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#161 Bill Cipher

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Posted 24 September 2011 - 06:09 PM

I'd like to ,just as a side note, say i am also against Nintendo making another Metroid game with a team like team ninja (Retro studios made the Prime trilogy but they know how to keep and improve on already established elements... like samus being an emotionless killing machine , which ninja didnt keep true to metroid at all.)

Sorry... anyway i'd like to see the usuals to keep nintendo where they need to be. But a new Fzero could easily be made for WiiU (and 3ds) , along with All those old nintendo series that could be updated and improved but only exist now as old games (Ice climbers, Mach Rider, Yoshi, etc...)as downloadables , A modern Starfox with online community/ customization/ lots of easter eggs like SNES starfox. Monster hunter also seems to fit very well with the WiiU and a physics based puzzler seems to also fit well on the console. A 3d Donkey kong adventure and although im not a fan MarioParty looks fitting too. Maybe a Pikmin with competitive game modes (seeing as pikmin at its most basic is a strategy game) and.... i dont know.....throw in a mariokart, Smashbros, side scrolling Yoshi , Mario RpG , Custom Robo, and downloadable Earthbound. And missle command

Sleepy, I hate to say this, but you are wrong about Samus/Metroid on 2 parts
1. The current head of metroid wrote the story of Other M, not Team Ninja. It's his fault that Team Ninja gets blame.
2. How did you get the idea that Samus was an emotionless killer? The only instances of character development for Samus in the timeline prior to Other M was Metroid 2, where instead of obeying her superiors, she keeps alive one of the most deadly creatures to ever exist. That's not an emotionless killer. That's someone who gave up on her job to play mommy. That can not be denied.

Games that refuse to use Gameplay effectively to do anything are like films that refuse to use cinematography in film to do anything.

NNID: Lord of Grape Juice /PSN: Nderbert/Steam: Harmonius EX



#162 SleepyGuyy



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Posted 25 September 2011 - 02:52 PM

Sleepy, I hate to say this, but you are wrong about Samus/Metroid on 2 parts
1. The current head of metroid wrote the story of Other M, not Team Ninja. It's his fault that Team Ninja gets blame.
2. How did you get the idea that Samus was an emotionless killer? The only instances of character development for Samus in the timeline prior to Other M was Metroid 2, where instead of obeying her superiors, she keeps alive one of the most deadly creatures to ever exist. That's not an emotionless killer. That's someone who gave up on her job to play mommy. That can not be denied.

You are 100% correct and i am an idiot
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#163 Conun



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Posted 30 September 2011 - 10:37 AM


-Open world/Action/Beat em up (part of story mode) and Racing

-Story Mode (Bounty hunting,Racing,Garage,Headquarters,Track areas etc.)

-Multiplayer (Racing Offline ,Racing Online , Track Editor , and Lobbies etc)

-Hyper zone mode for machines - odd request but some courses can have levitating mechanic and you use modified racer on those tracks and would be different from your standard machines and give another racing experience on top of current one

Pokemon TCG

-New Region

-World like the GC Pokemon games

-Special Designed Cards - Can even make card packs based from the in game cards

-New Mechanics- New Elements ,More Pokemon , Refining system ,allowing ways to turn the game around , Evolution stone cards , and Etc

-Special Cards - Flying pikachu , surfing pikachu and new ones they decide to make in that treatment of special

-Pokemon Battles - there are challenges where you use custom made teams of real Pokemon and beating challenge you can get good money and cards etc

-Online-Battling-Trading-Lobby with chatting etc

-Input Codes -get them in booster packs made in coloration with game but can be gotten elsewhere from others (Codes can be used multiple times and can be shared)

- Can use Wii U pad to handle cards with a touch

Ice Climbers

-Action,Adventure gaming (climbing included)

-Partner System (p1 is popo , p2 is nana , p3 is popo recolored , p4 is nana recolored) (Single Player mode you use both popo and nana and can even set partner with comp AI) (If I have 3 players I am aloud to put p2 and p3 on a team together and keep nana as partner from selecting)
(also p2 can have own team from p1)

-Equipment (Hammer,ice moves ,etc which is selectable using wii u pad and can even use team attacks)

Mother 4

-New main character that is different from other and given interesting pk moves and style (not using bat or anything close)

-Basically earthbound 64 we didn't get but not stopping at that

Pokemon Plus Stadium

-What people would want from it with mixing up gameplay from GC world but taken to new heights

-Pokemon main series with HD experience and Graphics (not serious about last part)

-Lets you choose from all the starters in the series (even pikachu and eevee) (one long table)

