individual on this site, and for the site itself. So how about a little story time before I absolutely tear everything to pieces.

When I first joined, this site was quite literally a halcyon of the internet. Now, for those who don't know, a halcyon is period of utter serene peace, or something to that effect. The arguments were naught, the place wasn't spammed. "On the Wii U Forums? NO WAY!" Well yes, it is true. Such a thing existed here.... until Victorious V and nl had the first ever biache fight in the chat room. Mind you, such biaching was really tame to half the stuff that happens now.

And now, for the reasons that brought you here. My perspective on why things are DYING.

* Staff - It's a bit hard not to start with the staff. Of the six staff that can actually do something, only 3 of them are actually active. Mournblade is working his ass off for the most part, and Andy and Joshua tend to be on when he isn't. At least for the most part there is moderators around the clock. The problem is that there aren't active admins. I managed to send Feld0 and email today, and that's why he appeared today. AMAC and Crackkat have just disappeared off the face of the forums altogether.

We need a more dedicated administrator in the event that Feld0 can't acquire AMAC's services anymore. The same goes for the fourth moderator position if he can't get Crackkat.

* Threads - Yeah, threads. There are a number of problems going on with threads. First off, spam threads. We don't have a section for spam threads, so don't make them. And you wonder why people are calling this site crap. Didn't happen back in the day when quality existed, why did it ever happen. Then you've got Zinix's threads. I'm all for news, but there's also this thing called taste, and Zinix, I can tell you are purposely posting news that no one truly wants to hear. Anything that sounds immoral or destructive, you feel you need to post NO YOU DON'T STOP IT. Repeat threads. I think everyone needs to get over them. It's proven that search can be iffy and even more people don't know it exists. Merge whenever it gets found and never speak of it again, stop complaining about doubles. Do what Hunter did yesterday.

On another note, there really hasn't been enough meaningful topics out there. If you have an idea on how you can get a fulfilling discussion going, then post it. I'm more than ready to talk, practically everyone who uses the C3 is ready to discuss, heck, the people migrating from 3DSF lately more than likely have something constructive to say from where I'm sitting. I mean just look at 3Dude. 3DSF migrant who's been making great to hear news threads about the Wii U.

* Posts - First off, be constructive. Positive or negative, try to post things that actually make sense. No spam, no complete hatewagons. It's silly and degrading to everything, so don't troll. Also, cut the fanboyism. Saturn, this one is mostly to you. No need to be "Blame microsoft" or however it is that you do it. This might've been before you joined, but there is actually a strict "No bashing" policy on this forum. This also goes to several other members who have been invading the Hardware section and complaining "it's about the games, eff specs talk".

* Members - This is the big one. It involves all of you, no exceptions, not even Feld0, not even Epic Kirby, not even Hari nor Noonabites. EVERYONE. This is a public zone. You can hide behind your monitors but it's no different from being in school or a convention talking on stage. You can be yourself, but there are expectations of you from everyone else. If you feel that you aren't meeting those expectations, then perhaps you should show restraint. By expectations, people expect you to be polite. If you're gonna be aggressive then give a good reason to be aggressive. Don't troll others opinions and understand they aren't you, they might get it and they might not. If you feel offended, then let people know, they can't be expected to know if you don't say something. Stop working around behind each other's backs godamnit.

* Be part of the community - Say hi to people in introduction threads, jump into chat when you can, go into threads you don't usually go to, have fun in the forum games and roleplay section, put up a status update, change your profile every once in a while, discuss, post, be bothered. Simple.

Okay whatever. You've pissed me off. This is what you get.

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