Dang this makes me reaaaaalllly want to get this game now. I'm a big fan of arcade racers. Heck I can still remember the first time I played Need for Speed (must be ten years ago now) and loving it, and wanting it. Despite this, I've never owned one other than burnout on my laptop which, while nice, isn't quite the experience I'm looking for. Need for speed however, seems to have that. I'd heard the game was good and a definitive port, but hadn't really seen it in action until now. And it was bonerific

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (Review) | ZyroXZ2
Posted 06 November 2014 - 12:05 PM
Dang this makes me reaaaaalllly want to get this game now. I'm a big fan of arcade racers. Heck I can still remember the first time I played Need for Speed (must be ten years ago now) and loving it, and wanting it. Despite this, I've never owned one other than burnout on my laptop which, while nice, isn't quite the experience I'm looking for. Need for speed however, seems to have that. I'd heard the game was good and a definitive port, but hadn't really seen it in action until now. And it was bonerific
Well, I just reviewed 'Forza Horizon 2', and if you really are a big fan of arcade racers, that one is worth an entire system purchase (at least to me!).
And I only get boners off the sound of the cars xD
***AUTO-MERGED: New Episode 10/23/14: Cosplay Interview with Nicole!***
***AUTO-MERGED: New Episode 10/30/14: Bayonetta 2 Review!***
Bayonetta 2 had been something of a controversial Wii U exclusive, with responses escalating to death threats against Platinum Games. Well, fast forward to now, and the game is out in the wild on the one and only Wii U.
Edited by ZyroXZ2, 06 November 2014 - 12:06 PM.
- NintendoReport and KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums like this
Posted 07 November 2014 - 09:06 AM
Well, I just reviewed 'Forza Horizon 2', and if you really are a big fan of arcade racers, that one is worth an entire system purchase (at least to me!).
And I only get boners off the sound of the cars xD
***AUTO-MERGED: New Episode 10/23/14: Cosplay Interview with Nicole!***
My love of doing interviews comes from the perspectives it offers. However, unlike previous ones...This girl is every Nintendo fan's dreamgirl. No. Joke. Keep your pants on, please.[See OP]Enjoy!
***AUTO-MERGED: New Episode 10/30/14: Bayonetta 2 Review!***
Bayonetta 2 had been something of a controversial Wii U exclusive, with responses escalating to death threats against Platinum Games. Well, fast forward to now, and the game is out in the wild on the one and only Wii U.
So should fans of the series shut up and put up with buying a Wii U just for Bayonetta 2? Let's find out!Oh, and Happy Halloween! :]
***AUTO-MERGED: New Episode 11/6/14: Graphics, Graphics, Graphics!***I've been avoiding the graphics talk, but no matter where I go or what I do, somehow, graphics come up. So, I figured, time to tackle it myself. Sort of... Actually, it's more about tackling how much YOU care about it!I use Need For Speed: Most Wanted on the Wii U, and Forza Horizon 2 on the Xbox One to provide a little perspective. Do ya care? Well DO ya?!Enjoy!
Enjoyed the video!
- ZyroXZ2 likes this
PA Magician | Busiest PA Magician | Magician Reviewed | Certified Magic Professionals

Posted 20 November 2014 - 12:12 PM
***AUTO-MERGED: New Episode 11/20/14: Sonic Boom Review!***
Edited by ZyroXZ2, 20 November 2014 - 12:12 PM.
- NintendoReport likes this
Posted 20 November 2014 - 12:26 PM
Episode 45:
"When encountering speed run courses, my butthole puckered"
Thats enough to earn a like and a sub from me.
Posted 22 November 2014 - 08:24 AM
Wow that ping review. Wish I had seen it before I went and wasted my money on the 9.8/10 trash smash bros is.
Also technically the second lap usually is slower than the first I think, cause people get tired. Unless it's a relay... lol
- ZyroXZ2 likes this
Posted 24 November 2014 - 05:31 PM
Wow that ping review. Wish I had seen it before I went and wasted my money on the 9.8/10 trash smash bros is.
Also technically the second lap usually is slower than the first I think, cause people get tired. Unless it's a relay... lol
I was referencing cars, since the second lap starts with a full speed pass of the finish line, lol... Even a rolling start on first laps aren't at full speed!
Though, in foot races, the second lap is generally faster, too, since the first lap was started at a dead stop Though when I ran track, I did sprints, not cross-country running... But those guys always had consistent, steady lap times, with the second one still being faster than the first, lol
- KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums likes this
Posted 24 November 2014 - 05:45 PM
I was referencing cars, since the second lap starts with a full speed pass of the finish line, lol... Even a rolling start on first laps aren't at full speed!
Though, in foot races, the second lap is generally faster, too, since the first lap was started at a dead stop
Though when I ran track, I did sprints, not cross-country running... But those guys always had consistent, steady lap times, with the second one still being faster than the first, lol
Well, i stand corrected.
- ZyroXZ2 likes this
Posted 27 December 2014 - 12:00 AM

***AUTO-MERGED: New Episode 12/25/14: Bayonetta Review!* MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!***
Since there were forum issues, I couldn't update this properly on Thurs, I apologize if the Christmas thing is really out of place now! Haha
Edited by ZyroXZ2, 27 December 2014 - 12:01 AM.
- Chaotix, NintendoReport and KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums like this
Posted 12 February 2015 - 12:05 PM
***AUTO-MERGED: New Episode 2/5/15: Cosplay Interview with Megan!***
I've returned with another cosplay interview, but this time we talk a little about Nintendo and why they seem relatively unpopular with cosplayers. We also talk a bit about why we mostly see female cosplayers, and their ability to "crossplay" or "gender bend" while male cosplayers cannot!
Edited by ZyroXZ2, 12 February 2015 - 12:05 PM.
- NintendoReport and KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums like this
Posted 13 August 2015 - 04:37 PM
***AUTO-MERGED: 8/13/15: Donkey Kong Country 2 Review!***
Edited by ZyroXZ2, 13 August 2015 - 04:37 PM.
- Kardibask and NintendoReport like this
Posted 13 August 2015 - 07:13 PM
I'm not really into this whole remake/port situation, but then again, the Wii U admittedly isn't exactly bursting at the seams with games to play! So I took the dive and gave this PS2 port a shot! Does it stand the test of time?***AUTO-MERGED: 8/13/15: Donkey Kong Country 2 Review!***
Rare Replay is awesome, there's no doubt about it. But it doesn't have ALL of Rare's best gems, and it CAN'T. Microsoft may have bought Rare, but without the rights to Donkey Kong, there's a series that ranks up there with Rare's best work. This one!
Great content as of late. You are working hard! Also, glad to hear about your ads.
- ZyroXZ2 likes this
PA Magician | Busiest PA Magician | Magician Reviewed | Certified Magic Professionals

Posted 01 March 2016 - 11:53 AM
I admit it, I automatically gravitated towards Laura. I... I think I might have a problem... ._.
***AUTO-MERGED: 3/1/15***

Edited by ZyroXZ2, 01 March 2016 - 11:53 AM.
- Chaotix and NintendoReport like this
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