-2 Rivals (one that is a boy and one that a girl) (one tries to choose opposite element Pokemon and one selects at random)

-New Professor and appearance by Professor Oak and people from other games like Red etc

-Villains from the series (Team rocket , Minor B. etc)

-Can choose to join team rocket or similar group

-Skateboard(still can choose Bicycle would even be nice if they throw in Skates)


-Online/also Ability to have own gym and custom made badges and can set game to have friends allowed to go into it and even strangers if you allow
Can set Schedule for people to battle you if you accept challange and there is deadline you set (can be too far in time) if they fail to show up you get win or if you fail to show up
they can accept win and get badge or choose to wait for the challenge


-Replace Escape Rope with Warp item (doesn't get you far but to warp point outside place)

-Stadium - from main menu you have option of Stadium mode and there you have it and has no relation with main game and also has its own online system

Metriod Prime/Hunters

-Story mode- would be as Metriod Prime is on GC updated

-Multiplayer- experience would be similar to what DS/GC had and refine both of the elements to a fun level

-Online Experience

(Don't have much to say that I want out of Metriod)

(I have a lot more ideas but either don't feel like talking of , original ideas , not Nintendo , or I just don't have all day etc.)

(Also didn't mention  Mario , Zelda , or Kirby cause they been getting all the love by Nintendo)

#164 HaHa-No


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Posted 30 September 2011 - 12:34 PM

Animal Crossing, that'll look great in HD. A 3D Mario game would benefit from HD, Minecraft'd be nice, but won't happen. A HD port of Skyward Sword?

Exetra, exetra.


^Click it

^I agree with this guy

You know you want to! 'Tis leaked Nintendo information!

#165 zachalejandro


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Posted 02 October 2011 - 01:39 PM

@Epic Kirby You are my best friend. I agree about a Kirby game.
Super Smash Bros. is a given. Metroid, Super Mario Galaxy 4(there is a third being released on the 3DS), Metal Gear Solid.

How would there be a super mario galaxy 3 for 3ds? i haven't read any articles about a realease of super mario galaxy 3ds yet?

What I would like to see is super mario galaxy 3 for wii u instead of the 3ds because that would be too hard.

What other games i would like to see be in development for nintendo is Mario kart 8 for wii u.

What game I want to be on the 3DS or Wii U is a new Mario & Luigi RPG game. I have liked the 3 games. But what about if the shroob's came back? There were hints in the 3rd game Bowser's Inside Story.

Go to youtube and type in the search box: Mario & luigi RPG 4 (another hint from Bowser's Inside Story)

#166 Crackkat



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Posted 04 October 2011 - 12:26 PM

you guys have pretty much covered every awesome game we could want, but other than the obvious lot, i think a really good new tenchu game would be epic!!! i dont consider shadow assassins as epic because it really was a let down compared to tenchu wrath of heaven. a proper sequel to wrath of heaven would be amazing!! :D
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#167 Garolymar



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Posted 12 October 2011 - 10:27 PM

Well besides my obvious choices like Pikmin 3, and the expected Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Etc Etc.
I am really hoping that a game from the guys who made Muramasa: The Demon Blade comes out for the WiiU.
I don't really want to spend cash on another console just to get it so It'd be awesome if their next game came out on all consoles.
Also, Ubisoft should make another Redsteel. I thought the second one was a blast so maybe they can shoot out another one since the WiiU still uses the Wiimote and Nunchuck.

I'm also hoping a Paper Mario game comes to the WiiU and that the 3DS game isn't heralding in it's days of becoming a handheld only game. It would be nice if there were more RPGs on the WiiU in general because this gen (For the Wii anyways) was quite lackluster. I'd also like to see some new IP from Nintendo, With the Gamecube it was Pikmin, with the Wii it was Wii sports and Miis so I am quite excited to see what's next. Hopefully the new franchise will be a lot less like the Mii games, being mini game collections and that's about it and more like Pikmin. You know being an actual game...
Well that's about all I can think of at the moment...

Edited by Garolymar, 12 October 2011 - 10:53 PM.

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#168 Katana


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Posted 14 October 2011 - 06:21 PM

I want to see a proper Starfox game done in-house this time (Assault...!!!)
Retro to do a Metroid (this will happen)
Zelda we know is coming and man its the sexiest thing ever (apart from my GF)
Mario Kart...Mario Kart....with just Karts...!!! no bikes....!!!!
Mario I gather is in the pipline...pun-pun...ha ha....
Arkham City (love The Batman)
Luigis Mansion 3...???
And you know I'f they only do that I will be happy:)
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#169 Jonke



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Posted 16 October 2011 - 12:51 AM

A new Metroid game done by Retro studios. ( huge fan of Retro's work ^^ )

Then we have Zelda and Mario but we already know they are coming.

