It should have been called Wii Smash U.
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Posted by Xerocks
on 13 June 2013 - 12:38 PM
Posted by Xerocks
on 11 June 2013 - 08:30 AM
As I stated in my introduction thread, I have not owned a Nintendo console since the 64 days. I have been a staunch Sony and Microsoft supporter since then. However, I am really excited about these games. X looks amazing, the new Super Smash has my attention and Mario Kart 8 is a day one buy. I thought the Direct was great and informative. It also showed me that they are listening to their fan base (i.e. the drawing game which seems to be a neat idea). I don't think these look anything like 64 games at all.
Posted by Xerocks
on 08 June 2013 - 07:29 PM
EA: "What's that? People are reacting negatively toward Microsoft and Sony? Go make an announcement that we like Wii U again!"
Posted by Xerocks
on 07 June 2013 - 06:13 AM
I love it that a "feature" they are touting is that your family members can now enjoy full access to your game library. Wowee! It's like they're trying to erase the entire history of home console gaming. You know... the type of gaming where you've been able to do this forever.
Posted by Xerocks
on 07 June 2013 - 05:17 AM
If you didn't notice, this is what they consider to be "fixing" the problems that consumers had. "Oh, you were mad at all the used game restrictions? Okay, sure, you can give your games away. But only to LIVE friends you've had for 30+ days and you can only give that game to someone once before it becomes a coaster. See? We're on your side!"
Posted by Xerocks
on 07 June 2013 - 04:25 AM
This article and the linked FAQ in it cover many aspects of the One, including used games, rentals, borrowing/trading, Kinect, online requirements, etc.
My thoughts are... I am so glad I bought a Wii U.
Posted by Xerocks
on 05 June 2013 - 10:33 AM
It's not even a bad name. I'm sick of all this political correctness and "think about the kids" bs. They will learn about these things in school anyway and if they are old enough to be using social networking (and arguably the Internet in general) unsupervised then they are old enough to know about sex.
Not so sure I agree with everything you said here.
Posted by Xerocks
on 05 June 2013 - 09:39 AM
By this same logic, Microsoft's exclusives (Halo, Gears of War, Blue Dragon) should be on every platform and Sony's (God of War, Resistance) should also be on every platform. Why buy any particular piece of hardware over another if all the games are the same?
Posted by Xerocks
on 04 June 2013 - 07:06 AM
Posted by Xerocks
on 04 June 2013 - 07:01 AM
Sadly, has been down for a while. But she's still one of my all-time favorite women of the world. :-)
Posted by Xerocks
on 03 June 2013 - 09:44 AM
Ok... how come PS4 & Xbox one next Gen then ?
Oh, don't get me wrong, I still consider the Wii U part of the so-called 'next gen.' I just don't agree that it is ahead of its time. I guess I could say the same about the PS4 and One. There is always better technology out there and the console makers work with they have and what fits their development budgets. Some aspects of each console might be ahead of their time. For instance, the Wii's motion controls could be said to be in this category. Or The original Xbox's LIVE setup. I'm sure someone could think of other examples that will be agreed/disagreed upon.
Posted by Xerocks
on 02 June 2013 - 12:31 PM
Hello fellow Wii U people,
I haven't actually owned a piece of Nintendo hardware since the N64. When I was in elementary school, the N64 came out and amazed me. I still own it, my NES and my Game Boy Color and enjoy them to this day. However, when Nintendo announced the GameCube, it did not do much to excite me, so I went with PS2. After that, Sony and Nintendo failed to grasp my attention and I went with the 360.
This time around, I've been following the console announcements closely and I have to say that this hardware generation is disappointing. All the download-only hardware like the GameStick and OUYA are interesting, but not really for me. I watched Sony's announcement of the PS4 and it sounded like they had no idea what they were doing. Then I watched Microsoft's One announcement. I know MS still has yet to clear up the numerous rumors about the One, but thus far it appears to be the most consumer-abusive product in the gaming world. Kinect spying on me, used game fees, ambiguous connectivity requirements for online, more LIVE subscriptions, TV, TV, TV, TV, TV, TV, NFL, Sports, TV and a unit that looks like the Philips CD-I 220 model... meh... not for me. The used game issue is big for me, as I buy many games used (also a reason why I don't PC game much).
So I turned to Nintendo. They have physical and downloadable copies of games. I can do whatever I want with my used games. No subscription fees. No sensor spying on me. No constant online connection required. I avoided the Wii because it appeared very gimmicky with all the shovelware coming out in lieu of the motion controllers, but now that the Wii U is out, I see a console that plays games well and doesn't force me to bend over and take it. I bought the black 32 gig yesterday and I am very happy with it.
Other than gaming, I play soccer, play drums, work in IT at a big scary insurance firm and live a quiet existence with my wife.
Here's hoping for another killer Zelda game,