Hello, I am MrSazperilla and am new to the form. I am a avid Nintendo gamer. The Wii U is amazign so far! This is my one big idea I think Nintendo should impliment!
First Nintendo should get rid of the codes on the 3DS and use Nintendo Network ID's the same as how they do on the Wii U. Once both platforms are connected I think it would be great if say the hats you collected in Street Pass could now be worn by your Mii that you have for your Nintendo Network ID. I think it would give more incentive to show off which hat you got. As well as making people more Uniqe. Lastly Street Pass has accomplishments Nintendo should make this a standard feature for all Wii U and 3DS games they would serve as Nintendos answer to acheivments.
Thats all for now. Hope to hear your thoughts on my ideas!