Wii U Wishlist
Posted 30 October 2011 - 01:36 PM
Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON
Posted 30 October 2011 - 02:51 PM
Just wish we could get more details. Probably when the year is up.

Posted 31 October 2011 - 08:21 PM
I know Sega said PC only, but come on... Please Nintendo talk to Sega! It would be a damn shame to not have PSO2 if GC had PSO. Its like a step backwards if you guys do not get PSO2 on the Wii-U.
Posted 06 November 2011 - 10:28 AM
- West Indian Manatees
- Bottlenose Dolphins
- Beluga Whales
- Harbor Seals
- Walruses
- White Rhinoceroses
- Indian Rhinoceroses
- Malayan Tapirs
- Brazilian Tapirs
- Baird's Tapirs
- Grant's Zebras
- Hartmann's Mountain Zebras
- Przewalski's Horses
- Donkeys
- Warthogs
- Red River Hogs
- Wild Boars
- Visayan Warty Pigs
- Pigs
- Mouflons
- Markhors
- Nubian Ibexes
- European Bison
- Bantengs
- Anoas
- Water Buffaloes
- Cows
- White-Tailed Deer
- Fallow Deer
- Wapiti
- Sika Deer
- Eld's Deer
- Reeve's Muntjacs
- Caracals
- Servals
- Bobcats
- Red Foxes
- Gray Foxes
- Coyotes
- Red Wolves
- Maned Wolves
- African Wild Dogs
- Dingos
- Dholes
- Spotted Hyenas
- Striped Hyenas
- Spider Monkeys
- Rhesus Monkeys
- Proboscis Monkeys
- Squirrel Monkeys
- Colobus Monkeys
- Patas Monkeys
- Red-Tailed Guenons
- Hamadyras Baboons
- Olive Baboons
- Drills
- Red Ruffed Lemurs
- Golden Lion Tamarins
- Cotton Top Tamarins
- Bonobos
- Sumatran Orangutans
- Siamangs
- Thompson's Gazelles
- Impalas
- Giant Elands
- Blue Wildebeests
- Greater Kudus
- Sable Antelopes
- Nilgais
- Blackbucks
- Pronghorns
- Dromedary Camels
- Guanacos
- Musk Oxen
- Sichuan Takins
- Chinese Gorals
- Yaks
- American Black Bears
- Sloth Bears
- Spectacled Bears
- Sun Bears
- European Brown Bears
- Bengal Tigers
- Sumatran Tigers
- Striped Skunks
- Wolverines
- Binturongs
- White-Nosed Coatis
- Fossa
- Oriental Small-Clawed Otters
- Sea Otters
- North American River Otters
- Giant River Otters
- African Crested Porcupines
- North American Porcupines
- North American Beavers
- Capybaras
- Maras
- Rabbits
- Guinea Pigs
- Aardvarks
- Rock Hyraxes
- Yellow-Footed Rock Wallabies
- Bennett's Wallabies
- Matschie's Tree Kangaroos
- Common Wombats
- Short-Nosed Echidnas
- Malayan Flying Foxes
- Straw-Colored Fruit Bats
- Vampire Bats
- Mallards
- White Ducks
- Geese
- Mute Swans
- Greater Rheas
- Great Horned Owls
- Milky Eagle Owls
- Eurasian Eagle Owls
- Brown Pelicans
- Red-Tailed Hawks
- Golden Eagles
- Harpy Eagles
- African White-Backed Vultures
- Lappet-Faced Vultures
- King Vultures
- Turkey Vultures
- Black Vultures
- Secretary Birds
- South African Penguins
- Gentoo Penguins
- Adelie Penguins
- Chinstrap Penguins
- Roseate Spoonbills
- African Spoonbills
- Lesser Flamingoes
- African Greater Flamingoes
- Scarlet Ibises
- Sacred Ibises
- Hamerkops
- Rainbow Lorikeets
- Budgerigars
- Victoria Crowned Pigeons
- Atlantic Puffins
- Common Murres
- European White Storks
- Marabous
- Saddle-Billed Storks
- Painted Storks
- Ospreys
- Southern Ground Hornbills
- Great Indian Hornbills
- Wreathed Hornbills
- Inca Terns
- Barn Owls
- Barred Owls
- Peregrine Falcons
- Kori Bustards
- Golden Pheasants
- Turkeys
- Chickens
- Red-Legged Seriemas
- Javan Peafowls
- Whooping Cranes
- Stanley Cranes
- Sandhill Cranes
- Wattled Cranes
- Demoiselle Cranes
- Mandarin Ducks
- Black Swans
- Brown Kiwis
Reptiles & Amphibians
- Chinese Alligators
- White Alligators
- Black Caimans
- Spectacled Caimans
- Dwarf Caimans
- Nile Crocodiles
- West African Dwarf Crocodiles
- Tomistomas
- Green Sea Turtles
- Loggerhead Sea Turtles
- Alligator Snapping Turtles
- Giant Snake-Necked Turtles
- Florida Softshell Turtles
- Matamatas
- Arrau Turtles
- Red-Footed Tortoises
- Yellow-Footed Tortoises
- African Spurred Tortoises
- Aldabra Giant Tortoises
- Rhinoceros Iguanas
- Grand Cayman Blue Iguanas
- Red Tegus
- Northern Caiman Lizards
- Jackson's Chameleons
- Veiled Chameleons
- Blue-Tongued Skinks
- Tokay Geckos
- Bearded Dragons
- Crocodile Monitors
- Water Monitors
- Gila Monsters
- Giant Horned Lizards
- Black-Throated Monitors
- Reticulated Pythons
- Burmese Pythons
- African Rock Pythons
- Green Tree Pythons
- Anacondas
- Emerald Tree Boas
- Red-Tailed Boa Constrictors
- Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnakes
- King Cobras
- Gaboon Vipers
- Green Mambas
- American Bullfrogs
- African Bullfrogs
- Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
- Marine Toads
- Chinese Giant Salamanders
- Japanese Giant Salamanders
Fishes and Sea Creatures:
- Sand Tiger Sharks
- Blacktip Reef Sharks
- Sandbar Sharks
- Nurse Sharks
- Leopard Sharks
- Bonnethead Sharks
- Zebra Sharks
- Great Hammerhead Sharks
- Whale Sharks
- Bowmouth Guitarfish
- Smalltooth Sawfish
- Manta Rays
- Southern Stingrays
- Spotted Eagle Rays
- Cownose Rays
- Occelated Stingrays
- Red-Bellied Piranhas
- Goliath Tigerfish
- Tambaquis
- Silver Arowanas
- Red-Tailed Catfish
- Giant Arapaimas
- Blue Catfish
- Tiger Shovelnose Catfish
- Alligator Gars
- Paroon Sharks
- Asian Arowanas
- Tarpons
- Electric Eels
- Green Moray Eels
- Great Barracudas
- Lionfish
- Porcupine Fish
- Spotted Wobbegong
- Wolffish
- Humphead Wrasses
- Goliath Groupers
- Weedy Sea Dragons
- Leafy Sea Dragons
- Lined Seahorses
- Giant Pacific Octopuses
- Japanese Giant Spider Crabs
- Caribbean Hermit Crabs
- Coconut Crabs
- Caribbean Spiny Lobsters
- American Lobsters
- Giant Isopods
- Horseshoe Crabs
- American Mastodons
- Woolly Rhinoceroses
- Cave Lions
- Cave Bears
- Giant Ground Sloths
- Glyptodons
- Diprotodons
- Koala Lemurs
- Aurochs
- Elephant Birds
- Steller's Sea Cows
- Blue Bucks
- Great Auks
- Tarpans
- Martinique Musk Rats
- Passenger Pigeons
- Carolina Parakeets
- Caribbean Monk Seals
- Pyrenean Ibexes
- Baiji Dolphins
Edited by deanmo19, 08 November 2011 - 05:41 PM.
Posted 06 November 2011 - 11:18 AM
Maybe something like "Zoo Resort Wii U" that can have at least 20 zones (instead of just 10) to build for your zoo. There would be at least 300 species of animals to add to, all living and extinct. In addition to 108 species of animals from the 3DS version, it would have the following:
West Indian Manatees
Bottlenose Dolphins
Short-Nosed Echidnas
Malayan Flying Foxes
Vampire Bats
Total: 79
Mute Swans
Green Peafowls
Whooping Cranes
Stanley Cranes
Sandhill Cranes
Brown Kiwis
Total: 40
Reptiles & Amphibians
Chinese Alligators
Black Caimans
Spectacled Caimans
Nile Crocodiles
American Lobsters
Giant Isopods
Total: 34
American Mastodons
Woolly Rhinoceroses
Cave Lions
Cave Bears
Giant Ground Sloths
Koala Lemurs
Elephant Birds
Steller's Sea Cows
Blue Bucks
Great Auks
Martinique Musk Rats
Passenger Pigeons
Carolina Parakeets
Pyrenean Ibexes
Total: 17
My body is ready.