If there is any series i want to be ported over to WiiU that doesn't exit already, it's Yoshi's Island ;).

#170 StreetPassWanter


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Posted 19 October 2011 - 03:11 PM

I wonder if Ninty would ever release a Wii U Demo Pack, with all the demos from E3, as one, less-expensive game.
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@SSB4News <- Pure awesomeness is now on Twitter!

#171 Merchiodos



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Posted 23 October 2011 - 08:31 PM

I love how Nintendo has many sport games for the Mario series, but I would love to see them doing the same thing with the Zelda series. Zelda Kart, Zelda Tennis, Dancing Stage Zelda Mix etc. Don't they sound awesome
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If only Link was real <3

#172 .Hamish


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Posted 25 October 2011 - 02:04 PM

id like a pokemon game on the Wii U, either a stadium-type game (NOT battle revolution please!) or just a proper game, with the badges and the catching the pokemon and stuf. Ive been thinking of that since the 64 and im really hoping they make one now!

OOOO and pokemon snap 2 :)
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#173 Caius Casshern Sins

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Posted 25 October 2011 - 02:17 PM

A Superman game, developed by Rocksteady.
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Yeah, you've done a great job so far, letting the Metal Heads destroy the palace.

#174 SuperDarkecho



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Posted 27 October 2011 - 09:49 AM

I would like to see a NEW starfox and F zero with good online and this one probably won't happen but i would like to see Earthbound 2 (Mother 4)

#175 robby u

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Posted 28 October 2011 - 11:53 AM

I think guitar hero will be good for the wii U. Guitar hero 1. something like that

#176 Dang0



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Posted 28 October 2011 - 10:28 PM

I would love to see Diablo 3 or Starcraft 2 on Wii U using the touchscreen. It would show everyone that Nintendo was serious about getting the hardcore gamer.

I thinks its possible, cause Activision's already said its on board, Blizzard has said they want Diablo 3 on consoles, AND Blizzard actually made their first few games for the SNES.

#177 SleepyGuyy



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Posted 29 October 2011 - 05:56 PM

The WiiU's touch screen may make dev's try to make games (like Starcraft , Diablo, Minecraft, Trackmania , and WoW style games) on WiiU, giving WiiU a unique position as a console with games that used to be PC/Mac exclusive. Because a mouse is so accurate and can make tiny movments on a screen (for tiny inventory or command buttons or when level editing) , the only thing to come close is a touch screen. And because its a seperate screen (most of the time) icons can be enlargened. This could make games like Monster Hunter, or Trackmania more streamlined on consoles, both of which id like to see.

Im also ridiculously excited to see the "get together" aspect of (not confirmed yet) multiple screened controllers. Dont get me wrong i like online play , i hope they make it useful and reliable for WiiU. But i grew up on Medal of Honor (rising sun to be specific), MarioKartDD, Smashbros, Worms, Metal Arms, and Smash bros... twice. When i visited my friends oh sure we'd kick a soccerball around gor an hour or two but 4 plyr games were what brought on the greatest joys and conversations. To see so many new ways to do that on WiiU, and seeing how Nintendo might be ignoring them is killing me. if each player had thier own screen THINK OF THE SCREEN-PEEKLESSNESS, think of the customization, think of the HUD's and Openworld possibilities. But most of all (im adressing you directly now Nintendo) Think of the children ...... playing MarioKart. Sure there are lots of local multiplayer Nintendo games but they all fall under the same type, drop in and out (no customizing) and single non-split screen (no free roaming)

But at least they do see that "asymetrical gameplay", which is also interesting.... BUT IT SHOULD HAVE BOTH, IT SHOULD( and verywell could) HAVE EVERYTHING...... but ya hoping for lots of games
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#178 Merchiodos



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Posted 29 October 2011 - 09:57 PM

Cooking Mama for the Wii U will be good. Use the Touch Screen Controller to cut, mix, add etc just like the DS cooking mama also Customize mama, own character, and the kitchen using the touch screen controller.
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If only Link was real <3

#179 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 29 October 2011 - 10:35 PM

A Superman game, developed by Rocksteady.

I love Rocksteady, but I don't want them reviving a franchise that clearly died on the N64.

I don't doubt they could do a good job, heck the title would be brilliant, but...

Okay, I know next to peanuts about DC.

Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON



#180 Zuperman


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Posted 30 October 2011 - 02:33 AM

Let's hope we see more announcements for 1st party launch titles, so far I can't find an announced game that interests me.
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