Posted 06 November 2011 - 04:22 PM
It can get better...
Posted 06 November 2011 - 05:03 PM
It can get better...
Cool...was all that necessary though? lol

You must really like this kind of game! Can't say I've played it, or been much aware tbh!
My body is ready.

Posted 06 November 2011 - 08:11 PM
Posted 07 November 2011 - 12:01 AM
- Is generally non-violent
- Has graphics on par with the industry's cash-cow FPSs
- Contains both "natural" looking and "man made" environments
- Is open world
Posted 07 November 2011 - 01:01 AM
I want a game for the Wii U that:
- Is generally non-violent
- Has graphics on par with the industry's cash-cow FPSs
- Contains both "natural" looking and "man made" environments
- Is open world
Sounds very much like Bioshock (we aren't gonna get the new release are we?), or a Fallout release. Why do these seem unlikely?

A bigger and better idea may crop up...
My body is ready.

Posted 07 November 2011 - 01:10 AM
Posted 07 November 2011 - 01:22 AM
Fallout and Bioshock aren't violent? :3Sounds very much like Bioshock (we aren't gonna get the new release are we?), or a Fallout release. Why do these seem unlikely?
A bigger and better idea may crop up...
Posted 11 November 2011 - 09:23 AM

Posted 11 November 2011 - 10:03 PM
- Marc likes this
Current Games I'm Playing: Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, Okami HD, LittleBigPlanet
What I'm Geeking Out For This Month: The Amazing Spider-Man DVD Release, and of course, The WiiU
Posted 11 November 2011 - 10:13 PM
Sounds very much like Bioshock
... Wait what?
- Is generally non-violent
- BazzDropperz likes this
Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON
Posted 12 November 2011 - 01:03 AM
Lol, my reaction exactly.... Wait what?
Posted 12 November 2011 - 09:39 AM
If anyone is wondering, it's a First Person Shooter Real Time Strategy Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Barbecue Game

Edited by waller, 13 November 2011 - 12:31 PM.
Posted 12 November 2011 - 11:42 AM
... Wait what?
...no actually what? lolz...my BRAIN!Lol, my reaction exactly.
My body is ready.

Posted 20 November 2011 - 02:26 AM
Posted 28 November 2011 - 03:54 PM
by chance
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